Moving Picture World (Aug 1916)

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970 IMC MOVING PICTURE WORLD August 5, 1916 Moving Picture Exhibitors and Theatre Managers You Want Independent, Impartial and Reliable FILM REVIEWS The most experienced and best known staff in the field of moving picture publications is that of the Moving Picture World In Reviewing and Editorial work it has — W. STEPHEN BUSH JAMES L. HOFF JAMES S. McQUADE LOUIS REEVES HARRISON GEORGE BLAISDELL HANFORD C. JUDSON LYNDE DENIG MARGARET I. MacDONALD EDWARD WEITZEL ROBERT C. McELRAVY In Projection, it has F. H. RICHARDSON In Exhibitors' Advertising, it has — EPES W.SARGENT All are acknowledged leaders in Moving Picture Journalism and their combined experience and knowledge is at your command each week. You cannot get such value anywhere else. Subscribe today if not already on our mail list. Domestic Canada Foreign $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 MOVING PICTURE WORLD _17 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY Schiller Building, Haas Building, Chicago, 111. Los Angeles, Cal.