Moving Picture World (Sep 1916)

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September (>. 1916 THE MO\ ING PI( I LJRE WORLD 1753 Iyouis Joseph Van., Produced by William Humphrey. , Joan Thin i jot. 1>. | :u . to (till tot' tin' floorwalker ami determines to go on tin itage. Her lather, a drunkard ami poolroom Send, oha . . ber out ol tin I The only two Friends ibe ha.-. t>> go to she finds out of town, but finds u friend In John Manilla-, a young playwright, a member of thi boarding Douse. John Matthias, in love wun Venetla Tankervllle, do, > not propoM to her because ol ber wealth, ami when she leads him to it ho declares in- love, the acquiesoes, ami Helena, who enters then is told ami oongratulates the couple Marbrldge, a silent partner with Arlington in a theatrical enterprl whloh Nella, Marbrldge's mistreat, is leading lady, accepts, a play which Manillas has written, ana they decide to put it on, Matthias getting their pn.nn ■ ,.i a --mall part lor .loan. Matthias, '. Inated by Joan's charms, pro » ber ami wins a consent Oh return or the eloping pair, Marbrldge having eloped with Wn.iia in order to get ber money, meets Joan ami Is struck by her beauty, which he openly admires, much to the embarrassment of Matthias. Tankervllle and Venetla. Through his influence her small part Is taken away and she IS given a bigger part. The Bight ol the lust performance he meets .nd takes her to hi apartment, when ho ha everything prepared for her. Nella gTOWS suspicious, follows them to the apartment, Bads Joan in his arms. and. her Jealousy overcoming lie tires and shoots Marbrldge, who falls. unconscious. Realising what she has done, Nella runs to him and hysterically tries to recall her action. Marbrldge's valet takes her away, revives Marbrldge, who gets Matthias on the phone, and later, whan Matthias and Arlington arrive, gives Joan and Venetla in Matthias'.beeping and Nella in Arlington's, lie dies. THE KID (Vltagraph — Five parts— Aug. 28). The cast: The Kid (Lillian Walkerj ; Dunster (Ned Finleyi; Marie IVree (Eulalle Jensen); Joe Hazard (Gob Gaillard). Author and director. Wilfrid North. The Kid. a sprightly young girl of seventeen, is overjoyed at receiving an appointment on the staff of the New York Herald, through the Influence of Joe Hazard, the star reporter, who has brought her up as his daughter. To arm toperly for the battle of life, Joe tells her the story of how her mother's downfall was brought about. Her mother, he tells her, was betrayed by a man named Dunster in her home town. Joe had befriended her and when her Child (the Kid i was born, and the mother died and Joe had decided to bring the child up himself. With a final warning to beware the pitfalls of the city, Joe takes her to the Herald office to begin her career. Soon after, when the price of meat shows an alarming rise, the Herald assigns the Kid to unearth the cause. While on the hunt for oarticulars, the Kid sees Robinson, one of the large cattle owners of the West, who has come to this city for a business trip. She follows him. waits while he has hi. shoes shined and then, whtn turning a corner, loses him in the crow-d. Hurrying home, she assumes the disguise of a bootblack and obtains a position at the stand where she left Robinson. True to her expectations, Robinson appears that day, and while shining hi? fhoes she obtains a clue. That day, Robinson's wife, a charity worker, is murdered while riding in her car, and the murderer makes his escape. Sometime later, the Kid manages to obtain a position in the office of Robinson and secures evidence which connects her employer not only with the manipulation of the meat market, but also with the murder of his wife. She arranges to have two detectives hide in the room next day to get further evidence of his connection with the murder, but they overhear a conversation which convinces them that Hildalgo, manager of Robinson's cattle enterprises, is the real murderer and he is taken into custody. The Kid obtains a warrant for Robinson for his connection with the rise in meat, but Joe Hazard, recognizing Robinson, tells the Kid that he is her own father, Dunster, under an assumed name. Dunstej also learns that the Kid is his daughter and begs leniency. She finally secures his freedom, but when he comes to claim a daughter's love, she turns to Joe, who has been her "Daddy" for ail these years. SELIG ATHLETIC FEATURE FILM SERIES No. 10 (Aug. 28). — Jiu jitsu match between J. Otagawa, the great Japanese exponent of the art. and W. Berne. Revival of archery : Miss Daly and J. D. Baker, among the world's champions in archery. Winter sports including ice skating, ski jumping, ice boating, obstacle races, hockey, etc. Pocket billiard match between J. M. Layton, world's champion, of Sedalia, Mo., and M. Petrie, of Denver, Col. Hallberg Equips Your Theatre Completely Hallberg Engines and Generators for Gasolene, Kerosem and Gas Fuel Send for Free Bu.!e»:n No. 2 Hallberg 20th Century Motor Generators, $217 ™ Free Bulletin No. 1 d u p HALLBERG'S Switch Boards for all Purposes $30 and Up. Arc-Controllers Feed Carbons Automatically, Free Circulars THE RETURN OF EVE (Essanay — Five Parts — Sept. 4). — The cast: Eve (Edna Mayo); POWER'S 6B "SIMPLEX" I am distributor of all makes moving picture machines and furnish everything complete for the theatre, new and used apparatus. Send for Free Circulars and Catalogues, but for Hallberg's Big 100-page Catalogue, send 25 Cents. I EQUIP THEATRES COMPLETELY AND CARRY "SPEER," "ELECTRA" AND "BIO" CARBONS AND SUPPLIES. Send $2.50 for latest Operator's Book "MOTION PICTURE ELECTRICITY" J.H.HALLBERGiii, 7th Ave. at 49th St. The House of Quality NEW YORK \,i,uii i Eugene "iii ■ Will, I ' A) Mi i John it.i . i John ' !ln ( It" !!• b) i a v, i. on Dodd. D Aiiimi Berthi tot Believing tiini lag tin' in,,'. Bl] Tupper, mi i ill Ion orphan chlldi OOJ iiml .i Kill, mnl |, In, id then] In a wlldcr11, there III Hi, i in, ol mi old tutor, David Winter . in gi "« up •> .i m w Adam and become path breakers of a i in delightful ■Implicit; and <•< mush .i iii,-> could in without contact with tho world, tini children attain the age ol i years. Hre. Tupper Bellamy, society leader, in ,i, iiy iplend I the day when she in mil, in her brother's millions. to marry her daugl 0 Scy inour Purchwell, society idlur of standing and mi attorney. Purchwell makes it plain that tho marriage can occur if Ell Tupper'e fortune goes to tin: girl and tor mother, When Tupper ill. Hi' i ter and her set learn for ilin Bret time of his mid experiment. His will provides that the i iter mu t take Adam and Eve into civilization In order to win an annuity of $60,000 a year. The orphans arc heirs to tho rest. Purchwell sets out to Dnd them, Eden of the boy and girl and Old Winters, and Is literally thi in the i. Winters re i ol l< a ■. Ing, bul a between Adam and Purchwell decidee him. Plunged the whirl of social affair is delighted, Adam is disgusted with tho sham and deceit of society, and plead with bet to return to Eden. She refuses. Win him to P'arls to study. Purchwell, seeking the Tupper fortune, turns his attention to Eve. Clarice is in a frenzy ol' affection epurned, and after finding the two alone sho accuses them before the Whole party. Eve, in her Innocence, does not readily graep the meaning of the charge. When it dawns on her she faces the guests, and In her bitterness denounces tin in as tools of passion and greed, and announces that he will give up all and return to Eden. With old Winters, she returns. Adam is recalled from Paris, and the girl and the boy. now awake to tli'-ir love, together with their beloved guardian give up Hie world. WORLD FILM CORP. THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR (Sept. I— P — Five Parts).— The cast: Nan Lorimer (June Elvidge) ; Maele Lorimer (Francs Nelson » ; Dr. Thornton (George Anderson) ; John Harwood (E. K. Lincoln). Directed by Robert Thornby. Maisie and Nan, two young convent-bred girls, are left orphaned and unprotected on the of their mother. The dying woman beg the older, to watch over and to protect tho younger and gay Maisie. Unused to the ways of the world, Maisie soon falls under the spell of the unscrupulous Dr. Thornton. She believes his protestations of love, and despite Nan's advice, meets him clandestinely at doubtful places. John Harwood, a manly fellow who has struck it rich out West, returns and is wined and feted by his former associates. He rescues Maisie from a subwv accident when she was on her way to fill a dinner engagement at Dr. Thornton's apartment, and the friendship thus begun, quickly develops. After a short while Harwood declares his love and the couple are married. Although devoted to his wife and longing to be with her, Harwood finds ii necessary to spend days and evenings at the office. Maisie chafes under the neglect and becomes very unhappy. She condemns Nan as unsympathetic in siding with Harwood and against her. True to her promise to her dying mother to protect M Nan goes to Harwood and tells him about Maisie's loneliness. He realizes for the first time that in the search for "the almighty dollar" he has neglected his wife and enthusiastically thanks Nan for bringing him to his si Maisie. entering the office, sees their affectionate attitude, hears only enough of their convi rsation to misunderstand, and. already suspicious and jealous of her husband's confidence in Nan. Immediately believes the worst. She confides hi t troubles to Dr. Thornton, and he, basely taking advantage of her upset condition, induces her to come to his apartment, siu realize late the true character of the man and struggles in vain against his embrace and kisses. Nan. seeking lior sister, arrives just in time to save her from Thornton. Norwood learns from a revengeful nurse — one of Dr. Thorntons jilted sweethearts that his wife is at thi tor's apartments. Infuriated, he forces his way into the apartment and demands that the doctor bring forth the woman who was with him Nan realizes she must save her sister at all that Harwood must never know the truth. Rushing to the back room, she forces Maisie down the fire escape, then steps forward and calmly lies to Harwood ■— boldlv asserts that he is mistaken — that Maisie has not been there BBSBSSSBaSSftSSfJ