The Moving picture world (January 1926-February 1926)

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/. FRANK BROCKLISS, recently appointed London representative of First National Pictures, has done so much for the industry from pioneer days, he has earned a medal. He imll figure in the nezv day right now on top of film merchandising abroad. BEAUTIFUL MARY PHILBRIN is the antithesis of beauty in her role of "Unity," one of her characters in "Stella Maris," the Universal-Jewel special, in which she has won the praise of critics and fans. Mary has had a medal coming to her for a long time. Somebody Oughta Give ^Em a Medal So Here Goes! VERA REYNOLDS is wholly delightfid and discloses a splendid, medal-zvinning versatility as the jockey in "The Million Dollar Handicap," which Producers Distributing CorporatiSn is releasing. WITH "THE SEA BEAST" crashing through as one of the bic/i picture successes of 1926, and with "Don Juan," another John Barrymore feature coming along, Harry Warner wins a medal — and you can send along some more, for his hustling brothers! LON CHANEY as the crippled Bishop in "The Black Bird,'' a Tod BrowningM.-G.-C. picture, scored another hit at the New York Capitol, this zveek! In fact, Lon has been winning a medal with each succeeding picture.