Moving Picture World (Jul - Aug 1918)

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408 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD July 20, 1918 Fox-Lehrman Sunshine Comedy Girls. "His Bonded Wife" Chosen by Metro for Emmy Wehlen MAXWELL KARGER manager of pro. ductions al the Metro Sixty-first street studio, hai ted "His Bonde. i Wife." a flve-act up to date romance bj Lola and Arthur Zellner, aa the starring vehicle for Bmmj Wehlen, has appointed Charlea .1 Brabin aa ber d tor, with Alfred Rabocb I int. Mr. Brabin ii i neither time not energj during tins past week in tin b< tion • DUnd Miss Wehlen best i" '-naii the lnt< ■ char ra of "His Bonded w Crelghton Hale will play the rol< posit. to thai of Mis> Wehlen. Wehlen's Blater will be played by VI Howard, who has just finish! -two i at and who debut with Metro in "His Bonded wife." sflsB Howard is a San Frang iri. she began ber i i er in stock and was graduated to star in "The Lion and the Mouse "The w •■!!." "When Knighthood Was in Flower," "Paid In Pull," and "! Millions." Hei debut before the camera waa under the Kssanay banner In 1916 Miss Wehlen's east also Includes a Metro favorite of two years, Prank Curi Hois Morse in "His Bonded Wife." Miss Wehlen will have one of her best opportunities she will have practically a dual role, yet that of one and the same person. She will depot a typical Ameri nturoua, fascinating. And she also will wear several recent Paris ii tat ions. The Bcenea ..: in Bonded Wife" call for man] elaborate sets and not a feu . outside locations. Mr. Brabin w ill di\ ul. or ratio wit hi i I'm this a team of Pler .nd Harlequins ha\e • 1 They will por tray in pantomime a playlet entitled "What is Happening at a linns. Party" in an Urban! lag. Miss Frederick Will Soon Begin Work at Golduyris PERHA 1'S t he happiest sen I r in • all the world at this moment is Pauline Frederick:, who shortl) will begin ■work in the Goldwyn studios on her first production to he released under the Goldwyn imprint. Miss Frederick la not by an] means beginning a new career, for she is backed by years of deserved popularity, both on the Btage and screen Hut lor low productions will bring her back at once t > , the most successful period ol I on the screen the time when she deserted the stage at the height of her popularity to play emotional roles in modern drama for the cinema From her first day in pictures Pauline Frederick has been a profitable star for the nation's picture theater owners. Possessing beauty, charm and dramatic power, her initial productions most skillfully utilized her splendid capacities and won her the instant liking of the men whose approval is essential before a star can reach the great public which has made motion pictures the world's greatest amusement. ■Willard Mack, who, in addition to being Goldwyn's scenario editor, is also Miss Frederick's husband, has for months been selecting her new material, and expresses the belief that the bipreost work of her life is that to be done during the summer and winter months in the productions that Goldwyn .will release in the coming season. Montgomery Attacked by Auto Bandits. graph Big v Company team, Mom md Hock, suffer' derable facial injury on a recent Sunday night when, returning from Beach with a party of friends, a hold-up auto crowded the Montgomery party off the road, and then attacked Mr. Mont. and his friends with monkey H In reaching for the monkey wrench at the side of his car, Mr. Montgomery met all comers. There them. Mr. Montgomery downed the first one with one tap of the wrench. But the struggle with two other men was a long one. For twenty minutes they fought; at th^ conclusion of that time, Mr. Montgomery, his face hardly recognizable issued triumphant from the fray, holding in the strong grasp of either hand the ankle of a dethroned hold-up man. Mr. Montgomery was forced to allow his prisoners to get away. Metro Engages Two Stars; Each Will Head Company TWO new stars have been engaged by Metro, Olive Tell and Hale Hamilton. Both Miss Tell and Mr. Hamilton will head their own companies. Mr. Hamilton's initial production will be "Five Thousand an Hour," from the pen of George Randolph Chester. Miss Tell's vehicle has as yet not been decided upon. Both these stars have within the past few weeks established themselves as Metro favorites. Mr. Hamilton was the leading man in "The Winning of Beatrice" and in "Opportunity." Miss Tell made her Metro debut in "To Hell With the Kaiser," playins the part of Alice Monroe. Hale Hamilton is one of Broadway'B popular actors. Most notable of his enments was that in "Get Rich Quick Wallingford," which play, the dramatization of George Randolph Chester's famous stories, Mi Hamilton made famous in America. England, and Australia. In fact, it was the young man's success in Wallingford which caused Mr. Chester to him in mind when writing his novel, "Five Thousand an Hour." t season Miss Tell co-starred with as A. Wise and William Courtney in "General Post," and received the honor of being I by Henry Miller to co-star with him it) the opening production of hla ■til theater, the Henry Miller. Vivian Martin in Rinehart Story. Vivian Martin, whose many charming LCterleatlona in Paramount pictures won tor lor a host of admirers in inks of the tilm patrons, is announced in a ii.w production entitled "Her Country First," b] Ma.-. Roberta Rinehart, with Edith Kennedy. Jamea Young directed the picture and the pho tographx .nl< (iarhiitt. Particularly interesting at this time, because itriotic character, filled wth mil comedy, of the sort that Mrs. can so perfectly create, and which, it is said, ha; been transferred to . recti by Miss Kennedy with genuine skill, "Her Country First," should prove the most appealing of Miss Martin's Paramount vehicles. Sherry Reports Excellent Returns from His Exchanges F .LOWING Ho second release of the produced by De Luxe Pictures, Inc., are ion distributing service, "The Street having a very wide sale "in spite of the lassitude of the hot weather demand. This i 'i. I.' >w : \. ; t he second "t I he distributing service, "The street of Seven Stars, which was shown to Ho public for the tiisi lino last week, William L Sherry announces that the demand for his initial releases has greatly I raged him and given him absolute confidence that the style of pictures he is handling are what exhibitors want. He has now permanent managers for all his exchanges, and from each excellent returns have been received. Reports show that business Is especially good in the I ■ rn territory. "I have now gone far enough to obtain a practical, concrete basis of judging what the newly organized William L. Sherry Service is capable of accomplishing," says Mr. Sherry. "Most of my men have been wall acquainted with me for years as a practical man in the film industry, and many have been affiliated with me in former enterprises. Thus it has been comparatively easy for us to co-ordinate our efforts and get the results we expected to get. "Both of my early releases, 'A Romance of the Underworld,' a Frank A. Keeney production, and 'The Street of Seven Stars,' is due to two causes — the pictures are good and my salesmen are hustling. 1 might also add that exhibitors are showing great confidence in the William L Sh.rry Service." Mr. Sherry expects to announce shortly the third of his releases, "Out of the i." a Keeney production starring Catherine Calvert, who is featured in all the other Keeney pictures. The scenario is by E. Lloyd Sheldon. All of the De Luxe pictures star Doris Kenyon at the head of her own company. The second release of De Luxe will be "The Inn of the Blue Moon," especially written for Miss Kenyon by Louis Joseph Vance. The Actional rights have already been contracted for by one of the leading magazines of the country. The Keeney forces are now well under way with their fourth picture, "The Girl With a Past," by Paul Armstrong. It is stated that some beautiful exteriors have been taken within the last week. All the interiors are being made In the Biograph studios.