Moving Picture World (Jul - Aug 1918)

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1142 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD August 24, 1918 Scene from "The Eyes of Julia Deep" (American). Mary Miles Minter's First Is "The Eyes of Julia Deep' PERSONAL representatives of Samuel S. Hutchinson, president of the American Film Company, Inc., stationed at the numerous Pathe exchanges throughout the country, are showing exhibitors the first of the new Mary Miles Minter subjects which American is selling direct and Pathe is distributing. The title of this first offering is "The Eyes of Julia I ■■ and is a comedy-drama in five arts from the story by Kate L. McLaurin. Lloyd Ingraham directed it, and included in .Miss Minter's supporting cast are Alan Forrest, George Periolat, T\licc Wilson, [da DeVilla, and Carl Stockdale. Miss Minter is given innumerable opportunities to put over the type of acting for which she is famous, and in her pari of a department store exchange clerk she takes full advantage of each of the opport unities i;i\ en her. Every exhibitor who lias shown one of the Minter subjects in the past will r< nize in this release another opportunity to draw tile thousands of .Minter fans to bis theatre, while many theatres that have never before shown a production stalling ot the M's will sci/e this chance to add still another sure-tire hit to its list of attractions. Bookings on this ami other American subjects can be made at any Pathe exchange bj applying to the American Film Company representatives sta d there. May Allison's Second Making Progress. "The Testing of .Mildred Vano," May Allison's second picture to be produced on the west coast, is making excellent progress. Most of the interiors have been photographed and Technical Director Ralph Godfrey has erected an inn. ballroom set with conservators' and gardens. With these scenes out of the way the Allison company will go on location for exteriors. Wilfred Lucas again is directing, with William E. Pildew as skipper of the camera. The story was written for .Miss Allison by Charles T. Dazey and adapted for the screen by George D. Baker. It is a comedy-melodrama. ty Loan drive the success h deserves All the Pathe stars, including Pear] White. Frank Keeiian, Fannie Ward. Ruth Roland, I la rold Lloj d, i lebe i »a niels Ma Me ' isborne a ml ng to bl rid t heir shoulders to t he who. I i .. work for Uncle Sam." Metro Buys "Oh, Annice!" "Oh, Annice!" the sparkling ami clever serial story by Alexine Heyland that has been runing in the Woman's Home Companion, has been chosen as a starring vehicle for the Metro star, Viola Dana, the firm having bought the screen rights of the story. Work before the camera will be begun as soon as Director John H. Collins has completed his scenario version and selected the cast to surround Miss Dana. Albert H. Kelly again will be Mr. Collins' assistant, and the photography will be done by John Arnold. Strong Support for Madge Evans. World Pictures has completed thi for "Snug 1 la rbor." the n< ll e in which Teffl Johnson will make his dcbul as a director with this organization. Madge Evans is the star and will be sup i by Jack I hrumier, < lharles Su William T. Carleton, Blanche Craig, Sam Ryan, formerly with manj of George M. jes ; Charles Jackson, Ka I e Lester, Nora Cecil, Charles Ascot and Esther Hanks. Work is now in progress on this picture at the studio in Fori Lee and in a few days the entire company will I for the New England coast for the mii . i me of t be principal scenes i n plaj is a mariner's ho i will be taken down Cape Cod way. Pathe's Stars in Loan Campaign. Paul Brunet, vice-president and g;en Lger of Pathe Exchange. Inc., is enthusiastic upon the subject of the motion picture industry cooperating with the government in the next Liberty Loan drive. In issuing instruction to the various departments of the Palhe Exchange, Inc., Mr. Brunet says: "We propose to bend every effort in assisting the government in making the next World Shifts Release Dates. World Pictures announces a shift of redate of two of its pictures. "Th. Road To France" instead of being pre ! ber 9, will have its s< premiei n October it. "By Hook or tier Carlyle Blackwell and n Greeley picture, will be the Sep 9 i ifferi ng of I letup. -i I chedu led. The necessit y of hange of dates grew out of th. ability of World Pictures to secure the completion of the lithographs necessary adequately to exploit "The Road to France." Dietrich Sets Release of henyon Film for August 18 THEl Mm ii;k c hi ETRICH, president of De Luxe Pictures, inc., announces that the postponement of the release Of "The Inn id' the BlU< Moon." with Doris Kenyon at the bead of her own company, is due to the fact thai it was impossible to get lilms and accessories to the western roast in time to enable exhibitors there to show the picture on tile date originally set. August 11. The new release date is Di^ust IS. Those who have seen this picture are enthusiastic over it. They Bay its romantic and beautiful love stoiy, together with the picturesque scenes and general artistic quality, will give it prestige with all classes and keep it m demand tongei the average picture. The author, Louis Joseph Vance, one of the most populai ol American story tellers, has been in close touch with the production li the start and has given much valuable ad\i.. Reports from "The Street of Seven stars," by Mary Roberts Rinehart, the inst De Luxe release, are to t he efl ei I that it is doing capacitj business in many bouses, in spite of the handicapping effect of the h..i weather. Mr. Deitricb re.. Visited Buffalo, where he found that ill ihe exclusive East Libertj district the pictures bad played to capacity all week All of the De Luxe productions are being distributed through the William l. sherry Ser\ u'c "Why America Will Win" is Shown. a private screening was given last of "Whj America Will Win." the picture based on the life of General Perahln one of the projection rooms of the Fo\ Film Corporation. The screening was ati ended bj offlcla is of thi corporation .. nd the lilm is now lain out ui.l h n Ished for showings early in i he fall Based on the 11 fe of i lenera I I 'en the production, which was directed by i tlchard Btant on, follow ed i he career ••! i in great Am. in u mandei 1 1 om nil West Point days right Into Berlin. Ebonies to Release Fortnightly. \ rea rra ngement of thi releasing sched ule for the Ebon; comedies Is i bis week bj Genera] Fl Im < lompany. ml n vith "When You a re Sea i • d, August 19, thes. .omc.l ni will be available i\,l\ oilier week It is .need from the Fond iln Lac studios of i he I : I ■• 1 1 1 \ compa ny i hat e\ erj will be mad. to insure Do quality Of thi comedies, since thej are proving so popular. Work has been begun on a numb, r "The Strange Woman" (Fox). A nnouiio ni 1 1 .mi the Fox Fl Im < !or« Ion is i hat "The St range Woi will in Gladys Brockwell's second release under i he new Fox V Id orj I 'let ures bi The inst release will be "Kultur," a pow« erful drama designed to throw low IlL-ht on Germany's intrigues in Austria i the war. Work on "The Strange Woman,! which Is bai ed on the R rea I si a •.I the same name bj William .1. Ilurll.iii. i ring eomplet ion under thi direi of I ii i .1 w ard J. LeSainl al HollyJ M I Rialto Announces Second Picture. I'ol lo\\ itlg I he SU. . . : I III l.c |) I loll ■i I i.oi. Graci Va lent in. i n "The Fnchastened Woman." Rialto De Lux« I 'i oducl ions a nnounces I he second releas . presenting \ia i ■■ ne riti Ma rsh m "Conquered Hearts," a photoplaj which was enthusiastically received al its initial trade showing. Distribution will be Igh the ' !l ore ■ K lellio SVSl .in 111 til1' I 'niteii slates and Canada and foi all foreign countries thri thi Pied n\ t ures i orpora t ion.