Moving Picture World (Aug 1916)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD In the u (I, and a ful drug wanes, be la seized with hi August 5, 1916 :■ how ho acts, and so that she can tell what to do with her hero in her Western story. John Hicks, the ranch owner, discovers Vicky's plot . j perform l posed marriage ceremony between Tom and Vicky. Too late the boys discover that the stranger is a real clergyman, and that the matrimonial ties are binding. Later, however, Tom linds a means to cause Vicky to become content with Iter lot. thousands of persons enjoy the r . lure. .Note the number of army officer through the crowd. On the Kastern Front. -These German reinlore, 'incuts are being rushed to the assistance of the Austrian armies in an effort to check the Russian drive. On the Western Front. — According to the latest reports, the Germans have been forced to these trenches which they have held for months. New York, N. Y. The beauty of the celebration in this city, demonstrates that a safe and sano Fourth, is better than a harvest of crippled children. St. Paul, Minn. -The Mississippi Valley Power his Las Vegas, N. M. — Roping, broncho busting, l. nil. lugging and wild horse racing marks the gathering of cowboys here for their annual re SELIG-TRIBUXE XO. f.7 (July 17). San Francisco, Cal.— Crack race for American tank champio open air meeting in Madison squar. ._ their former employers there has been no break in their ranks. Chicago, 111. — The world's largest _. — 9 miles, l.SOO of them paralleled record. Tacoma, Wash. — A head-on collision of two locomotives affords a thrill to the thousands of spectators who attend the celebration at Speedway Park here. Santa Rosa, Cal. — Veterans of the Civil war gather here for their annual encampment. El Paso, Texas. — The kind of work these boys THE OLD MAX WHO TRIED TO GROW YOUXG f Throe Parts— July 31).— The cast: Rodney Grav ' V. W. Filson) ; George HardI ioris Keene (Vivian Dr. Cenori (Harry Lonsdale); Mrs. Keen" i Eugenie Besserer). Written by Malcolm Douglas. Directed by T. X. Heffron. Rodney Graves, millionaire merchant, and George Harding, his secretary, are both in love with Doris Keene. a young girl interested in charitable work. Graves, well along in years, is not in the best of health. He gives the girl nation, and even signs a check for $4,000 for a charitable institution in which Doris is interested. Doris, however, has no love for the elderlv millionaire thinking only of George Harding. Dr. Ceneri, a charlatan, knowing of Graves' inging for vouth. takes advantage of the '~'ity and offers to Doris Keene and m and then dyes Graves' hair brown. When Graves awakens ho reallv believes that at least thirty years have fallen off his shoulders. With this belief comes the ambition to win Doris. He proposes and is rejected. He vows to bo revenged upon George Harding, his Graves makes it appear that Harding has absconded with the payroll of the company, and the young secretary is arrested and placed in jail. Graves then goes to Doris and tells her that he will have Harding released from prison, providing she marries Graves. Doris resolves to sacrifice herself for her sweetheart, and marries the millionaire. millionaire's deel sell him an elix of any crime, and that it was a scheme of I to gam possession of the girl. Then he is again 1th a paroz] m ol pan. and less. Grav.- butler overhears his confession to his bride. Harding la released from jail because Graves' confession frees him of any guilt. AX AXGELIC ATTITUDE (Aug. 5).— The cast: Tom Miller (Tom Mix); Grace Williams (Victoria Fordo) ; Daniel Miller (Joe Ryan). Written by Edwin Rav Coffin. Produced by Tom I real western E she induces Tom's lather t hanging from a rope which is tied I of a tree. When father is thus m Tom and Grace escape to plight thci Universal Film Mfg. Co. POWERS. FIGHTIXG IXFAXTILE PARALYSIS (July 27). — This subject will be released in place of "Creating Life from a Dead Leaf," which was originally scheduled for release on that day. On the same reel will be a cartoon comedy entitled "Jitney Jack and Gasolena." A synopsis of this latter subject was printed on page 83G of the July L".> issue. "Creating Life from a Dead Loaf" will be released at a later date. Aug. 3).— __ e of the field sports of India are shown. First there is an elephant race. These animals, though very large and awkward, can travel at a terrific rate. Xext sword practice is shown. Horsemen, riding at full speed, cut a sheep in two in one stroke, a feat requiring great skill. horsemanship sg and piercing A camel race 3 shown, such as pulling a ] the heart of a great manikin, affords much amusement. Some native troops in a sham battle perform remarkably well. The cavalry in particular give a very spectacular performance. Then some Xautch girls are shown. These are the Geishas of India and command enormous salaries. They are pictured in some of the dances which made them famous. NESTOR. CAUGHT WITH THE GOODS (July 31).— The east: Reggie Smith (Eddie Lyons); his father (Hart Gamble); June (Lee Moran). Written by Ben Cohn. Produced by Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran. Because Reggie is prone liquor when it and his ■nted with : father Dill for June, his father's ward, an Reggie arrives home earl' be exact, at 3 A. M— and is angry father. Father calls flaunting the bill of damage him to leave the house an he has paid the bill. Ji father is obdurate and Reg He spends the night on awakened the I thrown in his one morning — to confronted by his im a grafter, and, before him, tells not return until le intercedes, but s. Idly looking over it. he vho knows the elite and club and he decides to try for The Association of Stevedores are wrought up over the advance of beer from five to ten cents a can. There is untold suffering among them, and they secure the services of Detective Potts to advance their cause. Thus it is that Reggie and Potts meet, for Potts has inserted the advertisement. Unknown to Reggie, his father is head of the graft trust that advanced the price of beer. The members meet each night to plan new schemes, but Potts and Reggie discover the meeting place and make a raid. The last to come out is Mr. Smith. Recognition follows. and upon being allowed to lpave, Smith "makes good" with both Reggie and Potts. Reggie is enabled to pay off his bills, and as be has proven his father to be the biggest PARTNERS (Aug. 3).— The cast: Stuart Kingsley (Howard Crainpton) ; Kate (Catherine Calvert) ; Donald Grant (Hohart Henley); Silas Gray (Marcus Moriarty). Written by John C. Brownell. Produced by Hobart Henley. Kate it the only daughter of Stuart Kingsley, head of the Gasoline Trust. Just before riding one morning she asks her father for spending money and he gives her a hundred-dollar bill. Kate tires while riding that morning and decides to rest in a little summer house in the park. On a bench in the little house she sees Donald Grant fast asleep with a letter from his mother. She is so touched by the letter that she slips the hundred dollars in his pocket. Later Donald goes to a cheap restaurant and happens to sit next to an old inventor. The old man tells him that if he had .$100 he could perfect his machine for making a substitute for gasoline. Donald is interested, but says he cannot help him. Imagine his surprise when upon putting his hand in his pocket to pay his check he finds the hundred dollars. Donald agrees to help the old man with his new-found wealth. Two weeks later the machine is perfected and one of the leading papers publishes an article telling about the invention. Kingsley reads the article, which predicts the downfall of the trust. He hands the paper to his daughter and she is surprised to read that Donald Grant with a hundred-dollar bill, which he claims the fairies gave him, has bought a half interest in the invention. A meeting of the trust is called. Old Kinglsey calls up Donald and tells him to come at once to hear their proposition. When he comes great pressure is brought to hear on him to sell out for a small amount. But he refuses to sell for less than a million dollars. Meanwhile Kate cannot resist the temptation to go to Donald's office and offer her congratulations. Donald is not there when she arrives, but the old inventor goes for him. While he is gone she amuses herself by t " of the Donald's mother. Donald c the lines realizes that this mi factress. So he says that s one who has made the whoh she must become a partner. When Kingsley again tries in the letter -from and seeing t be his benece she is the thing possible buy the invention he says he can do nothing without the consent of the third partner. But when Kingsley finds that his own daughter is one of the partners he takes an interest in it himself. The last scene shows Kate. Kingsley, the inventor, Donald and his mother all prosperous. It is not hard to guess that Donald and Kate will become partners for life. JOKER. KATE'S AFFIXITIES (Aug. 5).— The cast: Kate (Gale Henry) ; Maxine (Lillian Peacock) ; Rill (Wm. Franey) ; Charlie (Chas. Conklin) ; Lovejoy (Milburn Morante). The friends of pretty Maxine and her fiance, Lovejoy, consider Maxine's old maid sister, Kate, a "lemon" and Kate has never had a beau until her photo is seen by plain, sobergoing Bill, who promptly falls in love. They are "affinities" and all goes well until Charlie, a sailor, home from a long voyage, meets Kate at a picnic. Thereupon. Charlie falls in love with Kate, also. Kate has the time of her life with the new experience of playing off one man against another. But Charlie and Bill ipmrrel and a duel is arranged. Bill is hit. but hic life is saved by a locket containing his mother's picture, which he always carried over his heart. This locket brings out the fact that Charlie and Bill are long lost brothers. Privately, each decides to sacrifice for his brother and goes away, leaving a note for Kate, telling her he has given her up for brother's sake. This is the end of Kate's matrimonial hopes, for there were only two brothers in that family, which exhausts Kate's possible affinities. VICTOR. A SOCIETY SHERLOCK (Aug. 1).— The cast : Freddv De Peyster (William Garwood) ; Vera Van Zandt flrma Dawkins). Adapted by Norbert Lusk. Produced by William Garwood. Vera Van Zandt. a societv girl, gives a weekend party. Freddv Do Peyster, one of the L'uests. musters sufficient energy to propose to Vera, who lells him that the man she marries must be a hero. Freddv gets hold of a volume of Sherlock Holmes, which he eagerly devours. The next day Vera receives a valuable necklace from her father as a birthday gift. On leaving the parlor that evening Vera forgets to take her necklace with her. Lenora, one of the guests, suggest that they bide It so that