Moving Picture World (Aug 1916)

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I'lll'. MOVING PICTURE VVORTjD .au^' _<*£&_ KKkkis' ^fT.^K^mf-.JA^}^y>^ J^3r£XT\~jfa, Manufacturers' Advance Notes j "" ' ', ; "BROKE BUT AMBITIOUS" (Universal). a horde of college boys were loosed this summer. Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran, Nestor comedians at Universal City, never wenl to college, but they play the roles supremely well in "lirokf Hut Ambit ions." which will be released on August 21 by the Universal. ,/nst out of school, where they have worked their way through as laundry agents, furnace cleaners and at other such occupa Scene from "Broke But Ambitious" (Universal). tions, they see an ad. in the paper for two young men to serve as companions and to amuse a yachting party. Take a look at the picture below. See how amusingly they are entertaining the "yachting party," Yes; they were shanghaied. However, that's neither here nor there. Thev had a delightful cruise, were only seasick on six days out of the week and made excellent scullions in the ship's stew chamber. "Broke But Ambitious" was written by Harry Lyons, scenarioized by C. J. Wilson, Jr., and produced by L. W. Chaudet. H. S. Griffith. Priscilla Dean and Marcia Moore appear in support of the Nestor twins, and towards the end of the play what with Priscilla and Marcia furnishing the love interest all tinkles as merrily as a marriage bell. "THE PAINTED LIE" (Horsley). "The Tainted Lie" will be the title of the gigantic military spectacle, a forthcoming David Horsley masterpicture proring Crane Wilbur, which has been referred to in icements as "Somewhere in Mexico." was completed this week and is the most massive vev turned out from the Horsley plant. Thrilling 3 of real conflict between United States troops are included in the action of the picture, these scenes having been filmed by Cameraman Roberto A. Turnbull, who accompanied Mr. Wilbur and Director Robert B. Broadwell to the border during the period of the crisis between this country and Mexico. The story is from the pen of Crane Wilbur, and the principals of the supporting cast are .Ma. Gaston. H irrish lngraham, Ida Lewis and Marie Corteaux. The release date of "The Painted Lie" will be announced later. WITH THE UNICORN ORGANIZATION. O. W. Moore, a well known picture man, has severed his connection with the Bluebird company, Indianapolis, Ind.. and has taken the management of the Unicorn office in that city. A. J. Normal is manager of the Unicorn Chicago office. Mr. Normal left the Mutual Film Corporation to take up his new duties. S. M. Moscow has been transferred from the Boston office of the Unicorn to the management of the Syracuse, N. Y., branch. C. N. Christenson has resigned from the Mutual Film Corporation to take the management of the Cleveland, Ohio, office of the Unicorn. The Unicorn branch offices have steadily increased in number until today there are twenty-eight in full operation. They are ductioi The Storj production battle seer and bandit situated in the following i Bangor, Me.; Boston, Mass charlotte, N. Ci Chicago Ohio; Denver, Colo Detr< apolis, ind. ; Kansas City, Wis ties: Albany, .\. v.: Baltimore, Md, Buffalo, N. v . eh. ii ieston, W. Va.; 111.; Cincinnati, ...iio: Cleveland, '. Mich I l.ii i isl.ui _. I'.,.; Indian Mil w ukee. conn.: New Vork cits Louis, Mo.; Springfield, Washi ii1 on, i ». c. a ml Philadelphia, Pa.; Pittsburg, I Mass.: Syracuse, N. v.; Toledo v/ilkesbarre, Pa. When the Atlanta, Ga., and the California offices are opened, which will be very shortly, the network of Unicorn offices will chi THE McCLELLAN REFRIGERATING MACHINE. A new and interesting device for cooling the liquid wash used film developing is now being marketed by the McClellan Reigerating Machine Co., of Chicago. The .McClellan system is adapted to all conditions, and can • attached to any tank. It is specially designed, small and impact, and is connected to the developing tank by piping to coil located inside the barrel. The machine can be set to ly degree desired, and will govern the temperature of the iuid accordingly. The refrigerating gases are automatically controlled, and a mple turn of a water valve handle starts and stops the mas operated by electricity, motors for which are furished with it. The McClellan system eliminates the usual ouble experienced by the use of ice, and it is guaranteed not i interfere with the chemical solution. The Burton Holmes udio of Chicago has had the device in practical use for some me, and the results are reported highly satisfactory. "MY COUNTRY 'TIS OF THEE" (Essanay). This is a timely photoplay which grew out of the Mexics problem. It is not at all a war story, however, but a Id romance, dealing with the conflict between a man's duty to h country and his home. The man, a captain in the militia, go, Scene from "My Country 'Tis of Thee" (Essanay). to the front despite the bitter opposition of tells him he does not love her and is encourage by the Other Man. The captain hears that his ing her time in company with the other man : lough and rushes home. He finds, however, tl has learned to know the worth of his rival. I of feeling she is aroused to an intense admiratioi otism and his sterling qualit: to return is wife. She in this belief nfe is beguild gets a fur Nation: The picti Guard lea' and Lillian Drew tie role of the otl country while she a en during the time Chicago for the he troops is shown, of husband and w