Moving Picture World (Jul - Aug 1918)

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36 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD July 6, 1918 Advertising for Exhibitors 65 Advertising Aids for Busy Managers 113 Advertising Men Postpone Dinner 46 Aeroplane Crash Between Creel and Universal 41 Affiliated Directors Hold Session 47 "Annexing Bill" (Pathe) Ill At Leading Picture Theaters 77 Bad Weather Conditions Hit Northwest 105 Baseball Close-Down Affects Sunday Shows. 64 Blackton to Make "Getting Together" 80 Black Appeals to Rcmbusch 45 Blank Enterprises Will Locate in Omaha.. 106 Boston Exposition Will Be Hold 46 British Notes 61 Brunet Denies Statements of Universal.... 42 Budget, A Year's 52 Buxbaum with Famous Players 75 Canada Decides to Alter Tax on Their. I 7 s Canadian Embargo Hits Theater Publicit Canadians Disagree as to Policy 78 Charges Filed Against Funkhouser 48 Chicago News Letter 48 "Closin' In" (Triangle) 110 Coal Hae Come, Get Yours, Exhibitors.... 101 Coast, Intense Heat Causes Slump on 106 Congressmen Hear Film Tax Protest... U Connecticut Exhibitors Organize 77 Critical Reviews and Comments 109 Davis Will Not Attend Convention 50 Detroit Exchange Organization at Work... 103 Distribution Plan for Coming Year 7." "Eagle. The" (Bluebird) 110 Educational Child Picture. To Make 77 Educationals. To [ana 1"! In War 58 Facts and Comments Famous Players Executives Outline Plans Famous Players Hob) Convention. 40 OARBOlffl A. CARBON \i < BSBOR11 v Speer Carbon Co 125 i H \n« .v SEA"! im. DM Du Pont Fabrlkold Co 129 Steel Furniture Co . IM ELECTRIC 4 HBCH. l>|ill'Mi m Amusement Supply Co . 129 Cushman Motor Works 127 Hertner Electric Co 115 Northwestern Electric Co 118 Porter, B. F 127 Swaab, Lewis M Ill Typhoon Fan Co l'J7 United Theater Eiuip. Corp Universal Motor Co IIS FILM BXI II \ N «. I Film Exchange. The 120 i i \» MFRS. Gundlach Manhattan Opt. Co 129 LOBBY DISPLAYS. Kraus Mfg. C > 117 Newman Mfg. Co 115 MFRS. (H hill ■» n< I \l. PICT1 III 8. Cromlow Film Labor 121 Duhem M. P. Co Ill Erbograph Co 12.". Evans Film Mfg. Co IK; Gunby Bros 1 27 Rothacker Film Mfg. Co Ill TO CONTENTS Farrar Again Faces the Camera 80 Film Exporters of America Hold Meeting.. 50 "Finger of Justice, The" (Arrow) 112 Five Cent Houses Passing in Portland 79 Fox Names District Managers 62 "Girl in His House, The" (Vltagraph) . . . . 109 "Good Night Nur6e" (Paramount-Arbuckle) 111 Goldwyn Managers Hold Sales Conventions. 64 Griffith Film Taken for New England... 96 Grinding the Crank .">!) Hardin, John, The Passing of is Hayakawa Names First Two Productions.. 76 Hell Bent" (l/niversal) 110 Her Body in Bond" (Universal) 110 Huff Undismayed by Fire Damage 80 Indian Notes 61 Jolly Times Expected at State Convention.. 99 "Kaiser's Shadow, The" (Paramount) Ill Kane. Gail, to Have Her Own Company. .. 7(1 Klelne Starts Soldiers' Letter f neflin 7!) List of Current Film Release Dates, 122, 124 126, 126 Manitoba Association Appeals to Public... 78 Manufacturers' Advance Notes 85 Marines Get Thrilling Air ] 42 Mastbaum Memorial Is Dedicated 79 "Meeting Theda Bara" (Fox) Ill Melghan, Thomas 64 Mlchlf iatlon Elects Officers 45 Motion Picture Educator 63 Motion Picture Exhibitor, The 45 Motion Picture Photography 71 Motion Picture Undertaking, A Large 53 Music for the Picture 72 • Mutt and Jeff and the 75-MIIo Gun" (Fox). Ill National Association Directors Meet 46 Newman to Classify His Theaters 62 of Los Angeles and Vicinity 51 Official Films, To Distribute Abroad 81 On Having Some Obvious Design 38 Organization Needed 40 Pathe Exchange Makes Promotions 80 Petrova Moved by Negroes Singing 77 Paramount-Artcrafts' Success Series 55 Paramount Comedies for Year, Fifty-two.. 57 Photoplaywright, The 68 Pittsburgh, Sherry Service Opens Office in. 100 Portland, Ore., Trade News Brevities in 107 Projection Department 69 Rambles "Round Filmtown 82 Rocks Break Up Young Luncheon 42 "Say! Young Fellow" (Artcraft) 109 Select Pictures Corporation in Session 48 Seven Players New to Artcraft-Paramount . 57 Scarlet Road, The" (Fox) HI Sherry Names Exchange Managers 76 Spokes from the Hub 60 State Rights Department 96 ..f Service, A 38 I ' (World) Ill Toronto to Rate License FeeB by Capacity.. 102 Universal to Continue War News Service... 79 Urgent Need for Training Operator 40 "Venus Model, The" (Goldwyn) 109 Views of Two Storymakers 39 iii nd's Film Viewpoint... 81 Warner, Abe. to "Oketa" Crusader Contracts. 47 Washington Exchange Association, New.... 108 Why Some Comedies Fall 39 "You Can't Believe Everything" (Triangle). 110 TO ADVERTISERS Ml It*. OF MO\ !><• I'M I I Hl>. Authors Photo-Plays, Inc 23 Broadway Star Features 22 Christie Film Co 30-31 :y Film Mfg. Co .",.21 Famous Players-Lasky Corp Colored1 First Nafl Ex. Circuit, Ine 28.20 • ilm Corp 12-1B French Pictorial Service [29 Gaumont Co IK lin" 27 Goldwyn Picture 1 Corp 8 10 Haworth Pictures Corp 110 Productions, Inc 2 .1. Frank Brockliss. Inc I'm Metro Pictures Corp Colored Insert 10 Mutual Film Corp C ilored Insert Paralta Plays, Inc 2i Pathe Exchange, Inc Colored insert, 25-26 Corp 16-11 Sherman Productions 33 Triangle Distrlb. Corp 11 Universal Film Mfg. Co 4-7 World Film Corp 82 MIM l'.I.I.\M:oi V Antl-Censor^hip Slides 129 Automatic T. S. & C. R. Ci Ill Bioscope, The 117 Cine-Mundial l.",u cinema, The lis • h erl Isements r.'i I Co., Inc 127 Eastman Kodak Co 130 Hampton Del Ruth 123 lin .• ■■ Geo. 1 115 La Clnematografla Itallana 115 Moore, Wm. N 123 M P Co 127 M. P. World Circulation Coupon 125 M. P. World Mundell. Limited . National Ticket Co 120 Our-Doys-ln-France Tobacco Fund 114 Richardson's M. P. Handbook 125 Robinson, T. L, & Co 114 I 121 Stone, A 120 Williams, A. F 127 Woodstock Typewriter Co 1 in Moviirc ni Ti hi: cameras. Bass Camera Co 117 Burke & James, Inc L80J O. Gennert 111 Ml sir ,v Ml sic \i. iNsiiti HENTS. American Photoplayer Co 1 1 r> Marquette Piano Co 115 ' g Piano Co 117 PROJE4 rioN M( 11. MFRS. DeVry Corp., The 127 Enterprise opt. Mfg. Co 11.". Power, Nicholas, Co 182 Precision Mch. Co 1 1:1 PROJECTION *< BEEN MFRS. Gold King Screen Co 129 In Answering Advertisements, Please Mention THE MOVING PICTURE WORLI