Moving Picture World (Aug 1916)

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August 5, 1916 Till. MOVING PICTURE WORLD PRODUCING "THE EVIL MEN DO" (Metro). With a I'ompan.N headed bj IMinuinl Breese, and including such prominent players aa Orml Hawley, Clifford Bruce, Kveiyn Brent and other well known artists, Director Harry Revier is tnp in the northern part of Maine, near Milllnocket, making the exteriors for the big Metro feature, "The Evil Men l>o." which is being produced by the Popular Plays and Players. Harry J. Cohen Is in charge of the company in Main. He arranged for the staging of many big outdoor scenes. One of these include the dynamiting of a log jam, a fight on a raft going down a swift flowing mountain stream, and several exciting fights in the open between the two stalwarts Mr. Breese and Mr. Bruce. Other members of the company in Maine include George Morrel, A. [* McArthur, George Harcourt and Florence MoonJoseph Seiden is the cameraman and James Hussey, his assistant. Ira Willard is assisting Director Revier and George West has charge of the "Props." "The Evil Men Do" was written by Aaron Hoffman, and will be released on the Metro program August 14th. Scene from "Beauty and the Beast" (International). In this spot i.e u1 ami. -iir. unsurpassed in its natural and art ""> by any in the world, are laid the exterior scenes of "Beauty and the Beast." irevious efforts had been made to secure permission to pose moving picture scenes in this fairyland. But Mr Gould refused to listen until he had read the scenario of "Beauty and the Beast " lie then succumbed to the pleadings fairy tale .should be staged in. a veritable fairyland, and granted permission for the pictures to be taken. It will be the first opportunity ever afforded the public of an intimate view of the most beautiful, costly and widely-known private \merlca. The interior scenes were especially constructed to fit In with the »rchltei n Court, at the same time retaining their mythical a.. ■ »he became a motion picture actress, was the favorite model of Charles nana Gibson, has been selected for the role of the Sleeping Beauty. The gowns worn by Miss Timayo and ),. , ,, sne sum. "ions after she is awaked 1,\ the kiss of the I'rin. . resent a fortune in cash. and the Beast," which was written and Btaged bj tclusively bj th< "SOME MEDICINE MAN" (Universal). ■till of the brand that the Moving Picture World i old days the advisabllttj of the old ii m daj i the din tor put ■ ft n or< lot h and called It an Indian tent Then h< m,'M The oowboys came vei the top of the hill to the the prune schooner and the beleaguered Immigrants fvboys flnallj pursued the Indians toward the setting sun ad lib. The scene we have here is from a burlesque of the old style Indian moving picture, which will be released on the Universal inder the Nestoi title, "Some Medli ln< I August 11 The picture was made by Universal Director Roy ry by Eugene Lewis, which In turn was Myton. Pat Rooney plays the leading the foreground breathing Inti "BEAUTY AND THE BEAST" (International). The International Film Service, Inc., after a series of experiments, has just completed a photoplay, amazing in its magnificence, which displays the latest word in fashion, repeats an old story dear to the heart of every child and grown-up and shows scenes that have heretofore been denied the public. "Beauty and the Beast" is the title of this latest triumph of national. Everyone knows the pretty fairy tale. Its characters have been clothed in gowns of superb splendor. To form a background suitable to this magnificance, the International secured permission from George J. Gould to use Georgian Court, his wonderful estate at Lakewood, N. J. Here MOUNTAIN SCENERY IN "SEE AMERICA FIRST" (Gaumont.) Since Baedeker has called Delaware Water Gap one of the fifteen scenic marvels of the United States, it was only natural that the Caumont company should include it in its Interesting series of American points of Interest, "See America First." This has been filmed by a Gaumont cameraman and will ■ August 9, as a Mutual Picture. The view from some of the numerous promontories along the mountain paths has few equals cast of the Rocky .Mountains prettiest pictures taken was Of the Delaware liver as 11 for miles winding its way to tn. The entile region abounds in beautiful mountain brooks, falls .Is. The si. .pes are heavily wooded, and there are lavish displays of mountain laurel and rhododendr. make for beautiful screen pictures, and full advantage has been taken of them. Joined with the 1 '.law arc Mountain Cap in popular interest is that interesting playground known as the Pocono Mountains. been pictured for tins Gaumont • i these 3U0 square miles of scenic beaut) I Delaware Water Gap (Gaumont). nulled i nountalna w ill be 0 w lion i . and thoao I upon their LOUISE LOVELY IN "THE GRASP OF GREED." The Universal ai inoes that Louise Lovi Ij n 111 b< tion iii which she win be supported bj Jaj Bel N II hi n.i 'i i i from the novel bj it Rldei Haggard Mi Meeson's w ill