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September 16, 1916
Universal Film Corporation.
JOKKK. l\ ONION THERE is STRENGTH (Sep) Lfl). The le (Gale Henry); The Deacon
(Win. Maggie (Lillian Peacock);
Heine (Charles ConklTn) ; Warden (Mllburn Mornnth. Scenario by William Warren Bchoene. Produced by Allen < '
Gale mill bar busband, the Deacon, belonging to the Anti-Sin Society, one day decide to in
•t,' prison condition heart, Helm iw a term and she plane
• him out : be escapes and moots M in the park aa per arrangemi
ntlme t hoy espy the deacon on hli tray tt the prison and compel him to change clothes with Heine. \ ml so It Is thai some time later, the deacon has the opportunity to •~tii.i> conditions In prison at wry close i When Maggie and Heine try to rob the olub the prison gang working outside on the road oome to the rescue and a general fl
in this picture the Japanese sea Industries are
■.Mown The pearl Industry lias its centre In
Mikimoto. The divers nro all •••iris whi very adopt at the art of getting these treasures of the doop. Aftor the shells are produced tne> all hayo to bo sorted, and the pearls are graded according to their Blse and bistro.
Another ono of the Industries Is that of whaling. Tha whalers embark and thon keep a sharp lookout for the spout that Indicates the
whale. The whale Is shot with a harpoon gun, and thon the final blow, an explosive Bhell,
is fired. The whale is thon dragged on shore and Stripped of its blubber. This Is very Interesting, as the men set into the carcass with bare feet and shovel out the oil. After the fat has boon rendered the residue is baked and dried for fertilizer.
LAEMMLE. THE PRICE OF VICTOR"? (Sepl 13).— The oast: Manuelo Dolman* (Douglas Gerrarft) :
Theresa (Franeelia Hillincton' ; Mateo (Alfred Mien). Sonario by Fred. Neyton. -Produced by Douglas Cerard. Manuelo Delmar, a young Italian, lives witb
his father. Mateo, who gets his son to promise that he will never become his brother's slayer. V short time after this war is deelared. and volunteers are called for. Manuelo. true to his promise, does not onlist. and so gains tho title of "tho reward" from his sweetheart Theresa, nut at last, unable to stand the opprobrium, he enlists.
Manuelo is reported dead, and the two who loved him. Theresa and Mateo, grieve for him. Some time aftor. Manuelo, dazed bv the suffering which he has witnessed, returns to his home village. There i a "happy reunion between Manuelo and his father and sweetheart
JANE'S CHOICE (Sept. 121.— The cast: Jrne i lane Gail): Tack (Matt Moore); Dad (Frank Noroross). Produced by Matt Moore.
Jack is living alone at the seashore because he has been disappointed in love. .lane is living nearby with her father and is heartbroken because he has picked out a fat man for her to marry. Fatty arrives for the week-end and Jane proceeds to make him thin.
So earlv the next morning she gets him up and takes him for a paddle. But when she gets him out on an island she paddles away and leaves him to swim home.
While she is paddling home the canoe upsets and Jane is in great danger. Then comes our hero and saves her from a watery grave. And by the side of the murmuring waves they pledge their love.
BABY'S TOOFS (Two Parts— Sept. 14).— The east: Little Precious (Jam Ma (Rose
mary Theby) ; Pa (Harry Meyers). Written and produced bv Harry Meyers.
Mother and Father are the proud possessors of that general nuisance known as a baby. Mother carries its picture around in her purse and shows it to all the salespeople in the stores, while Father has a copy of his Precious on the desk downtown and does nothing but admire it all day. One day when Mother is shopping the baby gets unrulv and the nurse gives it some beans to play with. When Mother gets home she at once telephones her hubby that the baby has
Poster and Lobby
Display Frames
114-1 W. 42d St., NEW YORK
Phone Bryant (5621-22
two b etn
I he whole Office and 1 1
or iihn ir. But tha i" opla In t iii > woi id nnobllgln iii"
motoi ti to take longer than ■
him of the wood, ii ui new I ■
At borne in excitement knon no bound ha dei i blow out i o
So nil the ■". Iii iinnciii.il and all the
preparal Ions are m ide Tn< !
of 1 i , r, That '
marry to the full extent of the k< There
1 i ,i climax to the entertalnmi nl Path* thai i hi y
ail go up to ee i be w onderful m w I Bui a hen they m> to look for the
are not to be found. There mil I I" a
and the maid I I and que I ion. ,1. She
reveals the true secret it seem thai Mm child had managed to ouple ol bean In it
mouth so thai they looked ej teeth
The parent were 001 d and
the guei i left
Sept. 12). Alice l'ii upporl
■ family the large famil ig of a
..I who weighs in the neighborhood of three
hundred and thirty-three pounds Pat's Bupply
B runs low, so I wife for i
and when she refuses he takes all her hard earned savings and goes out. When he eoim". home he is "all the way under."
.hi t about this time a Hub' ikes a
notion to wander In the neighborhood, and Alice
thinks that ii would bi ervice as a dead
dog than as ,i live one. So a gun and
i the mut. But Jusl at this time her hubby happens to come In anil falls down when he hears the shot. Alice thinks that she has killed her man. and is horrified to find a tew minutes later that tho body has disappeared.
The police arrive and accuse her of the crime. They find an old shoe In the -I this
leads them to believe that vii >• lias killed the man and then burned up the body. In jail Uicc bemoans her fate. Put the situation is made much brighter when the friendly neighbor comes and offers to help her to escape. II" changes places with her and she escapes in tho uniform of a policeman.
Put a copper on the corner sees her and thinks that she does not swing her club at the professional angle, and so gives chase. Over roofs and barns they go until at last Alice is cornered on a flag pole. Put the pole breaks and the two of them are thrown down and land in the execution room just as they are on the point of hanging tho friend because the real culprit is not handy. Of course, when Alice arrives they take her instead, but this breaks the heart of the neighbor, who really loves Alice. But at this moment Fat, who is still pickled, forcibly hreaks into the d^ath house and the pro i ive to
be stopped as the murdered man has come to life. Then follows a general rough-house, which end'
E. & R. Jungle Film Comedies
I.os Angelas, Cal.
Get acquainted with the
of Developing and Printing
ERBOGRAPH COMPANY 203-11 West 146th St., New York City
Manufacturers want me to send them patenti on useful inventions. Send me at once drawing and description of your invention and I will give you an honest report as to securing a patent and whether I can assist you in selling: the patent. Highest references. Established 25 years. Personal attention in all cases. WM. N. MOORE. Loan and Trust Building, Washington. D. C.
mil, ll
II d I) ■ lllon
(Johnny V\
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Vloll I with
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ted I li.il i hi v bo mai I .. ay to
taken along on tha boat and the CI It iiiony per'.
ay for over I v. nil In
this time many ; ipen In foreign wa
velyn win ton, the d
III, and falll in love With lor And back ll I and fallen In love
Robi 1 1 \ hton. Hut both are
l r
At last I Iowa i
forward with great sadm to the meeting with
fe whom he hardly know and d0<
love, violet ha gone again to the n orl and tin-re sadly awaits her hu band. Robert ha meanwhile arrived al bl cabin In the >■
to drown In 01 row in art. And I
ii.' . come back to the state and ha gone to
On the way down to the place Howard meal old 1 1 i.i'd. a lawj er ells him thai the
marrlsKe a
thai the II « i taken out In. Bul Howard doei not want
bi ' ii ■', for him lo the paal two years.
When he arrives Violet does not greet him warmly, and he In turn la all broken up when as Evelyn at the hotel. At last Vlolel can
not stand it any longer, and having found nui thai Robert Is In the \ Iclnlty, sh o elope
with him. Bul Mown id ftnds her in hit cabin, and when hi her of being false, >)ie eon
nt love him tit all, Then they both realize tin great mistake that has been made, and there is a double weddlu both the coupli I py.
REX. THE SMALL MAGNETIC HAND (Sept. 17). — The cast: Sylvia (Gertrude Selby) ; Randolph Sterling (Hal Coolcy) ; Hortense (Cleo Lorlng) ; Doctor (Ed Clark). Scenario bv Bl Moroilyth. Produced by Charles E. Bartlett
Furnishes a superior controlled direct current that produces the perfect arc for moving picture projection.
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