Moving Picture World (Sep 1916)

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September 9, 1(;1<> HE MOVING I'M I i Kl WORLD [719 IVAN COMPLETES "HER SURRENDER." "Her Surrender." the newest all-star caal tvan production, i,-,,,,, the pen of Ivan Abramaon, has been oompleted as a Bve reel feature for September release under 1 1 1 « ■ [van ba r. The [van Productions consider this as their best effort to date, assert this feature will enhance their reputation as p features which are of a standard to cope with the market. The all-star cast which was brought together to enact the various roles required by the story la Anna Nllsson, featured "GRETCHEN THE GREENHORN" (Triangle). ... i Scene from "Her Surrender" (Ivan). in the sensational serial success "Who's Guilty ?" by rathe and the Fox aim "The Regeneration"; Hose Coghlan, the distinguished artiste of the legitimate stage whose work in "The Faded Flower,' a previous Ivan release, aroused much favorable comment from the critics; Harry Spingler, starred for , year With William Farnum, and considered one of filmdom's leading juveniles; Wilmuth Merkyl, star of "The Blindness of Virtue" and co-star with Virginia Pears m in "Blazing Love" as well as other well-known photoplays; William H. Tooker, the most notable delineator of screen character roles today, starred by William Fox in "A Fool's Revenge" and other plays; and Frankie Mann, whose screen work with the Lubin and Yitagraph organizations stamp her as among our most promising ingenues. The production was made by Ivan Abramson in the Ivan studios and at Bradley Beach, the Duveen estate being employed to make some exterior views required by the story. Several novel lighting effects have been introduced by M. LePicard. chief of the Ivan camera forces. The Ivan exchange:. throughout the country will release this feature as the regular Ivan production for September. Dorothj Qlab and the Triangle klddli combination In tbe Pine Arts , ' the <■<■ horn" released bj I Septei »i 8. M ■• ■ ■ more Dutch charactei Izatlon to th( »he o hei i redlt, and not a te* of the ■ l< '" hc her i ,, , , m«™ The scenes of "Gretchen, the Greenhorn" are all laid in New jret thi atorj has all the atmosphere of Holland, and i» typicallj Dutch In Its characterisations, Th( Qretchen Glen p, rfectly, and « Ith the remalndi ' « cellentls selected, the picture is easily one ol the bi photo-dramas ever presented, Sh. the little Dutch a;irl who comes to America and almost Btralght away "'' '" ■'" "'" ' "' :"'" \ ent in i doi a the nnesl w 01 k of her carei little mother of the Garrltj I c< fl( ntlj ways the rule bj the Triangle Kiddies, she I ppeallng, ana as the brave-hearted mis: who thwarts the band of coui felt ers she is do'w nrlght Inspirit The few scenes from Holland are gems of realism, not a tall of the picturesqueness of that country being lost on the screen. Photographically too, "Gretchen the Greenhorn" Is truly representative of the Best of Triangles. "Gretchen the Greenhorn" does not lack for action despite the tad that its charai race supposedlj noted for the stolldness of Its people. Prom the moment Gretchen arrives in America until she is finally rescued from .1 boat where she has been carried captive bj a band oi counterfeiters, there is action every moment of the picture, in fact, it has come t,, be expected that there will be considerable action In every Triangle picture that numbers In its cast the Triangle Kiddies. Those youngsters have a way of starting things from time to. time, that insures plenty of excitement in every picture la which they are seen. Ralph Lewis, who plays the chief lead in support of Miss Glsh, gives one of the very best screen interpretations of his career. As the old father of Gretchen, who is led into wrongdoing by his trustfulness, he is most convincing. "Gretchen the Greenhorn" is without question Dorthy Gish's best picture, and it promises to be one of the most popular on the Triangle program. FIRST "FANTOMAS" EPISODE. The first three-reel series ever Inaugurated in America will have its first episode released when the Gautnont Company issues "The Phantom Crook" September 7 as the initial num-' ber of "Fantomas." This Mutual series was made in France', and follows closely the series of remarkable novels which have been the most successful detective stories in the French language. The first episode enlists some of the most popular screen artists of France in the leading roles. The part of Fantomas throughout the series is played by Victor Navarre, an actor who is one of the matinee idols of France. Opposed to him is James Breon as the detective who so relentlessly pursues the master criminal. A third character -which appears /in each episode Is that of the journalist, Fandor, played by Louis Melchior. With the usual Gaumont skill in picking a cast which will have an international appeal, beautiful Jean Faber was se SMALLEYS WILL MAKE MORE BLUEBIRDS. Lois Weber and her husband, Phillips Smalley, are reviving from their summer lay-off, since introducing Mary MacLaren as a Bluebird star, in "Shoes," and have in preparation several subjects they will contribute to the program during the autumn months. Two features are completed and in both ol them Miss MacLaren will be the leading lady. "Saving the Family Name" will be the September 11 Bluebird, with Phillips Smalley tiding as the MacLaren girl's leading man. Miss Weber founded her scenario on Evelyn Heath's story of the same title and directed the production. Miss Girrard Alexander, Harry Depp. Jack Holt and Carl Von Schiller will be in the supporting company. Three weeks later (October 2) Miss Weber will present another feature from her own scenario, "Wanted — A Home," in which Miss MacLaren will be featured. In this production Mr. Smalley assisted his wife in the direction. The purpose in releasing another Smalley feature so soon after "Saving the Family Name" is to give exhibitors the opportunity to capitalize upon the excellent impression the last-mentioned production will, in the manufacturer's opinion, most certainly create. James Oppenheim's story, "Idle Wives," will bring both of the Smalleys and Miss MacLaren into one subject as combined features, thus building up the interest the public will find in the series of Lois Weber productions. Miss AVeber made the scenario and will act opposite Mr. Smalley in presenting the leading roles, with Mary MacLaren featured. Exhibitors have found the Smalley productions extremely popular in the Bluebird program and will recall "Hop, the Devil's Brew," "The Flirt," "John Needham's Double," "The Eye of God" (all Smalley pictures) as some of the best monevgetters in the series. There is assurance that the forthcoming Smalley plays will be equally popular with the theatergoing public. Scene from "Fantomas" (Gaumont). cured from the Comedie Francaise to portray Princess Soma Danldoff, the first victim to the calculated cunning and desperate daring of Fantomas. Benee Carl has the part of Lady Beltham. a titled Englishwoman who falls under the influence of the sinister criminal. These facts are well known to readers of many American newspapers, as the "Fantomas" stories have been appearing this summer in many Sunday papers. Thus "Fantomas" is already known to millions of Americans who can be depended upon to form the nucleus of patrons who will enjoy the film version.