Moving Picture World (Sep 1916)

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September 16, 1916 THE MOVING PI< I fJRE WORLD 1807 Kleine, Edison, Selig and E* my in Combination New Organization Will Distribute All Feature Subjects Through the George Kleine Exchanges —Formal A nnouncements From Selig and Essanag CONFIRMING the Moving Picture World's story, pub lished in last week's issue, to the effect that Selig and Essanay had withdrawn from V-L-S-E and would in all probability form a new combination with George Kleine, comes an authorized statement from Mr. Kleine, made in Chicago, to the effect that the new organization was finally completed on Saturday, September _'. the several elements being Kleine, Edison, Selig and Essanay. The surprise conus in the inclusion of the Edison company, which had not been mentioned in the numerous minors of the impending combination, and which now properly entitles the new organization to the appellation "The Big hour." \ecording to Mr. Kleine, negotiations for the inclusion of the Edison company had been under way for several weeks prior to the consummation on Tuesday, August 29. The new combination will take over all the releases of the Selig and Essanay companies previously handled by Y-L-S-E, and these, with the new product of the four concerns, will be distributed by the George Kleine Exchanges. In the near future important announcements will be made offeatures that will be released by the new combination. Plans have been already well laid for the entire year beginning from the date of organization. As president of the General Film Company, Mr. Kleine announces that he had had actively in hand for some time past the fall program of that company, which will include important releases of Selig and Essanay in addition to the product of the Eastern manufacturers in short films. Mr. Kleine states that there is a fine prospect for excellent business from the General Film Company's program, and that if conditions warrant it, manufacurers will give just as much attention to short subjects as they will to features, and that so far as possible the shorter program subjects will be of feature quality. Mr. Kleine was particular to emphasize at the close of the interview that the Kleine-Edison-Selig-Essanay combination will release its features on the open booking plan. Formal announcements from William N. Selig and George K. Spoor follow: Selig's Statement. William X. Selig, president of the Selig Polyscope Company, has verified the news that has been in circulation for the past week or so to the effect that the Selig Company has withdrawn from the Y-L-S-E-, Inc., Mr. Selig has issued the follow-ing statement: "The Selig Polyscope Company has withdrawn from the Y-L-S-E and will release Selig Red Seal Plays, of five reels or more in length, through other channels, which will be announced in the near future. It can be stated that a number of very attractive and flattering propositions made the Selig Company are being carefully considered and in due time a decision will be arrived at which may not only be surprising but will also be interesting to all those interested in the motion picture art. The Selig Company leaves the V-L-S-E with the best of good feeling and we can only state that the decision to withdraw from that organization was not one hastily resolved. "The Selig Company has in preparation and also ready for release a number of unusually excellent pictures. Among the five-reelers can be named 'The Country That God Forgot.' This production features Tom Santschi in a most worthy character part and he is well supported by such artists as George W. Fawcett, Mary Charleson, Victoria Forde and others. Marshall Neilan wrote and directed the drama w:hich is cast in the atmosphere of the western desert. There is a hand to hand fight in 'The Country That God Forgot,' which to my mind is very unusual. This battle carries thrills and suspense and yet the audience does not see a blow passed." The motion picture trade will be greatly interested in the future plans of the Selig Company. Statement from Essanay. Essanay has withdrawn from the V-L-S-E, Inc., the withdrawal to take effect September 16. This announcement has jr ■ ieen made by George K. Spoor, president "t the 1. 1\ company Mr. Spoor gives "business reasons'^ as the cause for <■ withdrawal li< stales that a new organization i"i releasing Essanay features will be announced in th near futun \i i Sj r's "Him.i1 statement in regard to the withdraw al is as follow s: "i in and .liter September 16, 1916, Essanay features will be withdrawn Inim the V-L-S-E, Inc., brain h office, and thereafter will be released through another agency, which will be announced shi »rl Ij " I his statement confirms the reports which have I printed recently in regard to the separation from the \ -L S-E and the realignment of companies under new releasing organizations. The trade is eagerly looking forward to the announcement of Mr. Spoor on the new releasing agency. Several rumors have been spread broadcast, but none has been confirmed by Mr. Spoor. He stated that an annoui ' menl of the new plans would be made just as soon as they had been perfected in detail. He outlined some of the plans for Essanay's coming work. "There will be no abatement in the work of Essanay," he said. "In fact it will be conducted on a larger scale than ever before. And we aim to put out greater featuri "Essanay already has contracted for the rights on a number of large features and is planning to start work on them shortly. Two features arc already under way and three others arc completed for release through the new organization. " 'The Sting of Victory,' featuring Henry R. Walthall, supported by Antoinette Walker, which just recently was released through V-L-S-E, will, after September 16, go out through the new releasing company. ''The Return of Eve,' which features Edna Mayo, supported by Eugene O'Rrien, and 'The Prince of Graustark,' featuring Rryant Washburn and Marguerite Clayton, the novel by George Rarr McCutcheon and a sequel to Essanay's feature 'Graustark,' have been completed and an announcement of their release will be made as soon as the new organization is perfected. These plays are both in five reels. "Two other features are under way. They are 'The Chaperon,' taken from the stage success of Marion Fairfax and featuring Edna Mayo and Eugene O'Rrien, and 'The Rreakers,' by Arthur Stringer, one <. f the best o' *he Saturday Evening Post stories. It will feature Rryant Washburn and Nell Craig. These also will appear in five acts. "Other features will be announced later. Several of these, already purchased, will feature Henry R. Walthal. Essanav has several features especially adapted to his genius an' which, it is confidently expected, will be revelations in screen work." Essanay's new studio, said to be the largest indoor, artificially lighted studio in the w-orld, in conjunction with its other two studios, will enable it to carry on its plans for increased work with ease. Features previously released through Y-L-S-E, after the sixteenth of September, will be released through the new organization. These include Charlie Chaplin's greatest fea-' ture, the burlesque on "Carmen," "The Sting of Victory," "According to the Code," "That Sort," "Sherlock Holmes," "The Little Shepherd of Rargain Row." "The Havoc," "The Discard." "Vultures of Society," "The Misleading Lady," "Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines." "A Daughter of the City," "The Alster Case." "The Raven," "The Crimson Wing," "The Man Trail." "The Rlindness of Virtue," "In th? Palace of the King," "The White Sister," "The Slim Princess" and "Graustark." MARY RROOKS AND ALAN FISHER MARRY. Mary Rrooks and Alan Fisher are married. This does not mean much to picture fans, but when it is explained that Mary Rrooks is Anna Little of the Flying A and Alan Fisher is Alan Forrest, then interest is aroused, The pretty marriage at Santa Rarbara, August 19, was the outcome of a romance extending over two years. Miss Little was given away by Richard Willis, her friend and business representative, while Rena Rogers (Mrs. Frank Rorzage) and Rhea Mitchell made the necessary background and shed the usual hanpy tears on behalf of the bride. Frank Rorzage handed Alan the ring at the proper moment. A supper was given at the Arlington Hotel, where Clarence Kolb and May Cloy joined the party, and a reception was given at the home of the couple later.