The Moving picture world (July 1926-August 1926)

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364 MOVING PICTURE WORLD August 7, 1926 Madeline Hurlock, who became famous for her work in support of Mack Sennett's Comedies, has been rewarded by being elevated, by Mr. Sennett, to be a fullfledged star. Vernon Comedy Completed Bobby X'crnoii s initial completed comedy on Educational's 1926-27 schedule, "Dummy Love," has been completed and v/iU be ready for release the middle of August. Bobby has the role of the love-stricken young man just out of college. In addition to Bobby Vernon, Jack Duffy, who does some of the finest work of his comedy career; Frances Lee, who again is leading lady for Bobby ; Thelma Daniels, a new beauty from vaudeville, and Eddie Baker are featured in the cast. Schine Books Red Seal Harry Bernstein, general sales manager for Red Seal Pictures, announces that the Schine Theatre Circuit has booked Red Seal's entire product Max's Mother Goose "All the King's Horses and All the King's Men" were used in exterior shots for the fifth "Carrie of the Chorus" comedy, at Valhalla, N. Y., last week. The horses and riders were hired from the King Livery in the small village. Max Fleischer, head of Red Seal, explained. Vacation In Mack Sennett Studios With the closing of the Mack Sennett studios for the summer vacation period, many Pathecomedy films have been completed, and offer a diversified "hot weather" diet for motion picture fans, and theatre box-offices alike. Prior to the closing down of the Sennett studios, Clarence Hennecke and Earl Rodney, formerly active members of the Sennett story stafT, finished their first co-directing vehicle, a ''Smith Family" comedy, with Raymond McKee, Ruth Hiatt and Mary Ann Jackson in the featured roles. Both Rodney and Hennecke were independent comedy directors before their affiliation with Mack Sennett. Alf Goulding, assisted by Harry Connett, completed Ben Turpin's newest comedy. In this offering Turpin is supported hy Ruth Taylor, Thelma Hill, Marvin Lobach, Barney Helium and Andy Oyde. Madeline Hurlock appears as a pseudo-Russian Countess in her first feature comedy for Bennett, completed under the direction of Eddie Cline and Joe Berdeaux. Other Mack Sennett comedy pictures about to be released are, "a Smith Family," domestic number directed by Alf Goulding; Ben Turpin comedy, titled "A Harem Knight," filmed under the direction of Gil Pratt, with Madeline Hurlock enacting the leading feminine role; an Alice Day offering based on the adventures of a plumber's daughter, and two Mack Sennett all-star comedies in which Billy Bevan portrays the featured roles. The Sennett stars and players now enjoying the summer vacation are, Alice Day, Ben Turpin, Johnny Burke, Madeline Hurlock, Raymond McKee, Danny O'Shea, Eddie Quillan, Vernon Dent, Ruth Hiatt, Billy Bevan, Thelma Hill, Mary Ann Jackson, Ruth Taylor, Alma Bennett, William McCall, Dave ^Morris, William S. Blystone, Andy Clyde, Joe Young, Mildred June, Marvin Lobach, Barney Helium and bathing girls. Kinograms Shows Cable Being Laid On the sixtieth anniversary of the laying of the first Atlantic cable by the Great Eastern, Kinograms, the news reel released by Educationiil Film Exchanges, Inc., is presenting exclusive pictures showing the placing of the fastest cable ever installed between the shores of England and America. The pictures are replete with adventure, the tang of the sea and an atmosphere of romance that makes them different from anything of the kind ever before shown in a news reel. Kinograms' editors call the picture a feature in tabloid, containing as it does every essential element of entertainment value desired by movie-goers. The cable cost V3, 500,000 and is 2,500 miles in length. It was constructed in England from formulas furnished by American engineers. This gigantic strand of wire cable was laid by the cable ship Colonia, from Penzance, England, to Bay Roberts, Newfoundland, on a trip beset with danger and hardships. Eight times during the voyage the cable had to be cut and buoyed up while the ship rode out a storm. The news reel pictures show exactly how the cable is laid from start to finish. The picture was especially photographed for Kinograms under the supervision of Charles W. Barrell. Allene Ray and Walter Miller are "roughing it" about breakfast time, in Episode Six of "Snowed In," the Patheserial made up near the North Pole. **Reelview" Edited By Beth Brown Miss Beth Brown, film editor and titler of Red Seal, has just completed editing and titling the newest "Reelview," which will be released as Issue K. This new^ film was "shot" at Ellis Island, NewYork's East Side, Broadway and other sections of the city. This latest Reelview is an interesting study of the emigrants upon arrival in America, depicting .the things they do and the places they invariably go to. Since the completion of this new "reelview," Miss Brown has begun work on an original idea of her own, in which she is assembling various scenic shots taken from many films, in which crowds of people are included. This film, when complete, will represent over a year's collecting of odd bits of film, "shot" in different parts of the world and suited for this purpose, for which Miss Brown has been searching. In the completed work, she will include a film study of an Arab chieftain and will explain the facial characteristics of this race, w-ith the analysis of the same. This new noveltj-, which has not been named, as yet, will be distributed by Red Seal. The "Million Dollar Smile" of Fred Humes, the Universal star, will soon be seen in "The Yellow Back," directed by Del Andrews. Locations For "Devil Horse" Since the completion of "The Devil Horse." Hal Roach's Pathe feature starring Rex, king of wild horses, made at the Crow Reservation in Montana, eleven chambers of commerce or similar organizations in western towns have written to the Roach studies and Fred Jackman, director, asking if it is possible for the next picture with Rex to be made in their localities. The next picture probably will not be started before September. Wanda Wiley, world famous Universal comedy star, has no difficulty in holding this door against four of her fun-making associates in a ripping comedy fostered by the distinguished Stern Brothers for Universal release. Wanda has a film following all her own.