Moving Picture World (Aug 1916)

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August 5, 1916 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD Sim Kr.idy-t Run Portable Ve tilating Fan :illlllllllllllllllll||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||L | Extra NET Profits I j For Your Theatre 1 $600 TO $3000 YEARLY | How Much Does It Cost You To Give Your Patrons Fresh Air? An inefficient system of ventilation is a black eye to your theatre and your profits. The leading motion picture houses realize this fact. Many of those in the larger cities have already bettered their service and increased their patronage by installing Ventilating, Heating and Air-Washing' Systems The Sturtevant System is the blower or fan sys cm nt" heating and ventilation in its most perfec form. It is always positive in action and independ cut of the weather You can get Sturtc\ an quality and d< pendability only in the Sturtevant System. Equipment for every size theatre and build Sturtevant Propeller Fans may be installed in wall, window or ceiling without other support. Sturtevanl Ready-toRun Fans in five sizes are ideal for ventilating the ticket and operator's booths. li you will send a statement regarding your ventilating and heating problems we engineers offer suggestions as to the proper remedy. Men t ion size, seating capacity, location of balconies, doors and windows. Include a rough Boor plan if possible. B.F. STURTEVANT COMPANY Dept. W, Hyde Park, Boiton, Mais. And all principal c'° "The Butter-Kist Pop Com Machine is doing fine. I would not be without one. age of J3 (net) per day. Sold $11 Saturday." The Columbia Theatre. M. O. Moulden, Prop. Coffeyville, Kan. You are actually losing $2 to $10 cold cash profit every dav you open your theatre without this celebrated Butter-Kist Pop Corn Machine that runs itself. Make two profits from hundreds of people who pass or enter your theatre or stand outside waiting to get in. BUTTER-KIST Pop Corn Machine Stands anywhere. Occupies only 26 by 32 inches-move chair and you have room. Superbly built with gleaming plat glass sides, oak, mahogany or white enameled cabinet. Pay From Your Profits the smallest town's. A small amount down brings tin sensa tional money-maker. Balance soon paid from its earnings, "LITTLE GOLD MINE" BOOK FREE! s every day you delay. Holcomb & Hoke Mfg. Co. 564 Van Buren Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Largest Manufacturers of Pop Corn Machines in the World. Holcomb & Hoke Mfg. Co., ■ S64 Van Buren St., Indianapolis. Ind. I Send free, postpaid, your photo-book, | "The Little Gold Mine," l...t t.-IK ..II ..limit till Mutt,, k,-t P..,. COHI K,xr. a. tual Bcords of sales and profits in town < nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH7 iitn.ii 1 In Moving Plctui