Moving Picture World (Aug 1916)

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August 5. 1916 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD Stand outside your theatre and see how many people come out mopping their perspiring faces — 'All in" from POOR AIR Poor air accounts for more vacant seats than poor films. Good air is the secret of summer success in the movies. "globe" VENTILATORS will help you pack your house every night. They draw off the close, hot, stuffy air. They operate without drafts — are absolutely noiseless — no moving parts to get out of order and they are rain-proof. Cost little to install — nothing to operate, and work effectively in all kinds of weather. Put the STANDARD ventilator ("GLOBE") on your theatre and fill those vacant seats this summer. Let us tell you all about this Summer-ProfitMaker for the Movies. GLOBE VENTILATOR CO. Dept. M. Troy, N. Y. 1 ^ Weickhardt Pipe Organs are not stock instruments, but built 1 to order according to the ever vary1 ing individual requirements. Result: Wonderful musical effects, such as 1 only a real, complete and genuine MASTER PIPE ORGAN can pro1 duce. WRITE FOR THEATRE ORGAN CATALOG Wangerin-Weigkhardt fckx MILWAUKEE , WISGONSIN U.S.A. 1 (^Opportunity Knocks but Once^ A New Invention Revolutionizes an Industry. A basic patent has just been granted by the United States Patent Office covering a new machine for the projection of moving pictures. It can be manufactured at a cost that will make competition by any standard machine on the market impossible. It works upon an entirely new principle — that of manipulation of the light, as opposed to the manipulation of the film in present machines. Its principal feature is its simplicity, coupled with the small amount of precision work needed. It has no shutter and the movement of the film is continuous; thus eliminating all the mechanism of the intermittent movement. The projected picture is flickerless, owing to the fact that the shutter is eliminated, thus allowing a greater percentage of light to reach the screen, A demonstration by a working model will be given responsible parties by appointment. Address all communications to — l_. O IVI-, care of M. P. W., 17 Madison Avenue, New York City This Basic Patent is for Sale!