Moving Picture World (Aug 1916)

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August 19, 1916 occupied by the theater Permisi the court in which tin obtained was necessar\ for the filing "I the Buit, and this was dulj granted. Fore < ■ . • 1 the ale ol I <] ti • • to follow in logical order, bo that the exact status of the property during the profitable tall and winter seas main to be determined by the courts. M< (VING PI< TURE WORLD "Quo Vadis?* Comes Back. reat seven-reel Kleim Suction, "Quo Vadis?" which was the Ration of the photoplay world a few rs ago, occupied a profitable week at Alhambra »8 on Julv it will be recalled that the picture imanded high prices, theatei as high as >_< a scat to s.-e it when t released. It is not surprising, there Cincinnati Has a Three-Reeler. Cincinnati.— The Cincinnati Motion P t'tire Company, which bide fair to be t sole survivor in this city of the sevei ambitious producing sleased what is said to be the first thn reel subject , icture cove :• made in Cin the i% iti . The of the In ternational Rotary Conv nati during the week of July 10. and it is said the demand for it for exhibition rated has been s made have i great that the fou mt. Ev, eit; Young Player Killed in Jump from Machine David Dieter, Enacting Role for Milo Pi' tures Skull in Leap from Automobilebut Three Days BALTIMORE. As the director filmed his jump David Dieter, twent] leaped from a speeding ,bile, August 2, n« ar the studio of the Milo Pictures Corporation, Frederick road sui taining injuries which a In his di ath. Dii ter, who live I on Collington avenue, in this city, had Ih-i n rehearsing the part for two months and wa ' work the be ginning of the wck. Up to thai n on probation. Yesterday he took the role of a tramp. The characters were assembled at the itudlo aboul i n The auto In which the characters were riding proceeded out Frederick road. Ictlng according to the lines. Dieter jumped from the ,. tures Corporation of Baltimore, Frac-Had been a Member of Stock Company of the eatures. d of landing young nan fell hea director s stopped t the aic of the oth ious vouth t Dii ti ■ was take about I o'clock v Hahnett aim Genera clared he h Death resulted at \ to the Hoi head. The and with lifted the nobile. itudlo ived ih. spital, where a fractured skull. O'clock. The coroner will hold an inquest. The mho Pictun i ... ,, oration is a recently formed institution with offices loin Cay street, this city. Dieter had been on the stage, bui decided to enter the silent drama on account of an off sea Pittsburgh Screen Club Takes to the Woods Several Hundred Film Men Forget Business and Hold Outing — Franklin to Have Thousand-Seat House — Rex Under New Auspices — Death of Mrs. C. C. McKibben— Pitt to Show "Civilization." , Jei PI Pa The PITTSBURGH, outing of the Pittsburgh Screen Clul at Wexford ., i,m -an . standpoint It was a gala day for the moving picture men of the Bmoky City, w ho turn< d oul i forci with their frit i d tween three and four hundred took ad ti ..i ih. .ii. and rend plea inf the w ond: and all ■ n !••> I .1 I lo in I mensel \ . km.) t .. i nun m a ml refreshi dame Dancing was a popular diversion thi the al tei in. on .' ml e\ ■ n game betwen teami hacked bj M ami G J. Schweitzer wai won bj the foi ■ ami Ma> V Hi I as am r»l ■ i ill carried oul bj th< Summ mittc, , -une oi • Seltzei . . hah man Max u Hei i Ing, P. \ Mans field and John I held during plana foi hi, ol 111 reads for opening bj i ictobei i . F. J, Dion, the builder, is owner of bolh the old Olympic and the Princess theater in Franklin and is a well known figure In the exhibiting business m western Pennsylvania. The cost of erecting the new house will be aboul (25,000. Rex Opens Under New Auspices. Under the name of the New Regent neraphone theater, at 1600 Fifth avenue, the lajtesl addition t,, the chain oi theatei bj the Kex Vmiiscmeul Company was op. lied tO the pill In in ,,n auspicious manner several daj s ago The house had be.n overhaul, d and redecorated in record time ai an expense of about $3 and now presents a verj attractive appear 'mong other pleasing Improve ol elghl pieces All indications are that the New Regent will prove a fine pi Bltlon under the new in.,. I Is being con duct.-,I on tin "i her Rex theal i urn, lh< i:. \ anflj tile Victor .1 . 1. i ions offered a re of I hi type obtainable and always show a fine return: Big features are used exclusively and the prices range as high as 50 cents. Treasurer Shearer Fixes Up. I. W. Shearer has completed the renovation of his Wilbur theater. 719 Homewood avenue. Pittsburgh. Pa. The house is a model of comfort and attractiveness. embodying the results of many years experience and the personal attention of its owner. Mr. Shear.-r is a well known exhibitor and is treasurer of the Exhibitors' League of Pennsylvania. Black Lick's House Nearly Ready. The theater of J. J. Palmer at Black Dick, Pa., Is being rapidly completed and is scheduled to open about September 1. The house will have a seating capacity of 300 and will be up-to-date in every par ■ ticular. Manager McKibbin Loses Wife. The deepest sympathy of the aim in extended to Manager C. C. McKibbin. of the Pittsburgh branch of the Triangle Film Corporation, in the death of Mrs McKibbin. who passed awav Sunday, July 30. at Chautaqua. x. v., following a three days' illness of pneumonia. The body was taken to New York City and the funeral was held from I of Franklin Blen, father of Mrs. McKibbin. The sudden death of Mrs. McKibbin proved a shock to Pittsburgh film men and a host of friends, especially in the Triangle Exchange, where she was much loved and respected Mrs. Smith Buys Olympic. The Olympic theater at Monaca. Pa. has been sold by Frank A. lams to Mrs \ I Smith, a well known exhibitor of that section. Mr. Adams has purchased Harvey's theater, at New Brighton, from Edward Harvey, having taken possession of the house on August I. Mr. Harvey owns ih. Grand theater at Wodlawn, and will hereafter devote his entire attention to that house "Civilization" for Pitt Theater. Manager William Moore Patch has arranged for the showing „f "Civilisation" at the Pitt theater-, Perm avenue and Seventh street, for an indefinite run begin ■ tnber l . Kornblum Looks Over the Big Town. M .1 c. Kornblum, publicity manager of the Rowland & Clark theaters. Pittsburgh^ Pa., has just returned from a brief stay in New Yoik City, w here "lie visited the M.lio offices and sin. In. s. as well as Other producing plants and several of the leading theaters. Mr Kornblum • i.ii of the earl] episodes of the "Crimson stain Mystery," the serial to be released soon bj the Metro It wil be shown in the various Rowland & Clark houses in this city. Stout Building a New House. \ theatei Is being erei ti d al R Pa . by William StOUl ownet of ihe Ol pheum theatei at thai place Th, house will have a Beating cap -tin tl) modern throne | i ites| • ■ nenl h u be< n i onti pheum win pro Thousand-Seat House for Franklin. A new isand , it moving picture up to date no.-, in pli tun ho house is being erei t< d al Pi inklln, Pa small town is ex. hind to an unusual i the Orpheum 1 ter, conducted by which was dlscontlnu. i Theodore Mlkalow ikj al Ma ontow n Pa Th. obi building ), • In ■ n rased and work 1 hi R( 1 OUSe, w lib stand on the new the ltd "ii with '! rect i on that II w ill be Mr, Sto Plan ndi i ■ ■. 1 : Mi^ s.i. lis Engagtd. of the World Pil: 1 . ,,i |j In the p.. i ■ i . mploj . oi thi Pittsburgh hit. II.., in The branch i workel 111