Moving Picture World (Sep 1916)

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September THE MOVING PK I i RE W< >RLD 1723 Titusville's Orhpeum to Open. Tltusvllle, Pa The m w Orpheum ater, now being erected at Tltusvllle, Pa., will be opened aboul October 16, 1 1 » « owners have announced The house will represent an Investment ol ovei (80,000 and promises to be strlctlj up-to-date In Its construction and arrangement. The Beating capacl i \ will be BOO New Woodlawn Theater. Woodlawn, Va Panopolls and Lambrus, who operate the Lyric theater, .i l. '-seat house, at McKeesport, Pa., have purchased a i>i"t of ground at Woodlawn, n.i contemplate erecting on it a new ami modern picture theater. The mi,' measures 50 b) 120 feet and is centrally located. No definite plans for the theater ha\ .■ as yet been formulated, Break Ground for New Gem. Derry, Pa. Ground was broken last week for the new 110,000 com theater which G. ii. Meyers & Son will erect on First avenue, between Chestnut and Ligonler streets. The building will be of ap• I fireproof construction, it will be >>iie story in height with a balcony. The basement will be sublet. A fine new Simples motor-driven machine Is now on the way and new equipment for the theater has also heen Ordered. Only pictures Will he shown and a continuous performance without waits will be given. Theater Renovations and Additions. Bast Liberty, Pa.— The Regent theater, in the East Liberty section, Pittsburgh, Pa., one of the How land & Clark chain of houses, has been equipped with an elaborate air washing system at a cost of $1,400. The new appliance has greatly improved the ventilation of the theater and makes the atmosphere pleasant at all times. The air is thoroughly cleansed by passing through sprays of water. oil City, Pa. — The Lyric theater, Oil City, Pa., is being Improved and enlarged by the addition of a balcony, which will make it a very roomy and inviting house. .Ww decorations both inside and out are also under way and Manager Stahl hopes to have everything In readiness for reopening about September 15. Fairmont, W. Va. — The Grand theater, owned and managed by Charles Miller, at Fairmont. West Va., has been reopened after being remodeled and improved conibly. The new interior decorations are in harmony with a beautiful Japanese stage setting that has been installed, and the theater combines an unusual degree of attractiveness and comfort. A new $4,000 pipe organ has been installed. The seating capacity of the Grand is 700. Beaver Falls. Pa. — The Colonial theater, Beaver Falls, Pa., has been improved with new seats and other equipment during the past few weeks. The seats were installed at night without closing the house, as the Columbia's business has been too good to suspend the show for even a few days. The seating capacity is 500. Samuel Goodman is the owner and manager. Meadville, Pa. — The Photoplay theater, Meadville. Pa., has reopened after remaining dark throughout the summer months. Manager Weir has beautified the house considerably and installed some new equipment, making it one of the most upto-date and attractive theaters in its locality. The local branch of the Metro Pictures Service will handle ten prints of the great new serial picture "The Crimson Stain Mystery.'' to be released soon. Manager J. E. Davis reports excellent bookings on this subject throughout the territory covered by the branch. The Pittsburgh office will supply Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky. Films at Pittsburgh's Schenley Magnificent Theater in the Oakland District Mas Heen Taken Over by Its Owncis and Is Being Run as an Exclusively Picture House — Seats 1,809 and Was Built at a Cost of Quarter of a Million in 1914. Prom Pittsburgh Nev 8016 Jenkins Ircade, Pittsburgh, Pa PITTSBURGH, Pa. The Schenlej theater, on Forbes Btreet, In the Oakland district, Pittsburgh, Pa., bar been taken over bj the owners of the building and is now being opei ated i i phol oplaj theater exclusively, The Schenlej Amusement Companj relinquished Its lease on the house alter having conducted it for about two years, in st with vaudevllli later with a combined pi og > am of \ audi \ ille and feature put hits. The Schenlej is one of the finest theaters in Pittsburgh, having cosl a quarter of a million dollars In build. It Is loCated near the most exclusive residential section of the city and caters to a large patronage of the better class. The Beating capacity is 1,809. The theater was erected in 1 9 I I for the Schenlej Aiiiuse lj and is modern in I particular. For the time being the management of the house will be looked alter personally bj one of tli< owners. YV. M. Jacoby, a prominent real estate man with offices In the Vandegrift building, Fourth avi The other well-known real estate men connected With the enterprise are C. J. Kelly, Jr., Henry Irish and A. M. Thompson. While all the details have not yet heen worked out, it is probable that a company will be formed by the above men for operating the theater. The Schenley was reopened in a very auspicious manner several days ago, after having remained dark for about a month for repairs and re-decoration. A pleasing feature introduced by the new management is a symphony orchestra directed by Gilbert C. Friar, who has arranged scores especially to accompany the photoplays shown. The best big feature pictures, including Triangle, Red Feather, Bluebird and World, are being presented daily. The admission price is 10 cents. Hommel Company's Anniversary. Pittsburgh, Pa. — Ludwig Hommel & Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., the well known moving picture supply house, recently observed its tenth anniversary in a brilliant and fitting manner. The main event of the celebration was a banquet tendered Mr. Hommel in the Fort Pitt hotel by the sales force of the company. Covers were laid for ten and the following were the guests: C. A. Swartz, J. R. Newman, A. B. Beach. Albert Cook, L. G. Luckie. A. M. Cunnings, S. M. Finkelstein, .Mark H. Livinston, W. S. Stuckeman and I.udwig Hommel. As a token of their esteem the salesmen presented Mr. Hommel with a beautiful loving cup. appropriately engraved. Many interesting facts in connection with the moving picture supply business in this city was brought out by the celebration. Mr. Hommel was the first to introduce the converter in the Pittsburgh section, also the Edison SuperKinetoscope, the Minusa screen, and also the Hommel economizer. A souvenir of the occasion in the form of a small birthday cake was mailed to 3,000 exhibitors in all parts of the country. The congratulations of the trade everywhere were received by Mr. Hommel. Big Picture Company Opens Office. Pittsburgh, Pa. — Offices have been opened in the First National Bank building. Pittsburgh, Pa., by the newly organized moving picture corporation made up of the Success Films Corporation, Success Releasing Corporation and the Success Real Estate Corporation, incorporated in South Dakota, with a capital stock stated at $7,500,000. According to an announcement issued here, the financial center and general offices will be lo eated In ! \ C R< j w n i x < ' pans . b i 'i.-\ eia mi. 1 1 ., is 1 1 entative of 1 !>■• new concei n. now loca i ed hei e Ashbys Building House in Erie. Brie, Pa \ modern moving picture to i" erected on t he nort I ,,! Fifth and Stale st i , Pa., i,\ ii \ Ishbj and E B Vshbj The Bt nii'l lire will be thn high and will have a fi I 120 feel Thi trance to the theater proper will i 3tl I . while BtO cupj each side and extend around the Fifth street side of the building. The truction will be of steel, brick and tile and fireproof throughout, The front will be ornamental and the latest Ideat will be ■ |! lied In the arrangement and equlpmi nt ol th< theater Itself. Plans are I 01 mill. i ted, but no has as >et been mad, as to when the work will be started, Messrs. Ashbj are prominent business men of Erie, operating the Ashbj Printing Companj and other enterprises. New Greensburg Theater Ready. Greensburg, Pa, Th< handsome newtheater being erected at Greensburg, Pa., by Manos Brothers, Is rapidly Hearing completion and will be ready for opening about the middle of October. This in taking has been considerably delayed on account Of a shortage of structural steel, as the theater was to have been completed some time ago, according to the original plans. The theater is to be one of the finest in the state and will represent an outlay of $100,000. Reopening of the Bijou. Belle Vernon, Pa. — The Bijou theater, at Belle Vernon, Pa., is to be reopened September 4, after undergoing an extensive remodeling process which has greatly increased the attractiveness and size of the house. The seating capacity is now 500. A new lighting system has been installed and the interior beautifully redecorated. The Bijou is owned and operated by B. Dattola, who also conducts the Majestic theater. These are the onlyhouses in Belle Vernon and are both upto-date in every particular Howe Travel Films at Nixon. Pittsburgh, Pa. — The Nixon theater, Seventh avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., the largest and one of the finest playhouses in the City, has opened with the Lyman ll Howe Travel Festival and will continue with this attraction until the regular opening date. The festival is proving quite popular, as usual, with a large attendance twice daily. An iced air system has been installed in the Nixon. C. F. Krisel Takes Over the Mona. Millvale, Pa. — The Mona theater, Millvale, a suburb of Pittsburgh, formerly conducted by George BreUtendach and H 1 >. I'apencerdt, has been taken over by Charles K. Krisel. The name of the house has been changed to the Olympic theater. Mr. Kreisel formerly operated the cent theater, in Butler street, which he so],] recently. Fred Bluell to Manage the Luna. Monessen. Pa. — Preparations are being made to reopen the Luna theater, at Monessen, Pa., which has been dark for some time. The house has been taken over recently by Fred Bluell. who will manage it personally. A number of changes and improvements are contemplated.