Moving Picture World (Sep 1916)

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Barney; Bernard ^HH Creator of "Abe Pohdsh" in "Potash *n* Perl mutter" Montague Glass pldy, makes his screen debut in Phantom Fortunes" A fivereel comedydrama by Samuel Tauber Produced by Paul Scarclon i S tfc ere romance in business 1 Look about you ana see the fortunes that nave been made in •war speculation, miracles of sudden wealth tbat rival even the tales or tbe Arabian mgbts. Tbese are tbe visions or fortune tbat come to tbe simple, big-bearted clothing manufacturer tbat Barney Bernard plays in ** Pbantom Fortunes . Comedy, yes, but beartbreak too, when tbe swindle is revealed and bis every penny is gone. Heartbreak, not for bimself , but for bis friends wbo lose witb bim. But -wben tbe pbantom fortunes go, real fortune comes to bim, and tbere s joy and laughter and bappiness in tbe end. It s a good, -wbolesome picture, tbis; a bit of life tbat bas never been filmed before, and tbat never could bave been filmed witbout Barney Bernard s inimitable numor, sympathy and deep understarding of bis people. Ye». James Morrison is in the cast with Barney Bernard .A five reel Blue Ribbon Feature Released September 4th, through Vit agr aph (V=L=S=E'