Moving Picture World (Jul - Aug 1918)

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90 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD July 6, 1918 Contents of Allies War Review Tells Its Own Story Constance Talmadge Is t■— Vl-Tle fire* iccna r\f t V» a Allioo' (^fflrtiul Inf.unii r !.,.. l.ic-t «.««!. : « i „ bl. _ nAn:nl Jlfirh* i*-l t^Slcirtv. THE first issue of the Allies" Official War Review," presented by the Committee on Public Information through the Division of Films, and released by Pathe July 1, contains a remarkable series of exclusive up-to-the-minute pictures of unlimited patriotic appeal to the public and box-office power for the exhibitor. The issue is splendidly edited with snap and go. The first scene shows Ambassador Walter H. Page at the celebration commemorating the opening of the American Red Cross Hospital in London. Remarkable pictures of speedy Italian submarine-chasers and patrol boats are shown in art ion. In their native mountains, the famous Alpine Chasseurs, known as the Blue Devils of Prance, are shown making an attack on the Germans and rounding up a large batch of prisoners. Scenes of meat historic value and timely interest are those showing the burial of Kichthofen, the German aviator. Monster guns are seen being transported to the lagoons to strengthen the defen.-. Venice. Remarkably Interesting scenes are shown on the Zeebrugge Mole, which pro i tin entrance to the enemy's U-boat before the British squadron closed it. 'I'tie survivors of the raid are seen n mpllments <>f King George. Regiment after regiment of the American soldiers now in Prate n advancing to strengthen Focli's reserves. (in the anniversary of the declaration of war of the United states, over people gathered In the historic coliseum in Koine in honor of the ' This is claimed to be the most remarkable topical war review ever Issued. As announced by the Committee on Public Pathe Prepares New White Serial. Patlie's serial activities COntinUI high sped It Is announced that the company has purchased a strong Btorj by . i : Beits and Bertram Mlllhauser, the working title of which Is "The Lightning Raider." Mr. Beits is remembered as the author Of "The Iron Claw'' and the director of "The Fatal Ring" and The House of Hat< Mr. Mlllhauser Is th< of "The Fatal Ring" and "The Hou h of which has proved in Its turn the biggest Pearl White serial sue i eleased. story of "The Lightning R said to be characterised by four major points which make it a new type of serial. "The Lion's Claws" Drawing to Close. With the story commencing to draw to S Close, action and thrills aplent contained in the newest episodes of "The I. ion's claws." the Universal serial featuring Marie Walcamp In the thirteenth episode, tl sal star is attacked by an enraged lioness. rescued from the clutches of an orang OUtang and bads an exciting life ii' general. in no other serial in which she has appeared has Miss Walcamp been compelled to risk her life as frequently or perform as many stunts as are required in "The Lion's Claws." World to Make "The Millionth Chance." Goldwln Smith, the great writer on economic subjects, once said that the greatest fortunes of nations and men ted on the seizing of the millionth chance. This quotation has grasped and molded into a gripping drama by Hamilton Smith. World Pictures announces that It has bought ti The Millionth Chance." The writer agreed with the nomist, hence the story. Carlyie Blackwel] has i to play the leading role in this pictUI Information last week, it is the official film of the allied nations. Prints have been shipped for release June 24, advertising matter has goni ward, and a big publicity campaign SUCh as has characterized 1'athe's distribution system in recent months is in full swing. The advertising force of the Division of Films has begun to herald this weekly animated message to the nation, as has also the experienced selling and publicity organization of Pathe. Two Extravaganzas Ready For Fall Release by Fox Two extravaganzas, which, it is said, introduce something new in motion pictures, have been completed by William Fox, it is announced from the FOX offices, and it is understood they will be ready for release during Thanksgiving week. Although extravagansas have been seen on the legitimate stage for years, they have not yet been shown in the tiltns. The motion picture, on the other hand. with its greater resources for spectacular streets, offers a splendid Held for this sort Of Work, and in the forthcoming FOS productions, it is said, several novel and Btriking effects will be seen. The plays will be of a fantastic nature, and. with Oriental settings, will r< it is understood, a splendor that only the Far Bast could furnish Th. action will be wholly up to date, and show the Far Cast in its modern development. Good Settings for Lloyd Comedies. Exhibitors who are playing the Pathe Rolin Haloid LlOyd comedies will observe that Hal Ko.uh. dn ect .. Colin, is providing his star with remarkable settings tor the one-reel comedies. Large sums of m. no \ wile spent bv Colin in mounting "Somewhere in Turkey," June In Osark Romance," Julj 7, and Ing tin Germ out ol Germany," July 21. There are now more than fort] peosgularly employed in the stock cornpan 3 that is Supporting Harold I.lovd The new con.. .] EClckin) th< 1 term out of Germany," by the way, gives Bebe Daniels, Lloyd's leading woman, an unusually attractive pail as a Red CrOSS Brewster Film Corporation Reorganizes. 1 ;i • wster Fl Im < 'orporal Ion, w hlch doping I pri 1 -cinema Lphy, has been reorganized. PerC] i> Brewster has become pri of the corporation and Dwighl Mail ii.nalil 1 The laboratory, si BO Spring street, LI k. N. .).. will be continued lor tlu'i. with tin \ew fork office of the corporation at IS William street. Back in Eastern Home AFTER a successful period of picturemaking in California Constance Talmadge has turned her face to the cast and hit the homeward trail lect's voting star is expected in New York within a tcvv days. When Constance Talmadge went west last November she had made three of the productions in her star series ol Select Pictures, in which she is presented by 1. .-wis .1. Selznick, and only the first of these. "Scandal," had been shown throughout the country. Miss Talmadge returns, however, alter having completed her entire scries of pictures, eight in all. seven out of the eight having alread> been shown on the screens of the country. The pictures which Miss Talmadge has made in the west include "The Shuttle." "Up the Road With Sallie" ami "Good Night, Caul," her newest Select Picture. "A Pair of Silk Stockings" has also been complet id. In the short period in which she has been before the public Constance Talmadge has attained a firm place as a screen star. She has carved lor herself a niche in the front rank of the country's favorites and has found and occupied a field of her own. Constance Talmadge's true metier is comedy-drama ami comedy-drama such as 1 n Miss Talmadge's Select product ions has been hitherto unknown on the screen. This Is a type of photoplay iii which dramatic situations are frequent, but which is nevertheless inter-larded with humor from end to end. Constance Talmadge is now so well alii.. 1 ,,1 ii,. schedule of releases for her Select Pictures that she has been glvi a brief halt In which to visit In 1 home l..w 11 w hlch is little old N'ew 1 ork. "Les Miserables" Set for August. Announcement from the Pox Film Corporation is that "Lei Mist rabies," in which William Farnum scored si big su when the picture was shown in the LyrlS theater, N'ew York, will be ideas. . I to exhibitors .... August 1 2. "Les M aides." it is declare, I in the announcement, will I). eial releasi 11 n.l will be sold s ors on a n hub p. n.l. n 1 basis. The announcement of I he 1 eh;. ct, which was probabl.v the greatest picture t hal \\ lllla m Ca 1 mini ever did, calls attention to the fact that 1 1 . . last \\ illiani Farnum plot un to hi was "True Clue," which was offered to exhibitors May 5. It is undersl I 1 hat is being organized for the release of "Lei Miserables." Stress will be laid on the iveriising that the picture el readj has ..blamed as a result of its show I : ! les. In "Cheating Cheaters" Miss Young Has Stage Success With the acquisition of the screen rights to "''heating Cheaters" Clara Kimball Young has added another to the long list of notable stage successes sen ted bj hi 1 upon the Young is in this manner giving to both exhibitors and public the benefit of the most valuable stage proper ■. hieh can be seemed for presentat Ion iii her Select Plot U III the list which Miss Young In 1 Pictures are "The House of Glass," "Shll 1 and "Magda," all of which have a. 1 -s on the American stage, and "The Marionettes," which has enjoyed su on the Continent for many years. In the selection of "Cheating Cheaters" Miss Young has rounded out her list by the addition of a drama ol thi 61 latest school — one of the "surprise" type. "Cheating Cheaters." it will be remembered, of those plays which, seem 00k play of usual cast at its quick] di el ops along and highly entertaining lines. The play en Its sta • production b \\ with a notable cast which In e,l Margo 1 a ml othei 1 wav favorites. The play is scheduled fOf early production bj Miss Young, and del 1 a i is win be a nnounced lati 1 Followi ng Co imi pol ie> ai regards fiction the Clai a Kimball Young sei Pictures has already pre photoplays based on two notable novels, .,11. i,. ing "The Reason Why ." by 1 Civ n. and the ol hei Miss Young' curi ent ,,i ...he i he Claw, African roma ni e from t he pen of mthor of "Poppj product Ion b.i ei nola 1.1. ol fiction is that of "Th. which Miss Young is now ma] In from the novel of Francois Curel, "La Fills ge."