The Moving picture world (January 1926-February 1926)

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CUoup 6quipment H Seruicefor Vou^Jheatre Owner^Qailder^Studw-' ^ dtboratorij ~ Sxchdnqe ixecutiue ^Jrom VourJnqLe 6ditecL bij d. Van. Baren, PocueU Here Are the Protect-the-Print Awards/ WELL, folks, the hard workin' Print feels like kickin' up her heels — or ought I to say MY heels, me bein' the one to whom I am makin' reference in this allusion? — but bein' a perfect lady I will abstain from such joyful exhibits. The reason of this gay gladness is because at last I am finished and done with lookin' over Van's shoulder and the shoulder of each of these other two gentlemen, Mr. H. H. Buxbaum, the genial and business-gettin' Fox Exchange manager, and F. H. Richardson, who runs — I says runs because it is always going ahead at top speed— that department BETTER PROJECTION, of which gentle men, the three was judges of the award in my Protect-the-Print campaign. Now these three judges has decided after much care and has gave a final opinion, upon which of the accurate lists and accompanyin' letters about the things the writers done to protect the print had been the ones in all ways and manners most deservin' of bein' gave the awards. I Have Wrote to Them Who'n Give Awards Letters have been mailed and sent to the folks who donated the award materials in their interest in helpin' to better print conditions, to wit, as follows: To Chalmers Publishin' Company, which allotted the First Award of Twenty-five Dollars. To Mr. Frederick Watson, Advertisin' Manager of the Duplex Film Film Industries, who generously donated the very fine and capable helper, a Duplex Patchin' Block, Second Prize award material. To Will C. Smith, who was backed up by Mr. Rabell, the go-getter president of Independent Movie Supply Company, in donating a Rewinder Set as Third Prize. Tkese Are Them Who Get the Awards Now these are they to which the awards is to be awarded in the order of the way the awards is gave: First Award. FRED K. LEGLER, Projectionist of Lyric Theatre, Rediield, South Dakota, gets the $25.00 from Chalmers Publishing Company — and it's REAL money, too. Second Award. W. B. BOBBITT, Jr., Chief for the Suffolk Amusement Corp. Theatres, Suffolk, Virginia, gets the Duplex Patchin' Block — and it's a real help for a real feller. Third Award. J. R. GOOD, Projectionist, Grand Theatre, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, gets the Rewinder Set donated by Independent Movie Supply Co., and he will find it a protect-the-print help indeed. Besides the fortunate lucky award getters there was many who kept the judges hesitatin' because they had such good letters ; Honorable Acclaim For These Entrants These gentlemen are gave high favorable mention : Harold Mulcahy, Costello Theatre, New York City. T. N. Low, Star Theatre, Coello, Illinois. W. C. Budge, Comedy Theatre, Jamaica, L. I., N. Y. H. M. Alsman, United Theatres Amusement Co., Princeton, Indiana. Wayne Mickelson, Coyle Theatre, Charleroi, Penna> P. C. Stillwell, Rialto Theatre, Erie, Penna. D. W. Strayer, Mt. Joy Theatre, Mt. Joy, Penna. G. J. Kanun, Capitol Theatre, Lancaster, Penna. S. V. Haigler, Palace Theatre, Newport News, Va. J. J. Dempsey, Dream Theatre, Winthrop, Mass. V. J. Groetzinger, Chilton^ Wise. Theo. Jorgensen, Rialto Theatre, Rock Springs, Wyo, C. St. Peters, Box 212, Moville, Iowa. Each of all of these can be proud of what they are doin' to protect the print, and exchanges in their territories should ought to see that they always get perfect prints — they deserve 'em ! Letters of the award getters and some of these others will be printed and published from time to time when Van can give me the space. The Hard Workin' Print. |niiiiiiiiiniuiitfiiiiniiiiijiiiiiiiK^ I 7" OUR EQUIPMENT wants every reader to know that it is the point of con | I y tact between the man who uses any sort of motion picture equipment and the | I ^ specialist or expert who can most sensibly handle the user's problems — | I whether of choice of something new or getting the most out of something already | I being used. | I What would you like to read about? Any problems ever come up in relation to | I equipment that you'd like to see discussed? j | I Get the habit of writing YOUR EQUIPMENT. It will pay you. | niuiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiuii iiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiim^