Moving Picture World (Jul - Aug 1918)

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1162 izing that he really wants her, schemes to destroy Dodge's faith and force Toni to nun to him. He stages a play in his private theatre in which the characters are recog-nizable as himseif, Toni and Dodge, the worst explanation being given to Toni's conduct. Dodge is invited to witness the play, and D'Arcy, during the performance, goes to Toni. tells her what he has done and that Dodge's love for her has been destroyed. Toni realizes she really cares for Dodge. Just then lie appears. D'Arcy asks how he liked the play. He declines to discuss it, pleading that Ins wife is tired, and D'Arcy leaves. Then — but to tell what happened next would spoil your interest in the denouement. Feature Mildred Hams as Toni Wylde and Lewis J. Cody as Rolin Van D'Arcy. Program and Advertisiiij; Phrases: Intensely Dramatic Offering Appealing to Husbands. Wives and the Whole Family. She Married for Vengeance and the Biter Was Bitten. Mystifying Plot That Baffles Solution to the Last Scene. Here's A Dramatic Treat for the Whole Family Despite Its Title. "For Husband's Only" — But Bring Along the Wife and Family. Produced by Lois Weber — "The BelascO of the Screen." Advertising Laglea: Make the fullest possible use of the title in a clean lashion. The press sheet line, "For Husbands Only, but bring your wife with > on." is an excellent example of how to work the title. Don't try to get too sensational with it. You'll not please the sensation seeker and you will love those who would appreciate the play" 'I'lay up the nam. of the producer, which has a boxOffice valu<\ and you can safely Bay that this is one the most perfect scripts technically she has ever produced. Invite photoplaywrightS in your town to come and Btu< the technique. If your admission price is 15 cents advertise that husband and wife can come for a quarter if they I'M, ,,. together. Do a little extra advertising I this. It will pay. \dvertlninK Aid*: Three one sheets, two three sheets, one six 24-sheet Two three-column cuts, six two-column cuts, and two three-column cuts. THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD August 24, 1918 "MARRIAGE" Frank A. Keeney Presents Catherine Calvert in a Story by Guy Bolton, Author of "Polly with a Past," "Very Good Eddie," Etc. Cart, Eileen Spencer Catherine Calvert .lack Spencer David Powell er Ballantyne Thomas Holding Mrs. Stoddard Ida Darling Tommy Latimer Walter tilers Dolly Page Hazel Alder) The Story: Kileen is a member bridge-playing coterie. Her husband, a supposedly prosperous broker, neglects her and she prepares to elope with Ballantyne, a novelist. II, i husband Informs her he is bankrupt; his eyes are afflicted and can only be cured by an expensive operation. Conscience stricken, she dismisses Ballantyne. Dolly, her friend, comes to burrow money. Eileen ion; her financial condition, and. urged by Dolly, they lit up an apartment aid make money by chea Ballantyne finds them and threatens exposure unless Eileen will accept him as a lover. Eil< husband returns, the operation having been successful. Going to Eileen's apart ment, he finds Ballantyne. who is awaiting her return, and. thinking himself an intruder, he leaves. Eileen, knowing Ballantyne will carry out his threat, aci herself of being a cheat at a dinner part] Uev husband, who has stolen to the door of the room to shoot Ballantyne, hears Eileen's confession, and a reconciliation is effei led. Feature Catherine Calvert as Eileen Spenand David Powell as jack Spem Program and Advertising Phrases I ("heating At Cards In High Society Brings Exposure to Fashionable Leaders. How High Societj ['ays Its Debts in the < "ircle of Its Own Gambling Partnership Between Society Queens Explodes In Scandal. Picturing the Details of Life in New York's Exclusive Dramatic Outcome Of A cambiing Adventure in High Society. Stage Success Now Revealed in i tripping I'hotodrama. Idvertlalnsi lag-lea i \ gool slant to take at tins picture is the evil wrought bj gambling among women. Work along this line in your newspapei advertising-. Play up the fact that the story is an original Plot by a well-known dramatic author, and double this if an\ of his plays have been seen in your town recently, For a throwaway try "Would you cheat at cards for your husband's sake?" Tell part of the storj and announci that the outcome can he learned at your house. \.In crti-diiK Aids I Two one sheets, i fl ,, three sheets, one six-sheet. Eight ^\1" black-and-white, eighl lixii sepia, and one 12x28 colored gelatin photos. One three-column, one two-column, and three Dlumn production cuts. One each one-column, two-column, ami three-column "ad" cuts Publicity photos and slides "WINNING GRANDMA" Pathe Presents the Inimitable Marie Osborne in the Charming Story of Baby Hands That Wrung an Ancient Heart. Cast. Little Marie leading . . Baby Marie ( isbornc Will Heading Morns Foster Mi R< .ding Ruth K lni Luther Parrlsb William Quinn I 'ii ■ • led by William Bertram. I he *tor> : Mi s Jasper Ke-adin •'. makes thli ipli mi foi Jasper and Ins wife that Shi then asks her other son. Will, to come and li\e with lor ami bring his Wife and little daue. hi, , . Marie Ma , a mischievous child, always indulging in pranks with little black Sambo and she' and lor grandmother do not git along well. Marie'! mother, though innocent, is compromised by a plotting scoundrel, and back to tb. old home, taking Marie. Soon the grandmother becomes lonely, and realizing that she really loves tl hild. she goes after the mother stealing into the bedroom, takes little rma Her* bei ' w o ions a mi their wives discover her. Bhe ■ ■ asks t hat permitted to live in happiness with i he in. and her wish I ed. Feature Baby Marie Osborne as Little M.i tag. I'rograui and \<li erl Uiuu I'hrnscx: Marie Osborn Plays Hob of Peacemaker In Family Of Many Troubles. Aristocratic Grandmother Steel Hei ibart Against Kindly Influance, Story of An Unusual Family Who D on Unusual Topics. """" a i.ittic Child softened the Heart "i Stern Grandparent. Intriguing tor a Million Comes to Naught W hen Baby Interrupts, ("lever Child Actress Plays Role That Will Delight All "Fans." kdvertlalag Utgleai it your patrons like 13 osborne the mention of her appearance will be sufflcent, but be sure that tl announcement is made sufficientu prominent to reach all admirers. Tell also thai the clever little licgic hoy is in 1 tore. In the advertising work along 1 lines of the child's appeal to her grand 1 With such Catch phrases as "What WOman can resist her grand, hi], IV Make it plain, through telling part of the story It is a departure from the tlmeworn foundation this title might tit. Vdvertialna Udai One one-sheet, two i three-sheets, one six-she, ■!. one 24-Sl Lobby displays, lixii, both in sepia and color; also 82x28. Sim,-. Campaign book. Cuts. Released August 18. "GREEN EYES" Thomas H. Ince Presents Dorothy Dalton in the Thrilling Story of a Man Who Was Jealous of His Younger Brother. 4'llNt. Shirley Hunter Dorothx I lalton PesJTSOH Hunted Jack Holt Morgan Hunter Emery Johnson Margerj Gibson Doris Lee Alexander Chapman Robert McKim Jim Webb Clyde Benson Directed bj R, w lUlam NeilL The Story 1 a man becomes jealous <>f his pretty wife, ami -he leaves 1 at tei larrel, but 1 eturns and a reconciliation 111 he becomes jealous, this time of his younger brother, who thrashes a scoundrel who is later strangled by 1 revengeful negro. Finding the badj later he confesses his supposed crime to his sister-in-law. To shield tb.' boy, the wife tells lor husband she invited him to her th.n the husband attempts to kill hims.lf. The wife averts the tra ami as the younger brother confi weird is brought that the real murderer has confessed. \ reconcilation then occurs between husband wile. Feature Dorothy Dalton as Shirlej Hunter and Jack iioii as Pearson, hei husband, Program and IdvertUing Phrase* : Doroih\ Dalton Star in Newest Paramount Bnacts int en elj i ira ma tie i lole. n Eyei ol Jealous) Am snangely 1 ipened to si-. the Truth. riot and Counterplot Holds Interest intenseto t he ( 'Umax. With Jealousy tin Theme Photoi ma With Thrills. Atmosphere of the South Clings to Dor eet h \ Dalt on's Date St I .le-ale.ns\ and the Countless Woe: It InBictS Them, ol PhOtOplOt \<l vcrlWillg \nglex: 'I '1, will be the strongest t < ► play up. Work such Ii nes ai II you an jealous see Gi een Eyes 1 m kill yourself" and "Even if your wil ty, she ca n b. you." The e-uts and paper tell nothing of the StOr.V, SO if VOU US, these be fe Ire your text gels the .its in preferi 1 \dverti»ing VIiIh: Two each (die, and six Sheets. mi' > "-' Lobbj displays. 8x10, 11x14 and 22x2s. Cuts from one to three columns on stai 1 •duc tion. Advertising lay-oul mats Slides. k. Released August 2fi. THE WORLD'S STANDARD THEATRE ORGANS J. P SEEBURG PIANO CD REPUBLIC BLDC CHICAGO