Moving Picture World (Sep 1916)

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September 1". 1916 THE M« >\ [NG I'U l URE \\< IRLD 1KK5 "kd THEATRE of beauty, of comfort, of refinement — a moving picture temple of the world's finest in pictures and equipment; and crowning all of its artistic triumphs it offers the best in music; music that blends with every action of the picture. Experts in music for the pictures designed and built this instrument that has attracted the attention of all theatre men; the same experts can produce the same results for you ; they study your house and your needs and plan for your success. No theatre is too small and no theatre is too large. This beautiful instrument is a perfect symphony of orchestra and organ and its subtle, delicate sound tints mirror the very timbered character of every known instrument ; the musician plays by hand and may also use the hand cut rolls of the world's famous artists and composers. You are Invited to Write Our Experts for Information AMERICAN PHOTO PLAYER COMPANY, 62 WEST 45th ST., NEW YORK CITY Fotoplayer