Moving Picture World (Aug 1916)

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August 5, 1916 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 991 Mi, won't bo so careless with diamonds. It is hidden rn ., rase le c< ati i table. The loss is discovered and Vera's father iniorms the The police learn of the young man with the monocle, and Freddy, who is sleeping upstairs and wliu Is under suspicion of being the culprit, is rudely awakened from his slumbers and rushed down into the parlor in scant attire. The police jostle him against the center of the table, causing the vase to fall. Freddy adjusts his monocle and there amidst the debris of shattered glass glisten the elusive diamonds. Thus Freddy has proved himself a veritable Sherlock, and in the final scene we see Vera crowning her hero with the necklace. WHEN THE MINSTRELS CAME TO TOWN (Two Parts— Aug. i).~ The cast: Girl ( Baby Early i : Hoy (Frank Butterworth) ; Father (Seymour Hastings); Mother ( Kathryn Griffith). Produced by H. ('. Matthews. Mother and Father take the children to see the minstrel show. All the usual stunts are performed, much to the disgust of the parents and to the delight of the children. That night they dream of darkies and end-men. III. in \t day the children decide to have a minstrel of their own. So all the kids in the neighborhood are summoned and told to forage for material. When all the junk is collected ide that the garage is the logical place for the stage. The car is their only obstacle, so they start it to get it out. Put no one knows how to stop it and the auto goes sailing down the street. The blackening of the at first a puzzle, but shoe blacking and Btoveblack solve the problem. Then a baby is needed for a part in the play. So little brother is stolen from the cradle and his face blacked. In the meanwhile father has been phoned that his car was found meandering through ' and when he gets to the police station to see about it mother phones that been stolen. He rushes home with the whole police force and the thieves are found in the garage, having the time of their young i be picture ends with a view of little Frankie in the tub getting the world's most thorough scrubbing. L-KO. DINTY'S DARING DASH (Two Parts— Aug. 2).— The cast: Dinty (Dan Russell); his wife (Katherine Grifflth); f. M. Trubbell (Bert Roach); his wife I Belle Bennett). Dinty was hard to discourage in his coquetancl he flirted desperately, and without the least embarrassment to himself 1'nfortunately he was unlucky in one of his tuning excursions, as he picked out a lady whose had tbe nastiest temper and was the most unreasonable when he got angry, of any flirt discourager alive. Husband gave Dinty a fair and gentlemanly warning and fate was again t him until he discovered that he was unintentionally taking a bath in the wife's ''•nil tub. Also he discovered thai husband was iii the near vicinity with two Krupps, ami that the means of exit from the bathroom led right past husband. How flirts miraculously escape, how innocent people get mixed up in pursuit they don't -* *-), and how some people live through terrible experiences was proven her.-. The suit of it all was that Dinty tried i "|| B tree! car in his klmona Tie wa willing, the in e,N,n.i.,n »> unwilling and Dinty was unwilling, but h behind with Ins trusty Krupps, and i , nalurallj hail l,, I, , , , ; -,,!,,.■ ,,i , ., ntually stopped b ecindu, tor si railroad wh( n a train was due to pa <>nh thing II, i,l get |np,,. , clnii, ti, in ,,,, it,,,,, ind several polic-em, , "1 escape ,,„„, |b, . As Dinty Weill up ,,,, ,, sliver I rem . . . catcher be remarked thai flit liter i Lucille ||„„„„, Bultoi i Bert Roach i , Sl" w:i •■' > " ihlng and hi i ithi r thoughl ni'ii to he married, hut as ik al ■,.,,.;.:,,,.,; , II..II, ., ,1,1, ,.,„■, 1,1,1 ,,,,,, , With the ""' ""I lath, i In,, I I |,u( ,a,|„r •'.'" "" all il, c Kale i„ '>'l'l>.'.l wHb il without the least eot notion 1 i i " at rli ,i and thi i i |M"' '' ' "< '" ■"<" i' "i -i it M" I",, I,, • . , ,,, p,1U]1 could i ing a _.. sented to their spending their reclining years with them in their magnificent home. They arrived, but it was a sad reception lather got when he looked into the eyes of his deposed janitor, now his son-in-law. Father took a wallop at him and son-in-law raced from the house into jitney and away, with father and the cops in hot pursuit. BISON. UNDER THE LIONS PAW (Two Parts— Aug. 5).— The cast: Hamilton (Rex de Roselli) ; Grace, his daughter (Golda Colwell) ; Blanche, little daughter (Clara Horton) ; George, superintendent (Colin Chase). Scenario by Harry Schenck. Produced by Jay Hunt. Hamilton, a victim of "paralysis and owner of a menagerie where animals can be bought, sold and exchanged, has a superintendent under his employ who is in love with his elder daughter, Grace. She loves him, too. but unknown to her father. One day while putting an animal through some stunts the trainer is caught and Hamilton is taken with a stroke at the sight, this being his second attack. He realizes that the next attack will probably mean his end and he thinks, too, that by selling he will rid bis daughter of the superintendent. He sells the menagerie, but keeps his pet animal, a wild and vicious lio/i. which he takes to his private spy her and asks her to take a note ) her sister unknown to her father. Blanche msents, but in trying to deliver the message le is stopped by her father, who takes it from her. The father is very angry. He locks Grace and the mother, going on a visit. " ' r. leaving her with her takes ] t, who lives a short distance away. The at he will have the night, instead of his will keep the daughte superintendent away for good. He then turns the animal loose and waits for the arrival of George, but in the meantime Blanche runs away from her aunt's and arrives home and is confronted by the animal. Father, seeing this from the window, is attacked with the third stroke of paralysis. George arrives in time to save little Blanches Grace breaks away from her room, helps BIG U. REDWOOD LANK (Aug 3).— The cast: Langley I'eieiie iai. MacQuarrle) (.lack Nelson i ; Gladys I Lucille Vc, '" l by I Her Mother (Mrs. Jay Hu_. Produced by Jay I I I'el.ite, ii guide ,,t the tree country, and Martin Langlc ii are both suitors for the hand of Gladys. Martin is finally accepted and marries the gn be brave about the matter and when the two a short honeymoon trip he builds a house for the two and has it completed when they return. But daily witnessing thi happiness of the iift.-r a 'unking. ', ited condition he ■ him once iiieir, and In approach, h,-i -t.-althilv Anally hear him tin point . anil Wat, ties -pi Il ls almost III h, r Hie bound. Tin gill manage : le, ■ 1,1,1, i ills! II, after hi r The t»„ ore below and Martin win Hill. wildh pil -h. ml that hut Martin |s obdurate Bui flnallj b TILLIE, THE Tilli. Orm-tecl , \l,e,i , \Y due-, el by C Dix makes the acquaintance of Olaf Hanson, who is also on the train. He learns that Olaf is a Swede and he tells of Tilhe. Olaf talks to Tillie, who is happy to meet a countryman, and he learns she is on her way to the middle Wi?st, where her father is seriously ill. isks her -"--■ _. .j all ri£ bills. Tillie's first night in a sleeping cat uncomfortable ; she cannot sleep, and : thinks some one is watching her. but i not sure. Finally she doses off. When 8h her money is missing and she hears i ing. She suspects him and follows out. Dix sees he is followed and takes a taxi. Tillie follows. He finally eludes her and Tillie misses her train. She wanders about the town until exhausted. At last she finds the Swedish Welfare League, who take care of her. Her father is, meanwhile, worrying over the> non-arrival of his daughter. He had received word that she was on her way. but the train arrived without her. Nels Ormsted old man up. Finally thev receive word of Tillies whereabouts and learn that she is or her way to the farm. .Wis j< ordered to me^i the train. Dix is in the country selling wiL-dmills and has been doing very well. Alter securing several orders he sets out for .Wis meets Tillie, who has started to walk to the farm, and the two become a Tillie tells him of her troubles and how His stole her money. They meet Dix walking on the road and Nels makes him return the money. There is a happy me, ting h, tw,-,n the father and daughter, and the sight of Tillie acts as a tonic on the sick man. Through the days of harvesting Nels and Tillie are together often and their interest in each other grows with the passing days. (King Hagg.etti: Tom Steele iWallis Clarke) ■ Captain Morton (Howard CramptOD his daughter (Edna Humeri: The Girl t B.-atrici Allelic Written by Harry Ditniar. Pro ting in bis cabin in port when be he ai on deck. He rushes up to stop it . under a tarpaulin a girl shivering from the cold. II, carries her into the cabin and is prompted to tell her his story. Twenty years before Angus was in love with Bess, the Skippers daughter. One day the old man i brought home dead and Bess turns to Angus for protection, though she does not love him. Then Tom. Angus' brother, returns from a drunken brawl. Bess, who has not seen him for many years, falls in love with him. Tom seeing that Bess does nto love him, 'he match and haves the town fort i hat hav, passed Tom sank lower and lower. He was supported h> Bess, hut tinally declded thai it was ,„,t worth wbl w"n her. S.e he leaves and B.-ss commits Bulclde. or the ship to go out anil the waifs happiness is over. Then " heard t,i ask teer money. Angus refuses and as they argue the girl 1 "he runs to hin ,'lie-n he Ming her Bhe knew he would asideAngu and threw-, him ,,\ , rhoard Then the girl turns on Angus and says she loved Tom an I RED FEATHER. PROM BROADWAY TO A THRON1 King , Walter Billy '""k" "■■" M.rv.l Sp,-,„erl': 1 1, Idonc ' I rank \l ■ be in ,ll •■ ti-inihl. Ik I'll, girl I" i • ! i ... I'-.,-!-.!..,