Moving Picture World (Jul - Aug 1918)

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July 6, 1918 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 75 Distribution Plan for Coming Year Walter E. Greene Outlines How Famous Players Will Issue 208 Major Productions. FEATURE productions to the number of 208 will be released by the Famous Playcrs-Lasky Corporation during the coming year, commencing September 1, aside from the short subjects. The distribution of these pictures will be handled under the supervision of Walter E. Greene, "managing director in charge of this department. The new distribution plan calls for the pictures to be circulated on the star series basis which the Famous PlayersLasky Corporation has found very successful during the season now drawing to a close. However, this system will be enlarged upon and improved to such an extent, it is declared, that every exhibitor in the United States will be able to show Artcraft and Paramount pictures without regard to size or location of his theater. The distributing facilities of the Famous Players-Lasky organization have been enlarged in keeping with its increased producing arrangements, so that this company will be able to take care of double the amount of exhibitors it is now serving. The demands of the public for better productions requiring inc r e a s ed expenditures, it is pointed out, are being anticipated b y this big organization, and with full appreciation of the necessity to keep down to a minimum the cost of the films to the exhibitor, plans are being made to increase the circulat i o n of the product so that the multiplicity of theaters served will absorb the rising cost of productions. By this increased circulation of films the distributors will be able to obtain a return that will warrant a steady improvement in even their own high standard of quality, at the same time keeping the price within the means of all exhibitors. "In our usual course of progress we have found it necessary to increase our output, and in the list of the new season's releases may be found box office attractions which we are confident will prove second to none in the field and of a variety sufficiently broad to suit the various tastes in all parts of the country," said Mr. Greene, in speaking of the distribution for the coming year. "With the increased product exhibitors desiring the best pictures will have an opportunity to make the Famous Players-Lasky product the foundation of their year's program." This policy of broad circulation of Artcraft and Paramount pictures, it is pointed out by Mr. Greene, comes at a time when they are at the height of their popularity, due to the high quality of these pictures and the drawing power of the stars as well as the tremendous national advertising and publicity campaign which has been conducted during the past year in behalf of this product. The future advertising and exploitation plans, it is promised, include even a wider scope than those heretofore employed and will be conducted in a manner that will give exhibitors an opportunity to tie up with the drive, thus deriving direct results therefrom. "Our plans for the coming season," said Mr. Greene, "are the most gigantic ever conceived in the world of amusements and reflect the confidence of this company in the stability of the motion picture industry as well as our faith in the motion picture exhibitors of the country. Every exhibitor who thoroughly knows the field will appreciate the importance to him of this undertaking, as it particularly gives him the choice of affiliating himself with an organization that will protect him from the changing exigencies of war times and will insure him under all conditions an adequate and depend Walter E. Greene. able supply of motion pictures that will meet the critical demands of the public. "Our service to the exhibitors will increase in proportion to the increased quality of our product and .our plans for distributing same. We pledge ourselves to give every aid within our power to assist our customers in their effort effectively to present our product to the public. "Progress-Advance, our exhibitors' weekly, will be made of greater service. Special care will be devoted to the preparation of accessories which will include on each production the widest possible assortment. "Service is the keynote of all success, and it will be our desire to render service in this direction during the coming year that will be entirely in keeping with the general progress of the industry. "Above all we have very keen appreciation of the goodwill of the entire trade, and it will be our particular aim at all times to seek the good-will of all exhibitors of America." Buxbautn With Famous Players THE Famous Players-Lasky Corporation has engaged H. H. Buxbaum to fill the important position of Special Representative to Exchanges in connection with the work of the distribution department. Mr. Buxbaum has been associated with film distribution for the past four years and is well known in this branch of the industry. With the General Film Company, four years ago, he started his motion picture activities and was later promoted to the position of controlling business manager at the New York headquarters. After three years with that concern he left to become special representative for Pathe in its distribution department. Prior to his connection with the motion picture business Mr. Buxbaum performed some notable work with the Harriman Bank, one of his ideas being the use of armored motor cars for collections and the delivery of currency, safeguarding the clients of the bank who hitherto had used their own messengers. Shortly after his engagement by the Famous PlayersLasky organization Air. Buxbaum left for the Cleveland exchange of that company, where he will begin his activities in behalf of Paramount and Artcraft Pictures. Mr. Buxbaum is the third special representative recently appointed by Famous Players-Lasky to enhance the co-operation between the home office in New York and its exchanges throughout the country and to assist exchange men in solving problems with which they are confronted daily. The two other special representatives are J. W. Allen, formerly manager of the San Francisco branch, and C. Lang Cobb, formerly at the New York headquarters '.n charge of short subjects. H. H. B uxbaum. ELECTRICAL WIZARDS TO SEE "A DOG'S LIFE." Through the courtesy of the First National Exchange of New York Charlie Chaplin in "A Dog's Life" will be the feature amusement event of the annual meeting of the executives of the General Electric Company, which takes place the week of July 1 at Camp Edison, Association Island, Thousand Islands, New York. SHERRY TO MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT. Owing to lack of time before going to press, it was impossible for us to include in this week's paper the initial advertising announcement of William L. Sherry, which will be made in our July 13 issue.