The Moving picture world (March 1926-April 1926)

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638 Moving Picture World April 24, 1926 (Directed by Victor Hugo Halperln) (Arrow) (Review — March 27). Irene (8.400 ft.) (Based on the musical comedy by James Montg-omery) (Colleen Moore) (Directed by Alfred E. Green) (First National) (Review — March 13). Johnstown Flood, The (6,258 ft.) (George O'Brien) (Directed by Irving Cummings) (Fox) (Review — March 131. madge) (Directed by Mason Noel) (F. B. O.) CReview — April 3). Nobody's Business (2 reels) (Lloyd Hamilton) (Educational-Comedy) (Review — April 24). North Star, The (Based on novel by Rufus King) (Strongheart) (Directed by Paul Powell) (Associated Exhibitors) (Review— March 6). Nut Cracker, The (5,786 ft.) (Based on novel by Frederick S. Isham) (Edward Everett Horton and Mae BuBch) (Directed by Lloyd Ingraham) (Associated Exhibitors) (Review — April 17). So this Is Paris (1 reel) (Neely Edwards> (Universal-Bluebird Ctomedy) (ReviewApril 10). Soul of the Cypress, The (1 reel) (Red Seal Fantasy) (Review — March 20). Spanish Liove (1 reel) (Pathe-Aesop Fable Cartoon) (Review — March 13). Spanking Brezes (2 reels) (Alice Day) (Pathe Mack Sennett CJomedy). Speed Limit, The (5,676 ft.) (Raymond McKee and Ethel Shannon) (Directed by Frank O'Connor) (Gotham Productions') (Review— March 27). Swell Affair, A (1 reel) (Arthur Lake) (Universal-Comedy) (Review — April 17). K Keep Trying (1 reel) (CnifE Bowes) (Educational-Cameo Comedy) (Review — March 6). Kiki (8.279 ft.) (Based on play by Andre Picard) (Norma Talmadge") (Directed by Clarence Brown) (First National) (Review— April 17). King of the Turf, The (6,210 ft.) (Patsy Ruth Miller and Kenneth Harlan) (Directed by James Hogan) (Film Booking Offices") (Review — March 13). Ko-Ko Baffles the Bulls (1 reel) (Red SealCartoon) (Out of Inkwell) (Review — March 6). La Boheme (8,530 ft.) (Based on story by Fred DeGresac, suggested by Henry Murger's "Life in the Latin Quarter") (Lillian Gish and John Gilbert) (Directed by King Vidor") (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) (Review — March 13). Leaps and Bounds (1 reel) (Pathe-Sportlight) (Review — March 20). Let's Get Married (6,800 ft.) (From H. A. DuSouchet's "Man from Mexico") (Richard Dix) (Directed by Gregory LaCava") (Paramount) (Review — March 20). Light Housekeeping (2 reels) (Lige Conley) (Educational-Mermaid Comedy) (Review — March 20). Madame Behave (2 reels") ( Charley (Thase) (Pathe-Hal Roach Comedy) (Review — March 13). , , , „ Madame Mystery (2 reels) (Theda Bara) (Pathe-Hal Roach Comedy) (Review — April 24). Mail Coach, The (1 reel) (Pathe-Aesop s Fable Cartoon) (Review— March 6). Marvels of Motion (650 ft.) (Red Seal-Novelty) (Review — April 3"). Meet My Girl (2 reels) (Ralph Graves) (Pathe Mack Sennett Comedy) (Review — March 20). Menace of the Alps, The (1 reel) (UniversalSpecial) (Review — March 27). Merry Blacksmith, The (1 reel) (PatheAesop's Fable Cartoon) (Review — April 10). Midnight Flyer, The (6,030 ft.) (Cullen Landis and Dorothy Devore) (Directed by Tom Forman) (F. B. O.") (Review — March Miss^Brewster's Millions (6,200 ft.) (Adapted by Monty Brice ffom "Brewster's Millions" bv George Barr Mc(2utcheon) (Bebe Daniels) (Directed by Clarence Badger) (Paramount) (Review — ^March 27"). Monkev Business (2 reels) ("Our Gang*') Pathe Comedy) (Review — March 27). Mortgaged Again (1 reel) (Arthur Lake) (Universal-Bulls Eye Comedy) (Review — April 3"). „ Moving Day (2 reels) ("Helen and Warren series) (Fox Comedy) (Review — March Mountain Molly 'O (2 reels) (Josie Sedgwick) (Universal-"Western) (Review — Mv Ol'd'outch (7,750 ft.) (May McAvoy and Pat O Malley) (Suggested by Albert Chevalier's famous song) (Directed by Laurence Tremble) (Universal-Jewel). My Own Pal (6,038 ft.) (Based on story "The Gallant Guardsman" by Gerald Beaumont") (Tom Mix) (Directed by J. G. Blystone) (Fox) (Review— March 27). N iiiiHiiiiimitiiriiiiimiitiiiiiHiriiinimiiiiiiniMiiiiiiiiKiii iiiiiiiimiii New Klondike. The (7,445 ft.) (Based on story by Ring Lardner) (Thomas MeighVn) (Directed by Lewis Milestone) (Paramount") (Review — April 3). Nie-ht (?ry The (6,300 ft.) (Rin-Tin-Tin) (Directed by Herman Raymaker) ("Warner Brothers) (Review— April 24). Night Patrol, The (5,085 ft.) (Richard Tal Oh, "W'hat a Nurse (6,600 ft.) (Syd Chaplin) (Directed by Charles F. Reisner) (Warner Brothers) (Review — March G). One Wild Time (2 reels) (Ben Corbett and Pee Wee Holmes) (Universal-Mustang Comedy) (Review — March 27). Only Son. The (1 reel") (Paul Parrot) (PatheHal Roach Comedy) (Review — March 20). Out of tne Storm (6.500 ft.) (Jacqueline Logan) (Based on story 'The Travis Coup" by Arthur Stringer) (Directed by Louis Gasnier) (Tiffany) (Review — April 24). Perfect Lie, The (1 reel) (Neely Edwards) (Universal-Bluebird Comedy) (Review — March 27.) Phoney Express. The (1 reel) (CTharles Puffy) (Universal-Comedy") (Review — March 13). Polar B.aron. A (2 reels) (Gene Cameron) (Fox-Comedy) (Review — April 24). Prince of Pilsen, The (6,500 ft.) (George Sidney and Anita Stewart) (Based on musical comedy by FYank Pixley and Gustav Lubers") (Directed by Paul Powell) (Prod. Dist. Corp.). Quick Service (1 reel) (Cliff Bowes) (Educational-Comedy) (Review — March 27). Real Charleston, The (4 single reels) (Oanfield and CHark) (Review — April 24). Red Dice (7.257 ft.") (Rod La Rocque and MargTierite De La Motte) (Based on novel "The Iron Chalice" by Octavus Roy Cohen) (Directed by W. K. Howard) (Prod. Dist. Corp.). Reelview (850 ft.) (Red Seal-Magazine) (Review— April 10"). Radio Detective. The (Jack Daugherty) (Universal Serial) (Review on first three episodes— April 17). Rustler's Secret, The (2 reels) (Edmund Cobb) (Universal-Western) (Review — April 3). Sandy (7,850 ft.") (From the novel by Elinor Meherin) (Madge Bellamy and Harrison Ford) (Directed by Harry Beaumont) (Fox) (Review — April 17). Say It with Love (2 reels) (Edna Marian) (Universal-Century Comedy") (Review — April 10). Sea Horses (6.565 ft.) (Jack Holt and Florence "Vidor) (Directed by Allan Dwan) (Paramount) (Review — March 6). Searchlight (1 reel) (Red Seal-Magazine") (Review— March 20). Secret Orders (5.486 ft.) (Evelyn Brent) (Directed by Chet Withey) (F. B. O.) (Review— April 17.) Set Up. The (4.600 ft.") (Baser on "Horse Sense'' by L. "V. Jefferson) (Art Acord) (Directed by cnifford Smith) (Universal) (Review — April 3). Seventh Bandit. The (5.353 ft.) (Harry Carey) (Directed by Scott R. Dunlap") (Pathe) (Review — April 3). Siberia (6.950 ft.) (Alma Rubens. Edmund Lowe and Lou Tellegen) (Based on play by Bartley Campbell) (Directed by "Victor Schertzinger) (Fox) (Review — April 24). Shadow of the Law. The (4.526 ft.") (Ba«ed on novel "Two Gates." by Henry Chap* man Ford) (Clara Bow) Directed by Wallace Woraeley) (Associated Exhibitors) (Review — March 20.) Sir Lumberjack (5.146 ft.) (Lefty Flynn) (Directed by Harry Garson") (F. B. O.) (Review — ,\pril 24). Song Car-Tune (1 reel) (Red Seal Song C:artoon-Novelty) (Review — March 20). Song Car-Tune (550 ft.) (Red Seal Song Cartoon-Novelty) (Review — April 3). Taking the Heir (1 reel") (CTharles Puffyi (Universal-Comedy) (Review — April 10). That's My Baby (6,805 ft.) (Douglas MacLean) (Directed by William Beudene) (Paramount) (Review — April 24"). Tonight's the Nnght (1 reel) (Cliff Bowers) ( Educational-Comedy) (Review — April 24). Tough Guy, The (5,454 ft.) (Fred Thomson) (Directed by Dave Kirkland) (F. B. O.) (Review — April 3). Transcontinental Limited (6,400 ft.") (Johnny Walker) (Directed by Nat Ross) (Chadwick Pictures) (Review — March 6). Tune Up (1 reel) (Charles Puffy) (UniversalComedy) (Review — March 27). Two Lips in Holland (2 reels) (Arthur Housman and Edna Marian) (Pox-Comedy) (Review — April 17). Untamed Lady. The (6.132 ft.) (Based on story by Fanny Hurst) (Gloria Swanson) (Directed by Frank Tuttle) (Paramount) (Review — April 3). Up In the Air (1 reel) (Pathe Aesop's Fable Cartoon) (Review — March 27). Volga Boatman. The (10.660 ft.) (Cecil B. De Mille production) (Prod. Dist. Corp.) (Review — April 24). Volga Boatman, The (10,660 ft.) (Cecil B. De Mille production) (Prod. Dist. Corp.) (Review — April 24). W Wandering Papas (2 reels) (Clyde Cook) (Pathe-Hal Roach Comedy) (Review — March 13) Wandering Willies (2 reels) (Billy Bevan) I'athe-Mack Sennett Comedy) (Review — April 3). Watch Your Wife (6.974 ft.) (Virginia Valll and Pat 0'M:;illey) (Directed by Svend Gade) (Univei'sal) (Review— March 13). Whispering Smith (6.155 ft.) (H. B. Lillian Rich and John Bowers) (Base'l on novel by F. H. Spearman) (Directed by George Melford) (Prod. Dist. Corp.). White Mice (5.412 ft.) (Based on novel by Richard Harding Davis) (Jacqueline Logan) (Directed bv Edward H. Griffith) (Associated Exhibitors) (Review — March 27). Whoa Emma (2 reels) (Jimmie Adams) (Educational-Christie Comedy) (Review — March 27). , , „ Wife Tamers (2 reels) (Lionel Barrymore. Gertrude Astor and (Tlyde Cook) (PatheHal Roach Comedy) (Review — April 3). Wild Oats Lane (6,900 ft.) (Based on play "The Gambling C^iaplain" by Gerald Beaumont) (Viola Dana and Robert Agnew) (Directed by Marshall Nellan) (Producers Distributing Corp.) (Review — .'Vpril 10). „ .A Winking Idol. The (William Desmond and Eileen Sedgwick) (Universal Serial) (Directed by Frances Ford) (Review of first of the episodes — March 20). Wireless Lizzie (2 reels) (Walter Hlers) (Educational-Christie Comedy) (Review — March 20). , _ , „ . Woman of Letters, A (2 reels) ("Helen Mid ("Warren" Series) (Fox Comedy) (Review— March 13). iiiiuiilitiii'n<niM«niii>iitinn'n"iMiinn.| Yearning for Love (2 reels) (Wanda Wiley) (Universal-Century Comedy) (Review— Yellow'^FMnglrs (5.594 ft.) ('^^'P^ J"''*;-2"w Borden and Claire Adams) (Directed by Emmett Flynn) (Fox) (Review— April 10).