The Moving picture world (May 1926-June 1926)

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78 Moving Picture World May 1, 1926 Review Date Where It's Readily Accessible Review. ..Jan. 9. Ian. 9. an. 9. an. 9. an. 9. an. 9. in. 23. ..Ian. 16. ..Jan. 16. ..Jan. 16. 23. 23. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 6. 6. 6. 6. J Bl b. Feb. Feb. Feb. Kind of Picture Good Cheer . Our Gang Wide Open Facet Sennett Comedy Jan. Between Meal* » Roach comedy Jan. All Astride Sportlight Jan. Gold Push Terry cartoon Jan. Three Blind Mice Terry cartoon Jan. Stop, Look and Listen L. Semon comedy Jan. What's the World Coming To? C. Cook comedy Jan. Hot Cakes for Two (Day) Comedy Jan. Lighter Than Air Terry cartoon ■ Jan. New Melody Series Song series (13) Jan. Charley. My Boy (Chase) Comedy Jan. Saturday Afternoon (Langdon) Comedy Jan. Whispering Whiskers (Bevan) Comedy Jan. Little Brown Jug Terry cartoon Jan. Long Pants (Tryon) Comedy Jan. A June Bride Terry cartoon The Uprising Generation Sportlight Soft Pedal (Parrott) Comedy Funnymooners (Graves) Comedy Strenuous Life Sportlight Windjammers Terry cartoon Your Husband's Past Comedy Casey of the Coast Guard Action serial Feb. 13 Buried Treasure Our Gang comedy Feb, 20. Wicked City Terry Cartoon Feb. 20. Driftin' Thru (H. Carey) Human interest westn Feb. 27. Trimmed in Gold (Bevan) Sennett comedy Feb. 27. Pay the Cashier (Parrott) Comedy Feb. 27. Gooseland (Alice Day) Sennett comedy Mar. 6. Mail Coach Terry cartoon Mar. 6. Wandering Papas (C. Cook) Hal Roach comedy Mar. 13. Hug Bug (Tryon) Hal Roach comedy Mar. 13. Spanish Love Terry cartoon Mar. 13. Mama Behave (Chase) Hal Roach comedy Mar. 13. Circus Today (Bevan) Mack Sennett comedy Mar. 13. Leaps and Bounds Sportlight Mar. 20. Only Son (Parrott) Hal Roach com Mar. 20. Bar-C Mystery (all-star) Feature version Mar. 27. Spanking Breezes (Alice Day) Sennett comedy Mar. 27. Monkey Eusiness Our Gang comedy Mar. 27. Up In the Air Terry cartoon Mar. 27. Fire Fightei Terry cartoon Mar. 27. Dizzy Daddies (Findlayson) Hal Roach comedy Mar. 27. Dixie Doodle Sportlight Mar. 27. Seventh Bandit (Carey) , W estern Apr. 3. Wife Tamer (Lionel Barrymore) Hal Roach comedy Apr. 3. Fly Time Terry cartoon Apr. 3. Wandering Willies (Bevan-Clyde) Sennett comedy Apr. 3. Dog Shy (Chase & all-star) Hal Roach comedy Apr. 10. Happy Hunting Grounds Sportlight Apr. 10. Merry Blacksmith Terry cartoon ....Apr. 10. Do Your Duty (Pollard) Hal Roach comedy Apr. 10. Hocked at the Altar (Graves) Mack Sennett comedy.... Apr. 10. Bar-C Mystery (Dorothy Phillips) Western Serial April 17.. Hearts and Showers Terry cartoon Apr. 24. The Inside Dope Sportlight Apr. 24. Madame Mystery (Theda Bara) Hal Roach "star" Apr. 24. A Big-Hearted Fish Terry cartoon Apr. 24. Feet 2,000 . 2.000 . 1.000 . 1,000 . 1.000 . 1.000 5,305 . 2,000 . 2,000 . 1,000 , 1,000 2.000 . 3.000 . 2,000 . 1,000 . 2,000 . 1,000 . 1.000 . 1.000 . 2,000 . 1.000 . 1.000 . 2.000 10 ep. . i JO0 I XX) . 4.S20 . 2,000 . 1,000 . 2,000 . 1,000 . 2.000 . 2,000 . 1,000 . 2,000 . 2,000 . 1.000 . 1,000 . 4.756 . 2.000 . 2.000 . 1.000 . 1.000 . 2.000 . 1.000 . 5,353 . 2,000 . 1,000 . 2,000 . 2,000 . 1,000 . 1,000 . 1,000 . 2,000 . 1.000 . l.nrvi . 2.000 . 1.000 PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORP. Mar May • June Cafe in Cairo (Dean) Drama Flaming Forties (Carey) Western The Mirage (Vidor) Drama Let Women Alone (OMalley-Hawley) Drama Soft Shoe* (Carey) Western Charley's Aunt (Syd Chaplin) Farce-comedy .... Her Market Value (Ay re*) Drama Girl of Gold (Vidor) ...Drama On the Threshold (all-*tar) Drama Beyond the Border (Carey) • Western Friendly Enemies (Weber 4 Field*) Comedy dr Crimson Runner (Priscilla Dean) Stromberg melo. . Silent Sander»on (Carey) Cattle — gold helds Stop Flirting (all star) Light comedy Beauty and the Bad Man (Mabel Ballin) .. Drama Awful Truth (Ague* Ayre*) Light comedy Texas Trail (Carey) Typical western July Private Affairs (flulette) Character drama Aug Hell's Highroad (Leatrice Joy) Love drama Sep. Seven Days (Lillian Rich) Comedy feature Sep. Coming of Amos (Rod LaRoque) Comedy-drama Sep Without Mercy (Vera Reynold*) Drama Prairie Pirate (Harry Carey) Western People vs. Nancy Preston Underworld drama Road to Yesterday (Schildkraut) Spectacular drama Man from Red Gulch (Carey) Western Madame Lucy (Julian Eltinge) Farce-comedy Off the Highway (W.V. Mong) Drama Oct. Simon the Jester (CBnenRich) Comedy-drama Nov load to Yesterday (J. Schfldkrant) Tense drama Dec Wedding Song (Leatrice Joy) Comedy-heart mt--dr Tan 1925 28.. 5,656 5,770 5,770 5,620 Feb. 21. ...June July July 7.243 5,931 4,969 4,469 6,288 4,775 4,841 5,161 5,794 5.917 4720 6,132 6.084 6.974 5,077 Steel, Preferred (star cast)... Braveheart (LaRoque) Rocking Moon (Taahraan-Bowers). Danger QV) (P-sci£ka Dean) Million Dollar Handicap (all star). Three Faces East (Jetta Goudal) ....Steel industry dr Jan. .... Indian drama Jan. ....Alaskan drama Jan. ....Comedy-drama Feb. ....Horse race melo Feb. Suspense-spy-melo Feb. 3.. 28.. 12.. 1926 2.. 9.. 23.. 30.. 6.. 13.. 20.. 20.. 10.. 7,641 6.168 9.980 7,373 6,717 7.238 6.013 5,660 6.095 7,419 5.503 6,900 Fifth Avenue (De La Motte) Human Inf. IViinj Feb, Wild Oats Lane (Viola Dana) Melodrama Apr. Danger Girl (Priscilla Dean) Crook melodrama Made for Love (Leatrice Joy) Drama Red Dice (Rod LaRoque) Underworld melodrama Forhidden Waters (Priscilla Dean) Comedy drama Whispering Smith (H. B. Warner) Melodramawestern Volga Boatman (W. Boyd-E. Fair) Melodrama Apr. 24.. 10.660 Paris at Midnight (Jetta Goudal) Melodrama B. P. SCHULBERG PROD. Kind of Picture Review. Feel Parasite (Bellamy-MooreWashburn) Drama Jan. 31.. »,m Mansion of Aching Heart* (allstar) ..Melodrama Max. 14.. 6,147 Go Straufet (Mar cast) Drama May 9. . 6,107 Faint Pertume (Seena Owen) Romanoc drama June 27.. 6.228 My Lady'* Lip* (Clara Bow) Crook drama July 25.. 6,U» Parisian Love (Clara Bow) Apache drama Aug 15.. 6424 Girl Who Wouldn't Work (De La Motte) Modern drama Aug. 22.. 5.979 Plastic Age (Bow-Ki-th) College *tory Oct. 10.. 6.488 The Other Woman's Story (Calhoun) Mystery drama Oct. 31.. 6.080 TIFFANY PRODUCTIONS, INC. Souls for Sables Society drama The Sporting Chance • Racing drama Lightning Drama Morals lor Men Society drama The Lodge in the Wilderness Dram* Morgansua's Finish Drama Tale of a Vanishing People Drama 1925 .Sep. 5.. 72721 6J00 6.500 tJOt 6.500 6.500 6.400 The Travis Cup Drama , 6,500 The Wrong Coat Drama , 6.500 the Dumb Head Drama 6,500 rhe l ite ^f » Woman IVissss. «, w Out of the Storm (Logan-Burns) Melodrama Apr. 24.. 6.500 TRUART FILM CORPORATION Marrying Money Society drama 5,800 Dollar Down Society drama 5/00 Age of Indiscretion Drama 5,1)00 "Where the Worst Begin*" Comedy drama 5,800 The Hurricane Drama 5.800 Salvage Drama 5,800 Romance Road Drama 5,808 The Fighting Cob Newspaper drama 5,I1W NOVELTY SERIES Three in Exile 5,800 The Wild Girl 5,800 Pal* 5.800 The Silent Witne** SJMP UNITED ARTISTS America (Griffith prod.) Historical drama ....Mar Waking Up the Town (J. Pickford-Shearer)( omedy dr April Don Q, Son of Zorro (D Fairbanks) Typical Fairbanks June Sally of the Sawdust (Dempster) D W. Griffith prod. Aug Gold Rush (Chaplin) A Dramatic comedy Aug Wild Justice (Peter the Great) Dog melodrama Aug. Little Annie Rooney (Piekford) Typical "Mary" Ort. Eagle (Rudolph Valentino) Romantic drama Nov. Stella Dallas (star cast) Mother-love drama No*. Tumbleweeds (W. S. Hart) Land rush drama Tan. Partners Again (Sidney-Alex Carr) PotashPerlmutter Feb. Black Pirate (Douglas Fairbanks) Technicolor feature Mar. The Bat (all-star) Mystery drama Mar. 1925 8.. II. 27 15 29 29 31 a . 21.. 1926 2 27 20 . 27. 11,442 4JW 11.000 ).» 8.535 5.88f 8.500 &.7S4 10.157 7.234 5.600 8.388 . 8.219 Capital Punishment (Clara Bow). Boomerang (Clara Bow) ..Prison dr. . OwneHv.iiV. .Jan. 24.. 5.950 .Mar. a.. 1714 UNIVERSAL Too Much Motber-in-Law Century comedy Sep Uncle loin's Gal Century comedy Sep Life'* Greatest Thrills Special Sep Sporting Lite (Bert Lytell) Melodrama Sep. One Wild Night (Edward*) Comedy Sep. Ofhcet No. 13 (Eddie Gordon) Comedy Sep. Bustin' Through tHuaie) Blue streak western Oct. Cupid'* Victory (Wanda Wiley) Comedy .'ct. By the Sea iPnfly) Comedy Oct. Calgary Stampede (Hoot Gibson) Thrill western Oct. Just Cowboys Short western Oct. Taking Chance* Short western Oct. The Raid Short western Oct. Green Eyed Mjnster (Arthur Lake) Comedy Oct Absent Minded (Neely Edward*) Bulls-eye com Oct. Road from Latigo (E. Cobb) Short western Oct. Ace of Spades (Desmond) Western chapterptay . .. Oct. voraery Trouble* (Edna Marian) ... .. . Century comedy Oct. hr< tsr" A ±4 ii-?t»Lg vestern let. Hidden Loot (Hoxie) Action western Oct. Boundary Line (Fred Hume*) .Short western Oct A Taxi War (Eddie Gordon) Comedy Oct Triple Action (Pete Morrison) Action western Nov Rustlers From Boulder Canyon Short western N/r» Kick Me Again (Puffy) Comedy Nov. Oh. Buster Buster Brown Nov. Proud Heart (R. Schildkraut) Father-love dr. Nut. Two Many Ducks Mustang westn-com Nov. Beware of Your Relative* Bluebird comedy Nov. A Speedy Marriages Century comedy Nov Arizona Sweepstakes (Hoot Gibson) Arizona-Chinatown Nov Scarlet Streak (Daugherty-Todd) Adventure serial Nor Range Law Mustang western Nor >candal Hunters (Alt) Century comedy Nov »aint Heart (Puffy) Fat man comedy Nov Scrappin' Kid (Art Acord) Heart-int. western Dec. Eighteen Carat (Edna Marian) Century comedy Dec. Happy-GoLucky (N. Edwards) Comedy Dec. One Man Ranch (Morrison) Action western Dee. Breaking Loose (Holme»-Corbett) Mustang comedy ..Dee. What Happened to Jones (Denny) Farce-comedy Dec. Top Hand Short western Dec Skinner** Dress Suit (Denny) Comedy .....Dec Buster"! Nightmare ... Buster Brow* Dec. Captain Sud* (Eddie Gordon) Century curat dr Dec. Lore My Dog (Arthur Lake) Sweet 16 comedy... Dec. Call of Hazard (Humes) Mustang westers Jan. Going Good (Wanda Wiley) Century comedy ....Tan. Prep School (A Lake) Bluebird comedy Tan. Still Alarm (star cast) Fire-thrfO melo. Tan. Bine Blaze* (P. Morrison) Western Six Shootin' Romance (Hoxie) Western Buster's Bust -up Buster Brown comedy Stella Maris (Mary Phflbin) Wm. Locke novel 1925 19.. 2.000 19.. 2,000 19.. 2,000 6.709 1,000 26 26 26.. 2,000 J. . 4.S0T . 2.00* 1.000 52924 2.000 2.000 3 10. 10 10. 10.. 2.000 10.. 1.000 1.000 2.000 17 17 24 J4.. !.00rj ». ii H.. 4738 31.. 2.0X 31.. 2.000 ?.. 4.800 7 2000 7.. l.ono 7 2 mo 14.. l.*4f 14.. 2.M* 14.. 1.0** 14.. LOW 1.41* Ja 28.. 1.000 I.. 4.0M 5.. 2008 U.. 1.008 12.. 4.400 12 .. 2,000 i9.. 627TB 19.»j 26.. 6JW7 26.. 2.008 26.. 2.008 26 1.000 1926 I.. 2.000 I., loot 2..» 9.. r jot M.. 427118 8.. 4XT7 23.. 2.000 ».. 52786