The Moving picture world (January 1926-February 1926)

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VI NG PICTUR THREE ROUSING YAWNS EROM THE OWARDS AND UPWARDS CLUB!— Harold Lloyd as a scion of wealth in "For Heaven's Sake," his first for Paramount, moves in on the slums for ivelfare work. His Reception Committee, in the car above, shows that the philanthropic act is not the sleepless task it's cracked up to Oe. Exhibitor Help I — Quick Reference Chart HARRY MARION doesn't know it, but he is writing this editorial. He is our Man-OnThe-Road. The circulation chap who jumps from Milwaukee to Millville, talks to our EXHIBITOR readers and gets THEIR reaction to our efforts to give them SERVICE. "The exhibitor wants that Quick Reference Picture Chart. HE USES IT! He wants it to go as far back as space allows, and he wants it as ACCURATE and as full of INFORMATION as you can get it. "You want to show the EXHIBITOR that you are HELPING him in every way to run a good house? All right. Let him know that you work EVERY week to make that Quick Reference Picture Chart as accurate as human power can make it. "Let him know that you add INFORMATION that helps him. The type of picture each one is, for instance. Is it a comedy, a farce, a melodrama? The title doesn't tell. The press book is mislaid. You can help him dodge booking TWO pictures of the SAME type one right after the other if he knows the type of picture he's putting on. "Keep your footage accurate. Let him know the date of your review." So we did all this. And more. We guarantee the accuracy of information in our Quick Reference Picture Chart, paying one dollar for any major error reported. This in face of the fact that f ootages are changed after pictures are reviewed, at which time certain footages are reported. And changed later in some States to meet various local censorship requirements. Typographically, a department of this kind is the UGLY DUCKLING of the family. It is apt to be passed over by those who like the SPECTACULAR in print. But we print it, week in and week out because thousands of theatres DEPEND upon its being in Moving Picture World and, further, because they depend upon its ACCURACY. For the benefit of those who do not realize how varied are the ESSENTIALS of the COMPLETE trade paper, we are bringing one of our MANY service departments to the front of Moving Picture World each week. This week it is Quick Reference Picture Chart. The department Our Man-OnThe-Road and exhibitors tell us is one steady reason for their PREFERENCE of Moving Picture World. Look it over. You will find it this week beginning on Page 624. WILLIAM J. REILLY. I i DnaaaoMri