The Moving picture world (January 1926-February 1926)

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750 Moving Pictuire World February 20, 1926 giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiniiiiiii <iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiui:iiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiinii'iniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiii^ I Snappy Buying | I YOUR EQUIPMENT like* to re | 1 port the activities of men astute | i enough to see the advantages of § I new installations of the better equip | i ment and to mention the folks who f give them real co-operation. g ^y.;illlllllllllllllllUlulllllUllllllnll^iul:ullllllllllllll:lllUUlHllllUllUfllUlm 1925 saw a remarkable increase in the sale ,,f Wurlitzer Hope Jones organs in the Kansis Citv territory, according to N. M. Bro,leur Kansas Cily manager for the company. At J. W. Jenkins & Sons, Kansas City, S. E. ruatty, manager of the theatre department, had a similar statement con.•erninK the sale of the Reproduce Organ, Fifty-five have been installed since the instrument was Introduced last year, Mr. Beatty said. Keproduco organs have been sold to the following theatres the past week, Grand Theatre, Cooper, Texas. John T. Richard■son's Theatre, OIney, Texas. The Board of Directors of the Ottawa Boys Club, 79 Laurier avenue west, Ottawa, Ontario, has purchased an Acme moving picture projection machine for club purposes and arran.a:ements have been made for thiholding of weekly moving picture shows in the club hall on Saturday evenings. Mr. Bradford, representing the Acme people, Installed the new machine and operated It for the first show at wTiich there was an attendance of 250 bova. Loew Builds in Pittsburgh M.\RCUS LOEW has completed plans for a mammoth building project in Pittsburgh, Pa., involving $16,000,000 and calling for a theatre with a seating capacity of 4,000 and a large oflfice building. The theatre, when completed will be the largest in the state of Pennsylvania. Building operations will start May 1. The deal was closed by A. Schiller, general representative of Loew's, Inc. Protect the Print THE MASSIVE Preddey Reflector Lamp BUILT LIKE A BATTLESHIP SAVE TWO-THIRDS ON CURRENT 2S% ON CARBONS and BETTER LIGHT AUTOMATIC FEED, $300 COMPLETE WRITE FOR BULLETIN BUILT TO LAST WALTER G. PREDDEY 187 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Walter Readers ISIew Mayfair Has Carih Ion Peal of Chimes WHEN they complete Asbury Park's newest theatre, the Mayfair, and it is ready to open, the occasion will be Known to everybody who has ears within reach of the sound of the pealing chimes that will be installed in the tower of the new house. Walter Reade, owner of the new theatre, plans for which are now completed — and you can see by the accompanying drawing that it's no slouch of a theatre — is already interested in the Walter Reade chain of thirty theatres. But this new house will be the pride of the sea coast, and Mr. Reade will spare no expense in making its equipment the very finest obtainable. There are to be 1,264 chairs on the main floor, the balcony will seat 936 more, with loRc accommodations for 212 more. The motif of the structure will be Spanish, brick and mauve stucco with azure tile on the outside; the interior in the most gorgeous materials procurable, entirely carpeted, lavishly decorated, vividly, yet pleasingly lighted on occasion, witTi soft light effects for the picture projection. Rock crystal chandeliers are arranged for from Black & Boyd, of Fifth Avenue, New York. Kleig spots with five color changes add to the symphonic color possibilities. Pogany Teicher has charge of the murals and other decorative art effects. Sumptuous divans will add attractiveness in the art lounge, adjacent to which ladies' rooms with individual powder cliairs and vanities will be arranged. .•\ll-in-all, the theatre will be worthy of Mr. Reade, as able a showman as you can locate anywhere. Earlier Decision Affirmed 'T'HREE suits alleging infringement of certain patents involving patent claims on the suit case type projector, brought by the DeVry Corporation against Acme Motion Picture Projector Company, and decided in favor of the latter company last year, were taken in appeal before the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Seventh Judicial District. The appeal, which came before the court for hearing in the October term, received a verdict which affirmed the decision of the U. S. District Court in the original action. TYPHOON rOOllMC SYSTEM I TYPHOON FAN CO. W 345W.39-ST. '-WYORK NEW YORK WHY PAY MORE? Roll Tickets Your Own Special Wording 100,000for$15.50 10,000 for S4.50, 20,000 for $130 50,000 for $10.00 StantUrd Roll* of Z,Mt KEYSTONE TICKET CO. Dept. W., SHAMOKIN, PA The Union Label if you want it Have been printing Roll Ttckets for 10 years &nd no better can be had at may prioa.