The Moving picture world (January 1926-February 1926)

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526 Moving Picture World February 13, 1926 Quick Reference for Star and Type of Story tC»ntinutg frtm prtctdint pmt4) METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER Kind of Picture Review. Feet Navigator (Keaton) Comedy Sep. 13.. Bandolero (all ciar) Drama Oct. 11.. rtae Snob (all itar) Drama Not. 8.. He Who Gets Slapped ((Suney) Drama Nor. 15.. SileDt Accuser (Peter, the Great) Dog drama Rot. 22.. tlarried Flirta (all-star) Drama Oct. 25.. Romola (Lillian Gish) Famoua noTel Dec. Sreed (Von Stroheim prod.) Special Dec. 13. 20.. I92S 3.. 21.. 17.. 10.. 14.. 7.. 7.. 7.. 14.. 21.. So Thi* Is Marriage (all star) 0>medy-dr Jan. Chu-Chin-C:how (B. BIytfae) Spectacle .• Feb. Wile of tj« Centaur Drama Jan. Dixie Handicap ( WindsorReenan) Drama Jan. Cheaper to Marry (AU Star) Drama Feb. Excuse Me (Sbearer-Nagel) ■ Farce-comedy Ifar. Monster (Chaney-CHmsted) Weird com.-dr Ifar, Daddy's Gone a Hunting (Manaoat) Patboa drama Fek. Lady of the Night (Norma Shearer) Underworld dr ■•••Uar. Denial ((haire Windsor) Drama Mar. Seven Chances (Keaton) Comedy Mar. 28.. Confessions of a Queen (Terry-Stone) Mythical romance Apr. 4.. Way of a Girl (Boardman) Thrill-comedy April 11.. Man and Maid (Lew Cody) ...Elinor Glyn prod.... Apt. 18.. Proud Flesh (Eleanor Boardman) Romantic com. Apr. 25.. Prairie Wife (Rawlinson-DeTore) Domestic dr May 16.. Zander the Oeat (Marion DaTiei) Human Interest May 16.. Sporting Venus (Sweet) Romantic drama May 23.. White Desert (Windsor-O'Malley) Snow-R.R. drama July ig.. Pretty Ladies (Pitts-MoorePennington).. Human int. dr July 25.. SUtc of Fashion (Norma Shearer) Drama Aug. 1.. Nerer the Twain Shall Meet (Stewart) ....South Sea com. Aug. •.. Unholy Three (Lon Chaney) Drama Aug. 15.. Sun-Up (StarkeNagel) Mountain tragedy Aug. 29.. Merry Widow (Murray-Gilbert) Romantic drama Sep. Mystic (Pringlefearle) Fake spiritualism Sep. The Circle (E. Boardman) Drawing room comedy Oct. Great DiTlde (all sUr) Drama Feb. Rag Man (Coonn) ' Camtij-dT Mar. Beauty Priie (Dana) Comedy-dr Oct. Tower of Lies (Chaney-Shearer) Drama of pathoa Oct. Exchange of Wives (Boardman Married life com. Oct. Midshipman (Ramon Novarro) Naval com. -drama Oct. Go West (Buster Keaton) Burlesque western Nov. Lights of Old Broadway (DaTiet) Old N. V. drama Nor. Old Clothes (Cbogan) Typical feature Not. Bright Lights (Chas. Ray) Type corn-drama Vot. Only Thing (Boardman-Nagel) Glyn love drama Dec. Masked Bride (Mae Murray) Paris underworld Dec. Sally, Irene and Mary (Star cast) Musical comedy hit Dec. Time, the Comedian (Busch-Cody) Unique drama Dec. His Secretary (Shearer) Light comedy Jan. Ben-Hur (Ramon Novarro) Lew Wallace story Jan. Soul Mates (LowePringle) Glyn story Jan. Mike (Sally O'Neill) Human Interest comedy.. Jan. Dance Madness (Nagel-Windsor) Comedy-drama Feb. PARAMOUNT Top of the World (Nilason-Kirkwood) Africa and England Feb. The Swan (Menjou-Howard) Stage success Mar. Contraband (Wilson-Noah Beery) Bootleg drama Apr. Madame Sans Gene (Swanson) ■...World Famous drama May Thundering Herd (HoltWilson) Buffalo stampede Mar. la.. 12. 3.. 21.. 14.. 11.. 10.. 17.. 31.. 7.. 14.. 21.. 28.. 5.. 12.. 19.. 26.. 1926 2.. 16. 16. 23. 6. 5,158 6,904 6,513 6.613 5,883 6.76i 10.873 10,067 6JO0 6,M» 6,586 6,905 5,m 6,435 5.851 5.m S.441 4791 S.1U 5,809 5.000 iJOP 5,770 6.487 6,844 5,958 6,464 5,828 5.906 8.143 5,819 10,027 3.147 5,511 7,811 5,908 5.750 6.849 5.300 7,498 6JS6 6.437 S.91S M« 5,824 5,690 5.564 ,4,757 6.433 12,000 6,073 6.7SS 6.395 ..Feb. ■ Mar. ..Mar. ..Mar. ..Mar. ..Mar. ..Mar. . April • April . April Apr Forty Winks (Dana-Roberts-(3riiBth) Comedy Goose Hangs High (Cruze production) Typical New LiTes for Old (Compsou) Drama Salome of the Tenements Uetta Goadal) ... Drama Too Many Kisses (Richard Diz) Comedy Dressmaker From Paris (Leatrice Joy)... Drama Air Mail (feature east) •••••Melodrama ... Grass Drama Sackcloth and Scarlet (Alice Terry) Drama Men and Women (Dix) Feature Kias in the Dark (Mcnjou) Romantic com Charmer (Pola Negri) Romantic dr Anr Code o< the West (MooreBennett) Westn Rom. com... "'Aor AdTenture (Moore-SUrke-Beery) Jack London dr ..Mar Crowded Hour (Bebe Daniels) Drama Mai Night Club (Raymond GnflSth) Farce-comedy M.V Shock Punch (Richard Dix) Comedy-drama .'.""Sav Welcon?* Home (Cruie Prod.) Domestic com-dr V.» Old Heme Week (Meighan) Comedy ^,7. \fr /c.-, r j1 j June Little Are Eve' Beggar on_ Horseback (all star) Imaginative !!!.!ju " ..June .July Vny Woman (Star cast) Comedy drama ! -ittle French Girl (Mary Brian) Drama j"" \re Parents People? (Betty Bronson) Domestic problems . ' Tun Eve's Secret (Betty Compson) Romantic drama I,i„ Drama Manicure Girl (Daniels) Lost— A Wife (Meniou) Sophisticated tight of Western Stars (Holt) Vivid west dr. Patha to Paradise (R. (Griffith) Whirlwind comedy •July Grounds for Divorce (Vidor) Drama "..7"'.!.]!!] {"iy Lucky Devil (Richard Dix) Auto race comedy.!!!!'" Tiil» Night Life of New York (All-star) Comedy-drama ..... jUiv Marry Me (Vidor) Small town idyl July Street of Forgotten Men (all star) Bowery drama Ati^ Not So Long Ago (Betty Bronson) Drama A„„ Rugged Water (Lois Wilson) Drama An?' Trouble With Wives (Vidor) Farce comedy AnS' Wild. Wild Sua n (Bebe Daniels) Farce comedy A«l' Wild Horse Mesa Oack Holt) Zane Grey dr .Aue The Wanderer (all star) Prodigal son epic Sen Man Who Found Himself (Meighan) Crook drama Sep. I92S 28.. 14.. 4.. 2.. 7.. 14.. 21.. 7.. 7.. 14.. 28.. 28.. 11.. 11.. II.. 18.. 18.. 25.. 2.. 9.. 16.. 23.. JP.. 6.. 13.. 13.. 20.. 20.. 20.. 27.. 4.. 4.. 11.. 11.. 18.. 75.. 25.. 1.. 8.. 8.. 15.. 22.. 22 T.' 5.. 7.167 5.889 6.773 9,994 7,187 6.293 6.186 6,796 7.017 5,750 T.(90 •» 6,000 6.732 5,767 6,076 6,777 6,603 6,558 5,721 6,151 5,909 6,780 5,963 5,628 6.586 6,205 6,874 5.959 6,420 6,850 6,741 5.69? 5.935 6.908 5.526 6.366 6.943 6.015 6,489 5.774 7.164 8.173 7,298 Kind of Picture Review. Coast of Folly (Swanson) ^society drama Sep. 12.. in the Name of Love (CortexNissen) Lomedy drama iep. 12.. voider. Princess (Betty Bronson) Bret Harte western Sep. 19.. fony Express (Cruze productit». Epic of west i>ep. 26.. A Son of His Father (Bessie Love) Western drama Dct. 10.. A Regular Fellow (R. GrifTith) Typical comedy Oct. 17.. Vanishing American (DixWilson) Indian spectacular Oct. 24.. Flower of the Night (Negri) Drama Oct. 31.. Lx>ver9 in Quarantme (Daniels) Farce-cmnedy Oct. 31.. Best People (^ar cast) Society comedy Nov. 7.. King on Main Street (Menjou) Comedy Nov. 7.. Seven Keys to Baldpate (McLean) G. M. Cohan play Nov. 14.. New Brooms (Bessie Love) W. DeMille prod Nor. 14.. Anciatat Hiehwav (Holt-Dove) Lumber camp dr . Nov. 21.. Lord Jim (Marmont) Malay locale dr Nov. 28.. Stage Struck (Swanson) Comedy feature Nov. 28.. Irish Luck (Meighan) Melodrama Dec "^bra (Valentino) Drama Dec. A Woman of the World (Negri) Comedy-drama Dec. The Splendid Crime (W. DeMille prod.) Daniels-comedy Jan. A Kiss for Cinderella (Bronson) Barrie whimsical !ian. Enchanted Hill (Holt) Western Jan. Womanhandled (Richard Dix) Western Satire Jan. That Royle Girl (Dempster) D. W. Griffith prod Jan. Mannequin (Joyce-Costello) Crook-comedy-dr Jan. Hands Up (R. Griffith) Burlesque on war Jan. American Venus (Ralston -Lanpbier) "Beauties" comedy Feb. 5.. 19. 26.. 1926 2.. 9.. 9.. 16.. 23.. 30.. 30.. 6.. Feet 7.001 S.9D4 6,39$ 9,929 6,925 5,027 10,063 6,374 6,570 S,70li tan 6.048 5.441 IJOk 6.01 7,008 6,895 6,353 6.0S9 9,621 6.326 6.765 10,253 6,981 5,883 7.931 PATHE . Apr. . Apr. . Apr. ■A; AdTcntorei of Adenoid Terry cartoon Deep Stu0 Terry cartoon Beauty Spots Sporilight Remember When (Laagdoa) (.omedy Apr. Shootin' Injuns ....Our Gang ecm May Big Red Riding Hood (Chase) Comedy May Sporting Judgment Sportligbt May He Who Gets Smacked Sennett comedy ..May Permanent Wares .••••. Terry cariooo May Ixmking For Sally (Chaae) Comedy May Grief m Bagdad Comedy May Darkest Africa , Terry cartoon May Wild Papa Spat Family May Skinners in Silk Sennett com. May Fast Worker Terry cartoon Mar Luna cy • Stereoskopik May Tell It to a Policeman (Tryon) ..Comedy Mav Sure Mike (Martha Sleeper) Comedy May ^ J *^P* Terry cartoon May tiood Morning Nurse... Sennett comedy Mar 'Dude Ranch" Days Sportlight May ^"2".**^.^ • Our Gang comedy May What Price Goofy? (Chas. Chaae) Comedy June Horace Greeley, Jr. (Langdon) Burlesque June D I ^"' -i •:• cartoon June Royal Four-flush ... Spat FamOy June ^uper-Hooper-Dyne Lizzie* Sennett comedy June Riders of the Kitchen Range Omedy June l^d of the Wortd Terry cartoon June Thundering Landlords (Tryon) Comedy June Twinkle-Twinkle Sportlight June Runaway Balloon Terry cartoon June PUy BaB (Aflene lay-lflller) Serial June Official Officers Our Gang com June In the Grease (Jim Findlayson) Comedy June Animal Celebrities Sportlight June Isnt Life Terrible? (Ckase) Comedy July Wine, Women and Song Terry cartoon July Chasing the Chaser (Findlayson) Comedy July Sherlock Sleuth (Stone) Star comedy Julv The White Wing"! Bride (Langdon) Comedy ' ^ " Oughl Stereoskopik ... I.eaming How Sportlight Daddy Goes a-Granting (Tryon) Comedy Sneej.^ig Beezers Sennett comedy For Lo'e of a Gal Terry cartoon . When M"™ Were Men Terry cartoon . The Fresh:«an (Harold Lloyd) College comedr uly July iuly uly uly uly uly Tuir Boys Will b» Boys Our Gang comedy ....... July Cupid's Boots x'^raves) Comedy July Why Kids Leav» Home .'Sportlight July Bugville Field Day Terry cartoon July A Yam About Yam Terry cartoon Aug Tee for Two (Alice Day) Sennett comedy Ang. Innocent Husbands (Chase) .... Comedy Aug Kivalina of the Ice Lands Eskimo life July Bubbles Terry cartoon Aug. Iron Nag Sennett comedy Aug. .Sons of Swat Sportlight Aug Tame Men and Wild Women (A. Stone) CWedy Aug Lucky Stars (H. Langdon) Ccmtiy Aug Mary, Queen of Tots Our Gang Aug! "seven A?es of Sport Sportlight Aug. Butter Fingers (Bevan) Comedy Aug Cold Turkey (Alice Day) Comedy Aug The Window Wafers Terry cartoon Aug Over the Plate Terrv cartoon Aug A Runaway Taxi Stereoskopiks Sep Barrier Busters Sportlight Sep Barnyard Follies Terry cartoon Sep Wild West (J. Mulhall-H. Ferguson) Drcus serial Seo' Vi Father to Ouide Him (Chase) Comedy Sep! Madame Sans Jane (Findlayson) Comedy Ugly Duckling Terry cartoon Sep' Somewhere in Somewhere Comedy of war zone Sep Big Kick (Engle-Mohan) Fight comedy .Sep Vonr Own Back Yard Our Gang .Sep Hungry Hounds .* Terry cartoon Sep! Nuts and Squirrela Terry cartoon 5?ep Moonlight and NVjees (Clyde Onk) Comedy Oct' '•utings for AH <:r>r>rtlight ■)et. Lion and the Monkey Terry cartoon »ct! 25.. 25.. 25., 25.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 2.. 9.. 9., 9.. 16. 16. 16. 16. 23.. 23.. 23.. 30.. 30.. 30.. 6.. 6.. 6.. 13.. 13.. 13., 13.. 20. 20.. 20.. 27.. 27. 27. 27. 4. 4. 4. 11.. 11. 11. 11. 18. 18. 18. 18. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 1. 1., 1. 11. 8. 8.. 8.. 15., 23.. 22.. 15.. 29.. 29.. 29.. 29.. 5.. 5.. 5.. 12.. IS.. II.. 19.. 19.. 26.. X.. 2S.. 26.. 3.. 3.. i.. 1.008 . 1.008 . 1,008 . 2,008 . 2.000 «,(n) . 2,000 . 1,000 . 2.008 . 1.000 . i,oa» . 2.000 . ijm . 1.000 . 2,000 . 1,000 . 1.008 . 2,000 . 1,000 . 2,000 . 2,000 . 2.000 . 1,000 . 2.000 . 2,008 . 1,008 . 1,008 . 2.008 . 1.000 . 1.000 .10 en. . 2,000 . 1,008 . 1.008 . 2,000 . 1.000 . 1,008 . 2,000 . 2,00C . 1,000 . i,a«o . 2,008 . 2,000 . 1,000 . 1,000 . 6.883 . 2,000 . 2,000 . 1,000 . 1,000 . 1,000 . 2.000 . 2,000 . ijm . 1.001 . 2.000 . 1,001 . 1,000 . 2,008 . 1.001 . 1.008 2.000 Zfm 1.000 1,000 . 1.000 . 1,000 . 1.000 10 en. . ajut . tm l.OOO 2.000 1.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 2.0X1 1 fit* i.ono