The Moving picture world (January 1926-February 1926)

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February 6, 1926 Moving Picture World 569 Laugh Month's Practicability Tried and^Proved By FRED McCONNELL Short Subject Sales Manager EXHIBITORS have manifested great eagerness in getting behind National Laugh Month, in many cases running virtually all-comedy programs for the entire weelcr~ 'Judging bjr^. jjookings received at the Universal exchanges, this situation will remain in effect during the entire month of January. ^Virtually every exhibitor availing himself or.C^rl Laenjmle's Complete Service Plan is atJJe to preserit prograiAs comprised, for the most p^l^of ^.UnjVc'rsars 1-reel Bluebird Comedies, Z^reel Mustang Westerns (including the highly-amusing series staring Ben Corbett and Pee Wee Holmes) and the chapter-thrillers released under the Adventure Pictures brand, as well as the several attractive series of two-reel comedies produced by the Stern Brothers. To Make Public Realize Importance of "Shorts" The purpose of National Laugh Month was to have exhibitors make the press and theatre-goer's realize the importance of short products, especially comedies. By expending a little extra effort on his short features, th • theatre manager has shown both editor and patron that short features are continually hecoming more important. The result has been a recognition of this fact, evidenced by the newspapers in additional publicity, and by the public in increased attendance. The exhibitor signing Universal's Complete Service Contract today gets a wonderful lineup to select his program. This arrangement has provided a great boon to the small-town theatre manager, and permits him to show his patrons a short-feature program, mostly comedies, thus deriving the maximum benefit THERE ARE EOTS OE WAYS TO GET THE EAUGH. Here's another comhiuaiion — Edna Marian, Century Comedy and Universal. Ill the nation-wide advertising and exploitation accorded Laugh Month. .\ representative program, as employed by hundreds of exhibitors, includes a Bluebird 1-reel comedy, starring Arthur Lake, Charles I'nffy or Neely Edwards; a 2-reel Mustang "'"■'ern, starring Pete Morrison, Jack Mower, Fred Humes, Ben Corbett and Pee Wee Holmes; a 2-reel Stern Brothers Comedy, either a Buster Brown Production, or a Wanda Wiley, Edna Marian, Al Alt, or Eddie Gordon Comedy, and one of the many chapter-thrillers released under the Adventure Pictures brand. Laugh Month May Become An Annual Event This great variety of Universal short product enables the enterprising exhibitor to arrange a two-hour program without having recourse to full-length features. That programs of this sort meet the approval of the;itre-goers is evidenced by the enthusiastic reports pouring into Universal exchanges ironi delighted exhibitors, praising both our short product and the Complete Service Plan. Judging by the success enjoyed by exhibitors participating in Laugh Month, the project is almost certain to become an annual event. Although but one week of Laugh Month has elapsed, the results to date are most gratifying. In keeping writh its policy of backing up its sales with every possible exhibitor aid. Universal has instituted a careful checking system to determine how exhibitors fare with its product during Laugh Month. Compilations of these reports, telegraphed to the Universal Home Office, indicate a considerable increase in box-office receipts during a corresponding period for several years past. THREE TINY TOTS AID "NATIONAL LAUGH MONTH'' — "Fat" Karr, "Tiny" Ross and "Eatty" Alexander do their stuff for Nat G. Rothstein, Director of Advertising, Publicity and Exploitation for F. B. O. Two of the three little tads seem to enjoy their contribution to "Laff Month." The firm of "Karr, Ross and Alexander" is featured in Standard Fat Men's Comedies for F. B. 0. release. "Too Many Relatives'* The seventh of the "Married Life of Helen and Warren" comedy series, "Too Many Relatives," has gone into production at the Fox West Coast Studios. Kathryn Perry and Hallam Cooley again portray the leading roles, with Arthur Housman, Belva McKay, Jimmy Boudwin, "Pal" the wonder dog, and "Pussy-Purr-Mew," the "Helen and Warren" Persian cat, completing the cast. Albert Ray is directing.