The Moving picture world (January 1926-February 1926)

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520 Moving Picture World COVARRUBIAS February 13, 1926 Internationally Famous Caricaturist Presents Distinguished Picture People HIRAM ABRAMS President, United Artists Corporation The man who welded the screen's greatest stars into one solid group, more than five years ago, is just as keen today in his task of building up a great United Artists Corporation. Starting with Mary Pickford, Charles Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks and D. W. Griffith, Mr. Abrams, through recent alignments, has lost Mr. Griffith, but has added Norma and Constance Talmadge, Rudolph Valentino and William S. Hart — and the end is not yet in sight ! Covarrubias has added a touch of the Egyptian to the eye and hair of Mr. Abrams. In five minutes he caught the strength the astuteness that lie behind the face of this master builder.