The Moving picture world (January 1926-February 1926)

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February 13, 1926 Moving Picture World 611 'THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD"— accurately . thnllingly pictured by a typical William Fox cast headed by George O'Brien. Ji's an Irving Cummings production. Next Marion Davies Film For M-Q-M To Be ''The Red MiW \/lARION DAVIES' next Cosmopolitan ^^■^ Production for Metro-GoldwynMayer, according to an announcement by Louis B. Mayer, will be an adaptation of the well known operetta, 'The Red Mill." This Marion Davies production will be produced by Irving G. Thalberg, and directed by Marshall Neilan. Miss Davies will start work in her new starring vehicle shortly after she completes her picture, "Beverly of Graustark," taken from the novel by George Barr McCutcheon, and directed by Sydney Franklin. Mr. Thalberg, associate studio executive at the big M.-G.-M. plant, plans to give Miss Davies' new picture an elaborate production. He entrusts the direction to Marshall Neilan, whose many successes in the past, as well as his recent hit with "Mike," fully justify Thalberg's confidence. "The Red Mill" will be adapted from the famous operetta with music by Victor Herbert. The locales of the story are Vienna and other places in Europe. Hoffman Qoes West M. H. Hoffman, vice-president and general manager of Tiffany Productions, has left for Los Angeles to be gone for several weeks. He said that several important conferences are to take place upon his arrival in Hollywood. ''Cat's Pajamas'* Title of New Bronson Picture "Cat's Pajamas" will be the title of the new production co-starring Betty Bronson and Ricardo Cortez. Arlette Manchal, noted French beauty, is a member of the cast. This attraction is being produced from an original story by Ernest Vajda, the Hungarian playwright who is under exclusive contract to write screen stories for Paramount. Hearn Heads Southern District for Associated Had Wide Training WITH the appointment of Hank Hearn as Southern Division Manager for .A.ssociated Exhibitors, Inc., this organization has added to their roster of livewires one of the most popular and capable men in the film colony of the South. Mr. Hearn is to take charge of the five Southern exchanges of Associated — .Atlanta, Dallas, New Orleans, Charlotte and Memphis. He has had a long and varied experience in the film industry and all of it has been gained in the territory he will cover for Associated. As a result Mr. Hearn has a host of friends numbering exhibitors from North Carolina to Florida and from Georgia to Texas and his elevation to the district managership v/as the signal for numerous manifestations of regard and support from those whose high esteem he has earned during the eleven years that he has been actively interested in moving pictures. GRANT WITHERS Is the juvenile heavy in Film Booking Offices' "Fighting Hearts." Arthur Signs New Contract George K. .-\rthur, well-known comedian, signed a new contract with the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios recently, according to an announcement made by Louis B. Mayer, vice-president of M-G-M in charge of production at the big studio. Mr. Arthur has been with the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer company since his appearance, almost a year ago, in Monta Bell's "Lady of the Night." Since .then he has appeared in juvenile-comedy roles.