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September 9, 1916
and his memory paints the ceremony, with the congratulations ol tiuir friend*. Next the birth announcement or their
only son, Tom, ami the picture visualises Kll.n
and the tiny baby and their wonderful Joy
over the gill >!od luis sent them, Then ho nl written in a Childish hand an invitation to a Christina! party and wl gazes upon the children playing games, lovingly watched by himself and Ellen.
Hut a newspaper clipping telling of his son's escapade brings Badness to tin old man — nu escapade in a cafe while In a drunken brawl;
but this i not all to ho added to the old mans Cup of bitterness, for his son is arrest embezzling funds from the hank in which he Is employed. Hearts!, k, the mother dies. Then the old man takes Ins savings his all— to the bank president to make good the shortage.
Then the officers come to take him away, hut they tind only a corpse. His spirit has gono to join Ellen's in Heaven.
east: Pierre (Las Kohlmani ; Victor (Millard K. Wilson); the wife (Edith Roberts). Written In lien Cohn. Produced by Allen Curtis.
Pierre, a French peasant, is proud of the honors which be received in the war and is anxious to have his son, Victor, follow In his footsteps. Victor is married and he and his iv very devoted to each other. Then one day comes the summons for Victor to go to war and it is with a gamut of emotions that the news is received in the small housebold.
Finally the time of his departure arrives and his wife., about to become a mother, is heartbroken. But the father is glad that his son is leaving for the front, and expects that he will return covered with medals. But love comes ahead of patriotism, and that night Pierre and the little wife are astounded when Victor appears. Before long the officers have come in search of him. hut Pierre with great dignity reminds the officers of his own valor and they do not search the house, out of consideration of him. Later, Victor realizes his duty to his country and leaves for the front. He returns, minus an arm, to his family and finds that he is a father. Pierre is now proud of his brave boy.
Bide to aid Libert) In
do« n th. door and confroui
ami defli her unwelcome nu band I "i awhile marching
nun Mi
LIBERTY (Episode No. 4 — -'Dead or Alive"— Two Parts — Sept. 4). — The cast: Liberty Horton (Marie Walcamp) ; Bob Rutledge (Jack Holt) ; Major Winston (Neal Hart) ; Manuel i Bertram Grassby) ; Juan Lopez (G. Raymond Nvfi ; Jose Leon (L. M. Wells) ; Pedro (Eddie Polo).
Miss Liberty Horton, an American heiress residing on her late father's estate in . Mexico. overhears a quarrel between her two guardians. Major Winston, a former U. S. Army officer, and Jose Leon, an old friend of her father's. The two guardians are angrily discussing Jose's demand that his son, Manuel, be allowed to wed Liberty. Jose declares that if the Major does not agree to such a marriage, he, Jose, will make public the fact that the Major has squandered in gambling about $20,000 belonging to Liberty. Liberty decides, that, although she does not care for Manuel, she will marry him to save her American guardian from disgrace. She also decides to be Manuel's wife in name only.
While the forced marriage of Liberty and Manuel is taking place, Colonel Dalton. commanding troops near the border in New Mexico, receives orders from Washington to cross the line and capture the Mexicans who attacked the town of Discovery. Dalton's troopers show ioy over the chance to fight and they quickly break camp and begin marching across the border. Captain Rutledge. leader of a troop of Texas Rangers, who is in love with Liberty, sees Liberty being compelled to wed Manuel and he departs in sorrow to lead his rangers to a Junction with the oncoming American soldiers. Lopez, chief of the Mexican bandits in that section of the country, is told by a courier that the Yankee troops are coming, and hoping to gain greater power among the insurrectos, he incites die rebels to attack the American troops.
Therese, the discarded sweetheart of Manuel, resolves to aid Liberty in escaping from Manuel's house. Manuel goes to Liberty's room, which he finds locked, and he demands admittance, just as Therese creeps to the window out
TIMotiiy DOBBS, THAT'S ME (Episode No.
'l mil the Ro , I I, I •, |'\\ ,i i ■
Sept. 1 1 rii' •
Haven I : Jefl i Robert Mlla h i . din ctoi Hernandez i . Written b] dyth. Pro
duced by w B
IS In a hotel room, Timothy is
broke. Jeff Is washing Tlmothj i handkerchiefs and putting them on the window in dry. Tlin
ii cooed \t the Btudlo through a ruse he n
.hide and 60 1 1 I
watches a set story of the underworld, an and sees a director taking a fa man
through a part. He has a brilliant idea ; he iiis last dollar to bribe a man. Timothy returns to the scene where the director sits discouraged, Timothy wanders on, and th,' man he has bribed comes up and says. "Mr, Dobbs ! I haven't had the pleasure of your marvelous performance as a crook in that underworld play [" Timothy smiles Indifferently, but the director hears, the plan works and Timothy is engaged to play the stupid actor's part. Looking for a location they go to the worst section of the town, where police work in pairs, and proceed to take scenes. It is by accident that Timothy is wearing the makeup that resembles the Eel, notorious safe-breaker and murderer, and is recognized by a crook who spreads the news to all, including Maggie, the Eel's "Moll."
Natt rally, when Timothy, on the outside of
Why can't we arrange for your supply of new or slightly used him in all lengths for all parts of the globe? sortment of him in stock.
We have a large as
THE FILM EXCHANGE. 72a Seventh Ave.. New York Our Reference — Established 1908
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When in need of an experienced, reliable and efficient Camera Han oall
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T1IK PRINCELY BANDIT (Two Pari 'mi , a, Ma.i i lap tiio • ii 1 1 Irai
i ederlch i Pram i Ford i : the nt i Pete Gerald i . fount Michael Holt i. Written by Grace Canard, ProI by Errancl« Ford.
of Crona ha h. come petulant because the King Regent Inalal -ii.. marrj within a week.
rii. Queen admlrei Frederick ami i she will marry whom she likeH. The old King argues with Frederick In favor of the marriage, ami Frederick agrees. Hut when be finds that the Queen is against the match, he
her a nolo bidding farewell! and that he is leaving to avoid embarrassing In r.
After a hard day's travel Frederick am. a hut. which is Inhabited by a hand ot bandits, is just died. Frederick is admitted, and becomes very much Interested in the experiences related by the bandits. The romance of their lives appeals to him, and later he joins them. He gains the good will of bis companions and they make him chief. Count Michael, next in line for the throne, is in love with the young Queen. With the disappearance of Frederick, the Count tries every possible way to win the Queen's consent to his suit.
An artist is at the palace making a picture of the Queen, and when he leaves one night, the Count offers him his own coat, as the night is cold. The bandits see the artist in the royal coat, and thinking it Is the Count, capture him and hold him for ransom. While the artist Ms in the bandit's den he catches a view of Frederick unmasked, and makes a sketch of him from memory. When he is requested to write the King, stating he is held for ransom, he writes on the reverse side of the paper on which he has made the sketch. The note is delivered to Count Michael, who refuses to do anything to help the artist escape. He throws the note on the floor. The Queen discovers the note, and upon a close examination sees the sketch, which she recognizes as a likeness of Frederick. She determines to get him back.
On the day that the councilors declare she must marry Count Michael, the Queen captures the bandit chief and brings him before the cardinal, masked. She insists that rather than marry the Count she will marry the bandit, and the cardinal carries out her wishes. The Count in a fury denounces the bandit, and is much surprised when Frederick removes the mask and he recognizes him as the missing Prince.
Mutual Film Corporation
FARE. LADY (Aug. 22). The cast: Conductor No. 786 (Riley Chamberlin).
Until he fell in love, Conductor No. 780 was quite a model employee. Thereafter, every time he passed a real estate office he stopped the ear right in the middle of the block to search the displays for advertised houses for sale. Once he let a whole family ride three miles on one fare. Then he forgot to stop the car so Fatty could get on and Fatty had to chase the car ten blocks before he caught up with it. Rut one day, the conductor's bride-to-be insisted that he quit ringing up fares and become a lawless desperado In order to satisfy her romantic novel-reading disposition. And the conductor did, with the result that he fell into a nest of adventures, near arrests, nar,row escapes from minions of the law and the posses' noose.
MAKING THINGS HTM (Sent. 8).— The cast: Jerry (George Ovey) ; maid (Claire Alexander) : Hank (George George) : husband (Arthur Mund); wife (Janet Sully); police cantain (Jefferson Osborne); policeman (Gordon MacGregor). Directed by Milton H. Fahrney.
Jerry, ever alert to pretty girls, coines in (Continued on pagt 174^
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