Moving Picture World (Jul - Aug 1918)

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66 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD July 6, 1918 opportunity was not accepted and the announcement is rather dead. The printer helps a lot with his choice of type. That last line never should have been played up as it is. It could have gone in an eight point in the same space and would have looked even more conspicuous. There is a certain abruptness of announcement in the Rialto space "A thrilling tale of two borders, Canadian and Mexican," sounds too clipped. It does not sound interesting or inviting because it is too bald. "The story of a man who headed South from the Canadian border and reached Mexico," would have roused more curiosity. The two serials are also scamped. "The eighth story of 'The Son of Democracy' " is not so good as the chapter title would have been and the same holds good for the Vitagraph story. Better copy shows in the Strand space, but the diagonal line points the wrong away. Since we read from left to right, it is easier to read a diagonal if we start from the lower lefthand corner and read upward. Compare this with the "Intolerance" advertisement and you will find that the latter is much more easil] read, though in part this is due to the lesser angle of ascent. This is apparently the .New Bedford printer's limit in display work. The Intolerance" space is six tens. The copy is fairly well written, but it does not get the reader gravely excited. It is a trifle too regular in its layout. Carrying the panel for the title clear to the right-hand margin •would have killed some of the space, but would have broken the n -hilarity and would have presented a better layout. The matter it displaces could have been set in eight point to almost as great an advantage. This regularity of make-up and a certain lack of jazz in the announcements are the chief faults. The general effect is slightly above the small town average, but could be improved if the printer can be induced to use some judgment in the choice of type faces. The best way to induce judgment in a printer is to mark the size and type to be used and make him follow instructions, Left to himself, he is certain to make an effort to fill the space with type as large as will go into it. Half Addressed. The Century, Brooklyn, sends out a weekly program and to time it has half of the address already written in, for "Brooklyn, N. v.," is printed on. This Bavea a lot of time in addressing ami nothii: ope has to be printed up with the corner card, This latter i^ nicely done. There is a i -.1 with the nam.' Ol the house and the management, the address and "Program for next ■reek." Above ami below are printed in box bead Qotblc "If noi livered In thn return in' and "postage guaranteed.' This laet will Insure the return ol matter going out under on. cent po !ie..|'. r lei tig machines are the real solution ol the mailing problem, but if for any reason • nnol be put in. the half-pi lilted address i> the Deal beat help. Here's Something New. L. w. Barclay, of the Grand Am oenpany, Johnstown, Pa., operating four I thing thai whan he writes : I am inclosing several ads OH tWO of our houses, the tiran.l and the Parkview. The stunt we USSd on "List We Forget" in u so long ■ ■ i r . they try it on la good, it brought excellent results for a I When we bo* We forget" b the knowl edge that we'd ha. b Hi. prtoat Dp to a quarter to make the picture pay. We had the exchange send us the film for a pi: kj ahead Ol the playing dale, ami had the city officials, newspapermen, and other local folks on hand lo look It over, Th.n We used their comin on the Dim In our advance advertl Tin i run of uff. Tie trouble h sition Is the imk ol really good i and us la bad and I hi r hard on thi i the mi.i'i n i afford to as li awn for cuts on tin various pictn Have you l.i that second i Ink in" They advertise the film with ■ lined from ■ private showing. This will doI be worked easily in states » Sunday how ar. permitted, but look at the top of tn column advertisement, and think what it These Johnstowners Saw the Picture if thii k'n-jit film ffu arm lug only ■ Mjinll tuanbo uf ptnOTJ THIS IS WHAT THEY SAY: MAYOR LOUIS FRANKE, Chief Executive, City of Joruutown. "A wonderful platan Very innpirinjr man, woman and child should s«e." PHILIP E CAULFIELD, Prominent is Local Wax Work. 1 ' rt piMumi I rvar taw. i I'ntua daa \>*m ry portrayed. A picture tha public wdJ approbate and enjoy." JOHNSTOWN DEMOCRAT .T'TTkTJVl! JOHNSTOWN LEADER . ', . MRS JOHN E CABLE, Mnbu OM <>■•'■ "0 Many I <.«IW w| „. vary BB»-b laaraasad Vtth Ik* IIH-lUN I rery an* (lint ... t graphic *ff#rls »f wno-l-rfuL"' DR. BERTHA CALDWELL. fawnaaaai t «h oa«» "Ob* of 10* b**l Din* f -••' as* JAMES McCAHK. »4 iBd.M'l YOU'LL AGREE WITH THEM WHEN YOU SEE I Z would mean if you could do the same thing. If you cannot call up the film for a prior showing, perhaps you can take the formers of opinion to some nearby town where the film is being shown. II is worth the money if you have something you want to show an extra profit. The full advertisement is three fourteens, which is doing nicely for a small town, and the display is well balanced. The group cut shows a smaller form of the same advertisement, a three nines. The Nazimova adver These Johnjtowncrs Sow ihc Picture I11IS IS Wll\] IHF1 S\> : RITA JOl.lX I 1 "LestWeFoi^e? t5SSSBi THE BILLBOARD A FAVORITE— YOU REMEMBER HER. sdtba sfsetlsfaai ThedaBara The ForbTddVn Path" " eleven The real advertisement is just below the lit The small type Bbowi the trade papei review We like betier, however, thi tout evens for Theda Bara, n recalls past successes in the .mie bouse and tell what the new story will contain. Bui best of all the work is the single ten for the Grand; the one on the extreme left, it begins "Weil balanced. That's the term that describes the program at this theater, not on i Ion bul always." The hou e that can live up to thai billin idy half way to Buccess. It is more than hali way, or Hi. well balanced bill will look hettei than a well iture of three or foui rental cosi and a poor comedy thai completely kills the effect John town seems to be entitled to its map and we are sorry thai Mr. Barclay is just putting in his claim. He should have come In long ago, hut now that h. hat tarted we hope thai be keepi on coming. Philadelphia Programs. Jay Bimanual has left the Park and Jef in theatc b. ,hle film salesmen one Of our contemporaries takes so much delight in roasting. We always knew that Jay would come to bad end. living in Philadelphia as long as he ha', but we didn't ■ >■ be would si i t bscomi I ua llj b< hai bi en thi bnj si i! in i wet We could tell thai Jay was elthei awaj from thi Jefl Park or else off on I buying I rip. tor I monthly program is a screamer. In working over a program readet to all two i ea the grai mixed a told thai you are en your way to the best in youi i that you do not have to hunt for ii thi way through the singular and plural numbers are badly Bui the pi ' i.l Kiln I i 'lay Inn i animiin. i ■ Witch" Instead ol "The Witch Woman.' Henry B, Walthall is announced in "Kundrom Brown In tead ol "Humdrum Brown," the omitted limn "The Bluebird, rhi beck" and ■miliar titli "The Whl pel 'horn ■" is Iran 'Whlsperii | .... in, i, H i Bui Bean," Madge K.iincly Ii showing in "Little Wife" Instead of "Our Little Wife," and h.i.i.s of in' "Sir .hi. Robertson" Is seen in "Masks and tead of "Sir Johnston Porbi ' I We do not recall auch pom bi on i' the limit. Even a new managei i a little Intel e and his hilling from M. .1 carry it In bl i hi ad, Lubln's, Vlneiand, x. .i ad blue stock and II sets too much copy I bould noi be • xpecfc d to elaborate billing and even di A change In stock would help and less type would help more. Tin It will "make 1 inei ion In i coloi d." 'i ii. i';i i amount people should Blip over and hook the here The program Is not badly prepared, bul i too profuse In the use of superlatives. The : I Cl tOO much, irg uses a almllar program, a plain white 4\<> [| nounces a weekly hill, daily change, and offers six admissions on th( week, tax paid, for (15 cents. Presumably the admlssi, Imlted