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Listener Activities
regional and national meetings are held, when elections can be held in due order.
Let us hear from you at an early date, giving names of women on your staff.
The recently organized Louisville (Ky.) Radio Council has promulgated some tips on how to listen to war news. They follow:
1. Select intelligently your daily listenings.
2. Listen accurately to war news commentators.
3. Listen consistently until news is completed.
4. Do not let your emotions affect your better judgment.
5. Learn to separate news from possible propaganda.
6. Listen cautiously to foreign broadcasts from Germany, Italy
and Japan.
7. Refrain from circulating rumors.
8. Listen calmly to bad news.
9. Keep faith in our government and fighting forces.
10. Retain undying belief in our spiritual heritage and Victory.
Under the department of Coordinator of Listener Activities, during the 1942 NAB Convention in Cleveland, a meeting was held for Directors of Women’s Activities. During 1940-41 several extensive tours of stations, Dorothy Lewis discovered that these women directors were entirely out of touch with one another. They are, however, carrying considerable responsibility particu¬ larly in wartime. This first conference demonstrated clearly a need for closer cooperation and collaboration. It was voted to form an “Association of Radio Directors of Women’s Activities.” Membership will be developed on a NAB district basis with a district chairman for each area. It is hoped that in this way, balance of power will not shift to any one center and that at least one meeting a year can be held. Dues will be nominal.
It was further voted to develop a monthly news letter to be distributed to all women directors at first, later perhaps to members only. This plan will acquaint the group as a whole with success stories, pertinent wartime information and defense propaganda, etc. Miss Jane Weaver of WTAM, Cleveland, and Miss Eleanor Hanson of WHK, Cleveland, agreed to act as tem¬ porary editors for one year, acting in cooperation with Dorothy Lewis, NAB Coordinator of Listener Activity.
While we have names of about 300 women directors, we know that there are constant changes in personnel. Therefore will you forward to Dorothy Lewis, NAB, the correct names and titles of women of your station, who are doing the work of director of women’s activity or carrying a sponsored or sustaining women’s hour. LTpon receiving such information we will then submit to them the list of all such women in their districts.
To expedite organization and operation, Mrs. Lewis is ap¬ pointing temporary chairman and officers to carry on until other
Resolution passed by the National Society of New England Women in convention, Cleveland, May 17, 1942.
Whereas, education of youth of our nation has always been of paramount importance to the peoples of New England, and is now of even greater significance.
Resolved, that the National Society of New England Women recommends to the Federal Office of Education and all State Boards of Education that the use of radio in the classroom be recognized and made an integral part of the school curricula under a plan which will place control in the hands of the class room teacher to the end that children may be properly guided in respect to their listening habits, and that the selection of pro¬ grams for class room use be made with a view to bringing to the children an understanding of all phases of radio broadcasting, including its educational, cultural, social, news and entertainment contributions.
John R. Brinkley, 56, died of heart trouble this week in San Antonio.
AFM — June 8, Hotel Baker, Dallas
RMA — June 9, Hotel Stevens, Chicago
AFA — June 21, Hotel Commodore, N. Y. C.
H. R, 7127 (Keogh, D-NY) COPYRIGHT^To codify and enact into absolute law title 17 of the United States Code, entitled “Copyrights.” Referred to Committee on Revision of the Laws.
Louisiana :
H. 51 (Kay) BL.4CKOUT L.AW — Relating to blackouts and other precautionary measures against air raids. Referred to Committee on Judiciary C.
H. 222 (Pearce & Guilbeau) SWEET POT.\TO TAX— Provides for a sweet potato advertising tax. Referred to Committee on Agriculture.
S. 89 (Wingrave) LIQUOR ADVERTISING— Prohibits adver¬ tising of intoxicating liquor. Referred to Committee on Judi¬ ciary 8.
May 29, 1942 — 289