Moving Picture World (Nov - Dec 1918)

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1434 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD December 28, 1918 It Would Take a Grind Of 5 Years and 8 Months To Show This Picture FOX FILM CORPORATION Of course, it's a Fox film. For whenever the unusual, amazing or extraordinary is done in photoplay production, 'most everybody who knows the film business just naturally says one word — "Fox." Up to a year or so ago the photoplay world and the public were amazed at each new Fox film surprise. . ■ : Now they. take each Fox surprise as a matter of course. "The Fox way of doing: things," they say, and look forward to the next. William: pox has just gone on producing one surprise after another, until he has set a "surprise" standard of production. So that motion-picture exhibitors and the public have become so used to the unusual from William Fox that they re-fuse to be surprised any more — at anything hef'dttes. They just demand his films — and let it go at that. True — the demand is progressive — is growing bigger and more insistent from day to day, from week to week, from month to month. Until now — the demand is so vast that the question is — which exhibitor can get Fox productions first.