Moving Picture World (Jul - Aug 1918)

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August 24, 1918 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 1107 Goskert, Ray (M. P. Operators' Union— Pittsburgh), 320th Machine Gun Co., Camp Lee. r-nirthpr^ Abe (World Film — Kansas City). Goldberg, Harry (Select-Cleveland). Private, Co. D, 302d Engineers, Camp Upton, N. Y. , Goldener A (Famous Players-Lasky— Detroit), Camp Custer, Mich. Goldstein, Nathan (Famous Players-Lasky— Boston). Golitko, Andy (Pathe— Kansas City), Engineering Service, A. E. t . Gooch, Fred (Metro— Washington, D. C), Private, 312th Machine Gun Co., Camp Meade, Md. Goodman, Del (Pathe— Chicago), Training Camp, Texas. Goodrich. Joseph (Famous Players-Lasky— New York). Gottstein, Hershey (Universal-Denver), Medical Corps, Fort Logan, Grabe° William (Pathe— Cleveland), American Hospital Transport Corps. Wash. Gradv Billy (Wilson & Grady), Medical Corps. Grainger, Edmund (Allen Film Corp.), Camp Devens, Mass. Grantz, Arthur (Pathe — Seattle), Infantry. Gray, Daniel (World — New York). Green Wilson (Stanley Mastbaum— Philadelphia), Camp Meade Greenbaum, J. M. (Alhambra Theatre— Cleveland) , Base Hospital, Camp Sherman, Ohio. _ , , _ Greene, J. Irving (Famous Players-Lasky— New \ork), Sergeant, care D. G. T. Car Record Office. Post Office 717, A. E. F. Greenstein, Lou (Standard— Cleveland), Q. M. C, Philadelphia. Grey, Arthur (Pathe— Spokane), Oregon Coast Artillery, Fort Stephens, Oregon. Grey, Paul (Spokane), Navy. Griffin, John J. (Christie Film— Los Angeles), Engineer Train, A. E. h . Griffiths, C. H. (Universal— Denver) , British Army. Grimes, Virgil (Universal — Indianapolis), Aero Squadron, Camp Kelley, San Antonio, Texas. Gring, J. Luke (Kline Poster Co.— Philadelphia) , Camp McPherson, Atlanta, Ga. Groves, Rov (M. P. Operators' Union— Pittsburgh), 107th Field Artillery, A. E. F. Guetlein, Edward (Gaumont — Flushing), Private, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Gunn, Maurice (Greater Vitagraph — New Orleans), Army, Co. K, 156th Infantry, Camp Beauregard, Alexandria, La. Gustafson, Herbert (Essanay — Chicago), Artillery, A. E. F. H Haines, Leslie (Pathe— Los Angeles), American Lake, Officers' Training Camp. Hall, Don (Fox Film — Pittsburgh), Private, Camp Humphreys, Va. Hallett, George J. (Fox Film Corp. — Buffalo), Private, Second Aircraft, M. G. B. N., Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, S. C. Hallouis, Ed. (Pathe— Cleveland) , 1st Pioneer Co., Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Ham, Harry (Christie Film — Los Angeles). Hamilton, Dr. Geo. (Famous Players-Lasky — New York). Hamilton, William (World — New York). Hammer, C. D. (Pathe — Seattle), Camp Lewis. Hampton, Albert (Mutual — Seattle), Merchant Marines. Hannafln, Joseph (Famous Players-Lasky — New York), Co. G, 48th Infantry, Camp Stewart, Newport News, Va. Hargan, Dane (Essanay — Chicago). Lieutenant, Signal Corps, A. E. F. Harper, Tommy (Essanay — Chicago), Navy, Great Lakes, 111. Harrington, John S. (Arrow Film — New York City), 57th Infantry, Anniston, Ala. Harris, Harry (General Film — New York), Medical Department, 328th Infantry, Camp Gordon, Atlanta. Harris, Lisle (Consolidated Film & Supply — Dallas). Harris, Walter (Universal — New York), Pelham Bay, N. Y. Harris, Sidney (Goldwyn — New York), Marine Corps. Harrison, James (Christie Film — Los Angeles), Heavy Artillery, Fort MacArthur. Hastings, H. F. (Mutual — Portland), Artillery. Haver, ri. M. (Famous Players-Lasky — New York). Hayes, John R. (Famous Players-Lasky — Cleveland), Aviation Dept.. Squadron 11, Camp Dick, Dallas, Texas. Hazeltine, W. J. (Triangle — Denver), Machine Gun Co., 354th Infantry, A. E. F. Healey, Kenneth (Spokane). Heath. Charles M. (General Film — St. Louis). National Army. Heffiner, Mr. (M. P. Operators' Union — Pittsburgh), 320th Machine Gun Co., Camp Lee. Heinz, Henry (Essanay — Chicago). Helgren, C. J. (Kansas City Features — Kansas City), Co. 0, 164th D. B., Camp Funston. Helgren, C. F. (Pathe — Omaha). Heller. Ben. (Kalem Company — New York), British Expeditionary Forces, k Jewish Unit. Probably in Palestine. Helm, Roy (Spokane), Army. Helouis, Edward (Pathe — Cleveland), Army, Pioneer Regiment, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Helwig, Oscar (Pathe— Seattle), Engineer Corps. A. E. F. Herbert, Tom (Mutual — San Francisco), Infantry, A. E. F. Herchenrider, Franklin (Stanley Mastbaum— Philadelphia), Engineer Corps, Fort Slocum. Hicks. John (Universal— Kansas City), Navy, Puget Sound, Washington. Higgins, V. (Famous Players-Lasky — New York). Higham, James, Camp Upton, N. Y. Hill. Clyde B. (Fox Film— Pittsburgh), A. S. U., A. E. F. Hill. C. D. (General Film — Indianapolis), Engineer Corps, Camp Taylor, Louisville. Himmelein, Chas. (Lakewood Theatre — Cleveland), Hospital, Camp Sherman, Ohio Hirth, Harry (Spokane). Holland, Theo. F. (General Film — Indianapolis), Engineer Corps, Fort Harrison, Indianapolis. Holmes, Robert (Gaumont — Flushing), Private. Infantry, A. E. F. Holt. Albert (Essanay — Chicago). Artillery, A. E. F. Hommel, James S. (Select Pictures— San Francisco), Lieutenant 51st Field Artillery. A. E. F. Honor, Benjamin (World — New York). Hookailo, Fred (Famous Players-Lasky — Boston). Hornbostle, Eugene (World — New York). Horton, Rodney A. C. (Metro — Washington, D. C), Lieutenant, Aviation Section, Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas. Houlihan. Joseph (World — New York). Hoyt. Lloyd (Universal — Spokane), Mounted Machine Gun Co., A. E. F. Huber. F. M. (World — Detroit), Co. C, 125th Infantry, Camp MacArthur, Texas. Hudson, Edward (Pathe— Seattle), Navy. Hunt Fred (Pathe— Omaha), Great Lakes, Naval Training Station. Hyle,' Arthur (Pathe — Seattle), Aviation Corps. Ireland. Walter (Geo. Klelne System— Cincinnati), A E. . F. Izant, Robert (Photoplay— Cleveland) , Plain Dealer. Camp Sheridan, Ala. Jaeger, Bruno (World — New York). . Jaffa, Frank (Cleveland), Photo Division, Columbia L niver-ity Jameyson, Howard E. ( Pathe— Kansas), Cadet, 9th Cadet Squadron, Camp Dick, Dallas, Texas. Janeche, Joe (Christie Film— Los Angeles), Infantry. Jaycocks, Irving C. (General Film— New Haven), Navy. Jefferson, G. C. (Famous Players-Lasky— Detroit) , Ordnance Supply School, Hancock, Ga. Jennings, Thomas (Fox— Boston ) , Navy. Jensen, E. C. (World— New York), 152d Depot Brigade, Co. 30, Battalion 0, Camp Upton, N. Y. Jessen, Jesse (Mutual — Omaha, Neb.), Infantry. Jockle, Charles (Famous Players-Lasky— Fort L,ee Studio). Johnson, H. P. (World — New York). Johnson, Harold (Geo. Kleine— Cincinnati), Sergeant, A. E. F. Jones, D. W. (Famous Players-Lasky — New York). Jones, Stanley (Spokane). Judkins, Paul E. (Goldwyn— Seattle) , Aviation Corps, Camp Greene, S. C. K Kaufman, Herbert (Metro — Buffalo), Pioneer Infantry, Camp Wadsworth, S C. Kaufman, Al (Famous Players-Lasky— New York), Signal Corps, Photographic Division, Washington, D. C. Kaufman, W. (M. P. Operators' Union — Pittsburgh), Camp Lee. Kay, Harvey L. (Western Triangle Distributing Corp. — Salt Lake). Kay. Morris (Notable Feature Film Co. — Denver), British Service. Keefe, James C. (Fox's Theatre — Springfield, Mass.), Secretary K. of C, Camp Devens, Mass. Keefer, George (Famous Players-Lasky — Fort Lee Studio). Keene, James (Central Market Street Amusement Co. — Philadelphia). Keeton, R. T. (Famous Players-Lasky — New York). Keitz, J. R< (Notable Feature Film Co. — Denver), 20th Infantry, Fort Douglas, Utah. Keeler, Mark (Spokane). Keller, W. E. (General Film — Pittsburgh). L. E. R. Radio, Co. 169, Regiment 14, Great Lakes, 111. Kelly, William (World — New York). Kelley, T. (Universal — New York). Kennedy, Harold (Emma Francis & Harold Kennedy), Co. G, 303d Infantry, Camp Devens, Mass. Kennedy, L. E. (Pathe — Los Angeles), Naval Reserve, San Pedro, Cal. Kernaghan, Charles (Universal — New York). Kersey, John F. (Essanay — Chicago), Base Hospital, Ward Q, Camp Logan, Texas. King, Burt (Greater Vitagraph — New Orleans), Army, Co. L, 155th Infantry, Camp Beauregard, Alexandria, La. Kirschner, Oscar (Mutual — Chicago), Infantry. Kisten, K. K. (M. P. Operators' Union — Pittsburgh), Camp Lee. Klein, Harry (Central Market Street Amusement Co. — Philadelphia), A. E. F. Koenig, Ernest (Arrow Film Corp. — New York), Sergeant. Photo Detachment, M. P. Division, A. E. F. Koeppe, Charles (Essanay — Chicago), Infantry, National Army. Kohn, Norman (Notable Feature Film Co. — Denver), Camp Upton. N. Y. Korach, Milton (Argus Film Co.— Cleveland) , Camp Sherman. Kornfeldt, C. (Universal — New York), Columbia University. Korson, Dane (Bluebird— Philadelphia), No. 781,728, Reclamation Dept., Newport News, Va. Kraker, J. A. (Vitagraph— San Francisco), 159th Infantry, Camp Kearny, Cal. Krause, John H. (Pathe — Albany, N. Y.), Army, Private, Camp Wadsworth. S. C. Krueger, William (Mutual — Chicago), Navy. Krupka, Jerry (Famous Players-Lasky— Cleveland), 16th Co. 2d Infantry Replacement Reg., Camp Gordon, Atlanta. Kuhn, George. National Army. Kupper, William J. (World— New York). L Lamb, Fred (Famous Players-Lasky — Fort Lee Studio). LaMertha, H. E. (Gaumont — Flushing), Ensign U. S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, 111. Landis, George (World — Indianapolis), Aviation Division, A. E. F. Lantz, R. (Spokane), V. S. S. Minnesota, care P. M. Fortress, Monroe, Va. Lark, Thomas H. (Pathe— North Carolina), Co. A, Second Anti-Aircraft M. G. Battalion, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Larsen, Benj., Co. B, 314th Ammunition Train, 89th Division, A. E. F. Lasky, Myron (Famous Players-Lasky — New York). Lawson. R. G. (Southern Triangle Pictures — Atlanta), Q. M. C. Detachment, A. E. F. Leahey, Daniel (Kalem — New York), Signal Corps, Photo. Division, Columbia University. League, James (Mutual — Philadelphia), Sergeant, Infantry, A. E. F. League, Jefferson (Essanay — Chicago), Navy. Leary, Walter (Famous Players-Lasky — Boston). Lebensburger. M. A. (Standard— Cleveland), Q. M. C, Camp Forrest, Chicamauga Park, Ga. Ledlie, F. M. (Kansas City Feature Film Company — Kansas City, Mo.), Navy-Radio Service, Great Lakes Training Station. Lee, B. (Famous Players-Lasky — New York). Leeman. P. F. (Vitagraph — Kansas City), Private, Artillery, A. E. F. Leibold, Geo. J. (Mutual — Washington), Infantry. Leithman, J. (Greater Vitagraph — New Orleans. La.), Navy-Radio Department, Algiers Naval Training Station, New Orleans, La. Lenchner, Sidney (Pathe — Pittsburgh), Private, A. E. F. LeRoy, F. A. (Famous Players-Lasky — New York), Ordinance Training Camp, 4th Provisional Company, Camp Hancock. Augusta, Ga. Leslie. R. J. (Fox Film — Pittsburgh). Levine, Harry (M. P. Operators' Union — Pittsburgh), 107th Field Artillery, A. E. F. Levine, Samuel (Mutual — Boston), Infantry. Levy, William (World — New York City). Signal Corps, regular branch. Levy, Jack R. (Universal — Cleveland), Private. Infantry, A. E. F. Levy. Leo (Select — St. Louis), Co. I, 352d Infantry (Corporal), Camp Dodge. Iowa. Lewis, E. L. (Famous Players-Lasky — Seattle). Lindsay. Willard (General Film Company — Wilkes-Barre, Pa.). Navy. Mechanical Engineer. Newport. R. I. Line. George (Mutual — Salt Lake City), Infantry. Littlefield. Lucien (Famous Player J-Lasky — New York).