Moving Picture World (Sep 1916)

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1908 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD September 16. 1916 SECURE THE BEST IMS Now Have an EstablishedReputation Exhibitors should take the advice of their operators and place their orders now. Brighter light, better pictures, larger attendance. Try Speer Carbons — They're Guaranteed. SPEER CARBON COMPANY, St. Marys, Pa. For Sale by Leading Motion Picture Supply Dealers, Including the Following: J. H. HALLBERG, 727-7th Ave., New York, N. Y. E. E. FULTON CO., 154 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. KLEINE OPTICAL CO., 166 N. State St., Chicago, 111. KANSAS CITY MACHINE & SUPPLY CO., 813 Walnut St^ Kansas City, Mo SOUTHERN THEATRE EQUIPMENT CO., Rhodes Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. G. A. METCALFE, 117 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Cal. TRADE MARK If You Need a New Machine and can't afford to pay cash, write us today and we will help you out. Our easy payment plan enables you to purchase any make machine at a small investment. DON'T DELAY— GET BUSY— WRITE TODAY for full particulars. Amusement Supply Company Dealers in Motiograph, Simplex, Powers, Edison and Standard Machines, Transverters, Motor Generators, Rectifiers and everything pertaining to the Moving Picture Theatres 3rd Floor, Mailers Bldg., Cor. Madison Street & Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Perfect Developing and Printing There are reasons — Come and see them. We sell Eastman raw stock and can make shipment same day order is received. Dependable Service Guaranteed Quality Rothacker Film Mfg. Co. Successor to Industrial Moving Picture Co. CHICAGO. :: U.S.A. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING Guaranteed and sold under an advertised trade mark, you will find it in the market place of the film industry, THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD THE PAPER GUARANTEEING THE LARGEST AND MOST DIRECT CIRCULATION. Advertising Rates Upon Request. For the fullest and latest news of the moving picture industry in Great Britain and Europe. For authoritative articles by leading British technical men. For brilliant and strictly impartial criticisms of all films, read THE BIOSCOPE The Leading British Trade Journal with an International Circulation American Correspondence by W. Stephen Bush of "Moving Picture World" 85 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. Specimen on Application %jA \M OLD METHODof COOKING ROASTED IN A HOT. ILL VENTILATED THEATRE IS NOT MUCH BETTER. TYPHOONS WILL KEEP YOUR THEATER COOLand WELL FILLED IN HOTWEATHER TYPHOON TWIN BLOWER SET FOR 60D SEAT THEATRE INCLUDING TWO 72" TYPHOONS ONE FIVE HORSE POWER MOTOR IF INTERESTED SEND DIMENSIONS OF YOUR THEATRE, SEATING CAPACITY. LOCATION OF 000RS AND WINDOWS. OUR ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT WILL FURNISH PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATE OF THE COMPLETE INSTALLATION UPON RECEIPT OF ABOVE INFORMATION. CIRCULAR "W" GIVES INFORMATION TYPHOON [OOLINGSYSTEM I TYPHOON FAN COMPANY %M 1544 BROADWAY ^NEW YORK CITY