Moving Picture World (Jul - Aug 1918)

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82 THE M.QVING PICTURE WORLD July 6, li)18 t?aiiajii>fiiJnyeMG!fi^^ Rambles 'Round Filmtown With WALTER K. HILL. MAURICE TOURXEUR lias taken up cudgels against the conventionalities of many veteran screen characters. "If the photoplay is to advance,'' he declares, "we must throw the whole impossible crew overboard." Proceeding to Toss 'Em. "The Chief Feminine Interest," he explains, "is usually a cute, curly-haired, pouting ingenue who skips playfully through beautiful gardens always with nice back-lighting effects, or else she is a poor persecuted heroine working under factory conditions that haven't been known for forty years. She gets smart clothes somehow or other, and is continually annoyed bj a scoundrelly man. Excoriating the F. I. "Or else the Feminine Interest is a Vampire whose single glance brings sverj man to his knees before her. But the vamp is happily passing;. The ingenue star, however, continues to be torn between the uiiocy of the beaded-eyed hero and the inexplicable villainy of the heavy. Bo she turns to a menagerie of dumb animals, usually such animals as l:...i!s. ducks, or pigs, which, of course. are to be found In every bome In Harry Carey Will Be Glad. "Then there are the impulsive, generous cowboys who spend their time lolling in front of the sheriff's office or dancing madly with decollete dame ball girls at the Last Chan. ■ I hav S yet to see a cowboj looking after a cow, "There is our old friend the convict who insists up.. i, wearing stripes, although such prison attire has been abolished. Stripes seem t" reconcile him to the rigors of prison existence. Ami he alipea with absolute ease when the inclination strikes him. On With the Execution. •I might -•> on explaining all tin of them. There is the with ins Van Dyke beard, the rough but kindly sheriff with his tin badge, the faithful old negro servitor, ti ■ ei ated i i ii had man, the [rate landlady aldemanding her rent, the underworld folks turkej trotting In a Blum cafe, the princess of the Imaginary kingdom, the brutal Russian grand duke, the gull mountain maid. th< '1 Blavej with tters and perfect coiffure, tin school . r in tlo mining camp, the COOl and calculating gambler, Co upright dii attorney, tlo m< sinners with their nation feud, and all Hi. lest." — w s s Christie Comedies claim to have established a record, in aiming on. hundred comedies thej have thrown but one custard pi. . — w s s — •If Mr. Horstmann is in earnest." • • • says an editorial expression of the Moving Picture World. Forgetful of tlo fact, perhaps, that Mr. Horstmann is always Ern< st. Dime Pictures Get a Dollar. A picture theater is being constructed at I lime, Alaska, a new S.-ward Peninsula Camp not far below the Arctic Clrclt is said that this theater will be located farther north than any other playhouse Jn the world. It is being built of logs. Admission will be $1.— Motography. Pearl Sandy, manager of the Arcade theater, Westhope, X. ]"> , writes to Paramount Altera! t Progress Advance in a manner thus: "The superintendent of schools has seen the five shows, and claims Paramount and Artcraft are 100 per cent. He wouldn't even come when we lulled COmpa to him, hut when we got him iu we couldn't keep him out"! That's the Way With Deadheads. We read that J. Van Cleft Cooper has been I as an organist at the Kivoli. The ingenious Rothapfel, aptly enough, introduces a third cleft in music — trebel, Lass and Van. — w s s Percy Heath (now P. A. for Griffith) has been hiding away in "the legitimate" for so many years that he may lie forj (unless he mav be kidding) for this of publicity printed in one of the Manhattan dailies recently: "The novelty of seeing one of the principals in th. cast of a motion picture appearing on the stage in person where tin picture is being shown was an Interesting innovation during thl Mtiou of "Hearts of the World" at the Forlv fourtii Street theater yesterday." N. T. Granlund Has Wasted His Life! W 8 8 Suitable for a character name ill lilm iv is that of Lieutenant-Colonel, the I. Wlllougbby d< Broke, who addri to Americans an appeal in behalf of the fund for British prist re Of war in Germany. W S 8 Aptlj enough, Lawrence Pelts is an • tic worker in tin publicity department of the William i-'ox organisation In Films and Not in Furs. — w s 8 — An open confession displayed in electric lights at tin Park theater on Columbus "William A. Brady's Stolen orders." i ye fans, who like stories in your pictures, Prances Marion, who wrote "Rebi Sunnj i >k Farm." "Amarilly of Clothesline Alley," "M'liSS," and "HOW I !oUld J Mary Plckford, has just Big) • con tract to win. for Paramount and Artcraft — Paramount Progross-Advan. Poor Old Bret Harte ! W 8 8 You must read this," declares I vvvn. "if vim never read anything else"! How ,oiil. 1 one, if oil W 8 8 Eddie Ring Sutherland has joined the Canadian Royal Plying Corps and has already left to take up activities in that the service. He is known in lom as a juvenile leading man and Is the nephew of Blanche Ring. — . ndon'e Bulletin. W s s The Rev. Prince U. Kaba Rega — none Other than his royal highness him -noted visitor at Fatty Arbuekh l'S studio at Pong Beach (California) last The prince is an unusual pers< in that he is an Ethiopian — his stamping ground is Unyoro, British East Africa. "Kaba Rega" Means "Oh, You Kid!" Our Miscast Heroines: Theda Rata in "Pilgrim's Progress c iur Miscast I l.-roes: William Jennings Bryan in "I 'rink." Theodore Roosevelt in "The Silent Witness," Our Miscast Duos: Billy Parsons and Polly Moran in "Romeo and Juliet." Our Miscast Trios: Olga ivtiova. Mary Garden and Ceraldine Farrar in "The Three Guardsn — w s s — A Symphony in Salve. The Director of Publicity, speaking for the Symphony theater, wishes to take this sion I" offer apology where apology is needed, to any of its many friends of the press if due to the tremendous attendance at the Symphony it was impossible for them to attend the invitation ing and to assure them that he will I.e glad to correct any unavoidable error ami will take care of them upon munication. — Jerome X. Wilson, Director ot Publicity. — w s s New Vitagraph Pictures Marked Good Casts. — Motography Headline. Certainly, To be sure. Of course. And t he old ones? i.y The English Sense of Humor. London, June 19. — The embargo on American cinema films, which threat. British cinema houses with disaster, has modified, and approved iilnis will be imported under a special license It is i.-.l that the Board of Trade officials fancied Rims were great, bulky cylinders of material of the size they appear. tin screen. Such cylinders would have taken conslderabh i space. Hut when it was pointed out the lilins Were only the size of spool cotton the order WSJ altered. New fork World. W S 8 Small Tow ns Make and Unmake Stars. — Moving Picture World Headline. Nevertheless distributors write subtitles, affix main titles, and cut Iilms with Broadway, Harlem, and the Bronx solely in mind. — w s s — Certainly Empys Are Essential. July Fourth will. see the grandest ever known in American waters," says an official si atement of the Em. Corporation. "At a conservative estimate than 100, ' Ions ..i new shipping will then take to its nal ural . b mi nt." . i lerl In papei cop i Contributing cause for Mutual satisii and Univi lelight in w hi OB 1 'at he a nd ' '... umuiil \\ -ill patri ot nally join. < ith.-i wise t ha n on the Ii l'ar-11 i how won I.I t he I ".. i I 'ii blic get t hi thrill of launehings from scot w a j s on Gulf, lak. md I is? We 1 1 K < that opening sentence well h i o i , pea t it : "J uly Foui t li w ill , : n.l.-st splash ever known in | waters." ii,; i Fourth "f July! W 8 8 [Mr. Oscar Apfel has gon. to Sing Sing with Montagu I.. om] any. 'I'h. -v expect to return. — World Pictures Publicity. — W B s — This Cluck Finds Red Cross Funny. William I-:. V. hoi of lOddie Polo's launched a new wai moven "Every one In my family Is correspond' ith a soldier boy," he said. "That U all right with me, but now her. is my a furtherance of this b wilting mi every old goof In the country — ns who are too old to scrap — pick out a nice blonde nurse on the firing ii tie and deluge her with letters.''