Moving Picture World (Jul - Aug 1918)

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1158 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD August 24, 1918 Idvertiaing Angles: If you ' '. the .serial, "The Woman in the Web," advertise that the stars are now to be seen in a feature. Make use of the fait that this is an O. Henry story and point out the many successful productions Vitagraph has made of this author's sto i oul a card with "What's your altitude.' See the answer at (house and date). You'll be interested." Advertising Aids: One design each one, three and six sheets. Window displays. 11x14 and 22x2S. Heralds. Slides. Plan book. Press sheet. Released August 19. "THE INN OF THE BLUE MOON" Theodore C. Deitrich Presents Doris Kenyon and Her Own Company in Louis Joseph Vance's First Original Screen Story. Cast. Dorothy Druce 1 Doris Kenyon Justine Druce J Warde MacMahon Harry C. Browne Charlton Sloane Crauford Kent Justus Druce :. William W Dorothy, his wife Harriet Ross Adelaide, his sister Lyn Donaldson Jeb Robbins John Hopkins Directed by John B. O'Brien. The Story: Upon the separation of Justus Druce and his wife each takes one of their twin daughters, aged t\\«> years. Sixteen years later. Dorothy, now a beautiful girl, has been raised in solitude in the Catskills, her pels having been her only playmates. She has n little Shack on an island which she call "Inn of the Blue Moon." Justine, who remained with her father, has bee. .me a society belle, and as her engagement to Charlton Sloane is announced, her father discovers that he is a bankrupt. Druce writes to his wife for money, which refuses. Justine gives the family jewels to Sloane to pawn, and a jealous woman makes it appear that he has stole,, them Sloane is arrested. Justice finds the li from her mother and determines her. McMahon, an attorney whom she engaged to help Sloane, meets with an dent and is cared for bj Doroth this point on several complications ensue, due to mistaken identity, each of the twins being taken for the other. Howi all ends happily, the two -pair of lovers are united, and Druce and his wife reconciled. Feature Doris Kenyon, who plays the dual role of Dorothy and Justine Druce, and Crauford Kent as Charlton Sloane. Program and Advertising Phrase*! True LiOVje Finds a Way to Reunite Pond Hearts Mistakenly Estranged. Strange Guests of the Inn of the Blue Moon. Lust for Gold and Influence Wrecks Happiness. Excitement and Adventure Featured in Mountain Romance. Doris Kenyon, Youthful Screen Queen, in Charming Role. Intrigue and Jealousy Thwarted In Purpose by True Love. Far the fullest and latest news of the soring picture industry in Great Britain and Europe — for authoritative articles by leadIn* British technical men — for brilliant and strictly impartial criticisms of all films, read THE BIOSCOPE The Leading British Trade Journal with an International Circulation 85 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. Specimen on Application Watch for coming announcement SESSUE HAYAKAWA PRODUCTIONS Haworth Pictures Corporation H. W. Hellman Bldg Los Angeles, Cal EQUIPPED WITH A UNIVERSAL Motion Picture Camera "You set the picture and get away before the other fellow is ready." That is all we need say. Ask about 6 New Features BURKE & JAMES, INC. 240 E. Ontario St. Chicago 225 Fifth Ave. New York WAAB ,ELLS . IMPLEX MACHINES 1327 VINE ST. H MlNUSA p GOLD i FIBRE ? SCREENS •O AND ALL g SUPPLIES PHILADELPHIA Your DEVELOPING, PRINTING and TINTING toil] reoeivi the attention of expert laboratory hands, and the product will your entire sat isfaetion — if you PLACE YOUR WORK WITH STANDARD MOTION PICTURE CO. 1620 Mailers Bldg. — Phone: Randolph 6692 — Chicago IranJ&ferteR Automatically supplies only such voltage as arc requires. No waste of current in ballast. HERTNER ELECTRIC CO. W. 114th gt.. Cleveland. Ohio AMERICAN Jfotoplaper (Trade Mark Registered) The Musical Marvel Write for Catalogue AMERICAN PHOTO PLAYER CO. »2 West 45th Street New York City FALL BARGAIN LIST NOW READY M. P. CAMERAS of all kinds Prices cut to rock bottom. 6 7 • Write for this moneysaving list to-day. '~ BASS CAMERA CO. 109 N. Desrbern St. Deil. It, Chicago We have lor sale Twenty million Dollar Mystery, 22 reels; Zudora, 18 reels; and Million Dollar Mystery, 46 reels. We also have a large stock of new and commercial film In all lengths lor all parts of the globe. Eataollthed I'tVH THE FILM EXCHANGE 126 West 46th St., New York City Idverttalns Angle*i Advertise Miss Kenyon and play up the fact that this story is the first original screen story written iiy an author whose name is known to practically all readers. Many of his sti have been .1 from their magazine form, but roui est in his first at tempt at a direct scenario. Tell the high lights of the story briefly in your newspaper \\ ork, but leave the climax to be guessed at, taking the story only as far as the mix UP over the t\\" L:irls. tih orti.siiiiv Aids: Two one sheets, two three sheets, one six-sheet. Eight BxlO black-and-white, eight 11x14 sepia, and one L'.\-S colored gelatin photos. Three one-column, one two-column, and one three column production tuts, and one onecolumn, one two-column, and one threecolumn "ad" cuts. Publicity photos and slides. Released August 11. "THE LIAR" William Fox Presents Virginia Pearson in the Startling Story of a Girl Who Was Charged with Being a Mulatto. <:ist. Sybil Houston Virginia Pearson Hugh Houston Alexander Franck Franklyn Harvej , .Edward F. Roseman John t'aiter Victor Sutherland Jimmle Marsh Eugene Borden S.un Harris \lbert Iliceardl Mammy Lou Myra Brooke Mrs. Elliott Mrs. Matilda Brundage Elliott Liane Held Carrera Directed bj Edmund Lawrence. The St»r> : Hugh Houston has a violent tempei and on. daj strikes Sam, a negro, Injuring him permanently. He then ar ■ -j for Sam to come to him each week, and gives him an allowance, Houston be COmes ill and solids I'm his daughter, who is In England, to return. She reaches his i.edside just before he dies. Harvey, Houston's manager, wishes to wed Sybil, but she repulses him. In revenge he makes use Of the ' Of Sam's visits and concoct! a story that Houston had an affair with a mulatto and that Sybil his loin to Engla nd, he eonfronts Sybil with this statement on the eve of her wedding to an aristocratic Virginian. How sin disproves this charge provides an Interesting climax. Feature Virginia Pearson aa Sybil Houston. Edward i' Roseman as Franklyn Harvey, and Victor Sutherland as John ( 'ail ei Praarram mid kdverttabm Phraaeai Great I'ln It ami That ( ills to the Core of 1 1 iime li Love ■ nd Sacrifice. Gripping Problem Plua Tremendous Solutions. Photodrama Embodying Love, intrigue, Revenge and Retribution, Gripping Screen Diama Exposing a Cross-Section Of Woman's Soul. How .i Bride Btruggled to Save Her Honor 8 lid I rOOd Name. Virginia Pearson Resplendent star of ping Photodrama, \d\ertixiiiK \iibI<-h: ' >nc good angle to take on this story Is the (ar-reaahing con. sequences ol an anion liffknger. if you want to work the more sensational side, Cremona ORCHESTRA ORGANS , Write for Informatioa U The Marquette Piano Chicago Co. THE AUTOMATIC TICKET SELLING and CASH REGISTER CO MANUFACTURERS OF AUTOMATTCKET MACHINES and all kinds of Theatra Tickets USED UNIVERSALLY 1736 BROADWAY N. Y. CITY