The Moving picture world (January 1926-February 1926)

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uick RePerence Picture Chart Jiandi], Compact Information to Help IJou u/Lth Ijour Bookuigs, Showinq-. 7itLe,Stai^ dijpe of Story, Date ofj/touing J>Lcture World JkuieiD, and Tootac^e oa Current Jibns Exhibitors Who Want Accurate Information— We're Working for You All the Time ARROW Kind of Picture Review. Feet 192S 3.. 5,475 lU.. 6^ 17.. 6,300 17.. 6.500 24.. 5,878 31.. 5,994 Primrose Path (Clara Bow) Melodrama Oct. Tessie (May McAvoy) Comedy Oct. Wandering Fires (all-star) Drama (Dct. dildren of the Whirland (all-star) Crook melodrama Oct. Unnamed Woman (all-star) Society drama Oct. Substitute Wife (Novak) Domestic drama Oct. ASSOCIATED EXHIBITORS 1924 East of Broadway (O. Moore) Police drama m>Nov. 22.. SJtS Price of a Party (H. Ford) Modem drama ..Oct. 18.. 5,315 Barriers Burned Away ...Spectacle Dec. 27.. 6,236 Is Love Everything? Sex melo Nov. 15.. 6.000 BatlUoK Bunyao (Barry) Comedy-dr Dec. 27.. 4,718 1925 Greatest Love of All (Beban) Drama Jan. 17.. 6,486 Bad Company (Tearle) Society drama Jan. 24.. 5,551 Introduce Me (Douglas UacLcmn) .Comedy thrills Mar. 21.. 6.710 Sky Raider (Logan) Drama 6,638 Back to Life (Patsy Ruth Miller) Drama Feb. 2».. 5.628 Manhattan Madness (Dempsey-Taylor). ,. Action melodrama Atig. 1.. 5,580 Under the Rouge (Percy-T. Moore) Crook drama Aug. 1.. 6,055 His Buddy's Wife (Glenn Hunter) Sentiment drama Aug. 1.. 5,226 Headlines (Alice Joyce) ...Sacrifice drama Aug. 1. 5,600 Fifty-Fifty (Hampton-L. Barrymore) Drama Aug. 1.. 5,531 Keep Smiling (Monty Banks) CxMnedy Aug. 1.. 5,400 CamiUe of Barbary Coast (O. MooreBusch) Drama Aug 1.. 5,308 "Vever Weaken rHaroId Llovd) Reisnied comedy Aug 1 ' Ono Tha Skyrocket (Peggy H. Joyce) Drama Jan. 23.. 7,350 CHADWICK PICTURES CORP. Tomboy (Devore Rawlinson) Melodramatic com fan. Midnight Girl (Lila Lee) Drama Mai. Wliard of Oi (Larry Semon) Slapstick com. Apr. Man of Iron (L. Barrymore) Drama July American Pluck (G. Walsh) Action melodrama July The iSells (L. Barrymore) Drama Perfect Clown (Larry Semon) Typical comedy Blue Blood (G. Walsh) Action romance Paint and Powder (E. Hammerstein) Staee life drama Oct. Some Pun'kins (Cfaas. Ray) Rural comedy-drama Dec. Perfect Clown (Larry Semon) Feature cotnedy Jan. Prince of Broadway (G. Walsh) Prize ring draAa Jan. 1925 i a.. 25 4.. 11.. 17.. at.. 1926 6.CO0 u« 6.3fln 6.200 5,980 7.000 6.SBB 5,701 5,800 Midnight Express ^Hammerstein) COLUMBIA 1924 ....Railroad mela Dec. 6 . 5.967 1925 After Business Honrs (Hammerstein) Domestic melo July 4.. 5.600 Danger Signal R-R. melodrama 5,584 Unwritten Law Drama 5.535 Waldorf Steppin' Out Comedy Ladies of Leisure Drama S. O. S. (Penis of the Sea) imnnMHinimmiiiinwiimiiiiHiniiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ I Why We Pay Out Dollars j t I 1 XHIBITORS write us every week and tell our contact 1 I P J man on the road that they consult QUICK REFERENCE | I PICTURE CHART footage all the time. That's why we want | i it as accurate as human effort can make it. | p Footage comes first with review, and sometimes after this g 1 is published the picture is cut again and we are not notified by 1 1 the producer. g E Nevertheless when an exhibitor takes the time to give us § 1 the correct information we send him a dollar to pay him to a g g slight extent for the trouble he has taken — his interest is too i I highly valued to be covered by any money payment. | i Because of the interest rather than the dollar, exhibitors are 1 1 constantly watching for unavoidable errors — and telling us J when they see them — and we send the dollar wherever a major § error is shown — TO MAKE THIS CHART ACCURATE— i FOR YOU! I Kind of Picture Beview. Feet Lure of the North Enemy of Men • ...Drama S,5QB Price of Success SocietT drama 5,500 Scaled Lips Fate ol a Flirt > Thrill Hunter Penalty of Jazz Perfection Speed Mad 4,442 New Champion 4,470 Great Senration Fight to the Finish Handsome Brute EDUCATIONAL FILM CORP. Hello Goodbye (Conley) Mermaid cofnedy May Two Poor Fish Hurd cartooo ..May Earth's Other Half Hodge-Podge Tune Fun's Fun (Bowes) Cameo comedy June Oodhopper (Larry Semon) Comedy June Air Tight (Vemoii) CThristie comedy June (joing Great Mermaid comedy Tune Wake Up (Bowes) ...Clameo comedy June Baby Blues Juvenile comedy June Prop's Dash for Ctth Kurd cartoon June Call a Cop Christie comedy June Oh, Bridget (Walter Hiera) Hiers comedy June Mexican Melody Hodge-Podge June Never Fear (BowesVance) Comedy July Lewis-Mann Bout Magazine July f)obby Bumps & Co Hurd cartooB July Below Zero (Lige Cooler) Mermand comedy July Permit Me (Bowes) Comedy July Waiting (Hamilton) Hamilton comedy July Hot and Heavy (Eddie Nelsoa) Mermaid comedy July Travel Treasures Hodge Podge July Beware Comedy Aug. Look Out Comedy Aug. Tourist Tuxedo comedy Aug. Pictorial Proverbs Hodge Podge Aug. Be Careful (Adams) Christie oomedr Aug. Pleasure Bound (Cooley) J. White prat Aug. Watch Out (Vernon) Oiristie comedy Aug. Felix the Cat Trifles With Time .Sullivan cartooa 5^p. Soup to Nuts (Neal Bums) Comedy Sep. Props and The Spirits Pen and Ink Vaud !?ep. Ofl His Beat (Hiers) Comedy Sep. Wild Beasts of Borneo Animal special Sep. Busts into Business Sullivan cartoon Sep Fair Warning (St. John) Camedy .Sep The Movies (Lloyd HamDtoa) Comedy Sep. Felix the Cat Trips Thru Toyland Cartoon Oct. In Deep (Bowes) (Comedy Oct. A Misfit Sailor (Billy Dooley) Comedy Oct. Dog Daze (Oiff Bowes) Cameo comedy Oct. Felix Cat on the Farm Sullivan cartoon Oct. Who Which? Cameo comedy Oct. The Story Teller Hodpe Podge Oct. Maid in Morocco (Lnpino Lane) Comedy Oct. Scrambled Eggs Cameo comedy Oct. Spot Light (Lige Conley) J. White comedy Oct. Baby Be Good Juvenile comedy Oct. A Goofy Gob (Dooley) Comedy Oct. Slippery Feet (Vernon) .i Omedy Oct. Felix the Cat on the Job Sullivan cartoon Oct. Knicknacks of Knowledge Hodge-Podge Oct. Sweet and Pretty (CliflT Bowes) Cameo comedy Nov. Fire Away (St. John) Mermaid comedy Nov. Felix, the Cat in the CoM Rush Sullivan cartoon Nov. (leaning Up (Johnny Arthur) Comedy Nov. Hot Feet (Bowes) Comedy Nov. Hot Doggie (Hiers) Comedy Nov. On Edge (Conley) T. White prod Nov. Eats Are West (Felix-cat) Sullivan cartoon Nov. Slow Down (Bowes) Comedy Nov. Framed (Hamilton) Comedy Nov. Magical Movies Hodee-Podge Nov. Fighting Dude (Lane) Acrobatic comedy Dee. Marionettes Color fantasy Dee. Felix the-cat Tries the Tradea Sullivan cartoon Dec. Cheap Skates (Omley) Jack White prod Dec. Bachelor's Babies Juvenile comedy , Dec. What's Up (Bowes) Cameo comedy Dec. Weak But Willing Walter Hires comedy Dec. Yes. Yes Babbette (Vernon) Oiristie comedy Dec. Felix the Cat at Rainbow's End Cartoon Dec A Salt^ Sap (Dooley) (Christie comedy ...Tsn. Live (.owards (St. John) Mermaid comedy Tan. Hodge-Podge No. 40 Howe scenic Ian. My Stars (Arthur) Tuxedo comedy Jan. Felix the Cat Kept on Walking 5;uI1ivan cartoon Jsn. Parisian Modes in Color Special Tan. Brotherly^ Love (Bowes) Comedy Tan. For Sadie's Sake (Adams) Comedy Feb. Be Careful. Dearie (Joe Moore) '....Cameo comedy Feb. Felix the cat Spots the Spook Sullivan cartoon Jan. 192$ 30.. 30.. 6.. 6.. 6.. U.. 13.. 13.. 20.. 20.. 20.. J7.. 27.. 4.. 4.. 4.. 11.. 11.. 11.. 18.. It.. 1.. 1.. 15.. 15.. 22., a.. 29.. 5.. 5.. 5.. 12. 12. 19.. 19.. 26.. J.. 3.. J.. 10.. 10.. 10.. 10.. 17., 17.. 17., 24.. 31.. 31.. 31.. »-. y.'. 7.. 14.. 14.. 14.. 21.. 21.. 28.. 28.. 28.. 5.. 5.. 5.. 12.. 12.. 12.. 19.. 19.. as.. 1926 2.. 2.. ».. 23.. 23.. .10.. 30.. «.. 6.. 30.. 2.000 1,000 2,000 1,000 2.000 2.000 2,000 1,000 XOOO i,an 2,000 2,000 1,00( 1,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 1,001 2,000 1.000 tan 1,000 vm 2.00C 1,000 2,000 1.000 2.000 2.000 1,000 2,000 2.000 1,000 i.foe XOOO 1.000 i.oon 1. 000 1.000 2,000 1,000 2.000 2jm 2,000 2.000 l.OOO 1.000 1,00C 2.000 \.m 2,000 1,000 2.000 2.000 1,000 1,000 2.000 1.000 2,oeB 1. n> l.OOt 2.00* 2,00» 1,000 2.000 2.000 i,on ttM 2. (m 1,000 2.000 i.nno l.nno 2.000 1.000 1,000