NAB reports (Jan-Dec 1942)

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MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS \V6XDU — Don Lee BroadcastinK System, Los Angeles, Calif, — Modification of construction permit (B5-PVB-8,5 as modi¬ fied), which authorized addition of aural equipment using special emission for extension of completion date from 9-1-42 to 12-1-42, W4XGG — Gordon Gray, Winston-Salem, N, C. — License to cover construction permit (B3-PST-6), which authorized con¬ struction of new ST broadcast station. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DOCKET Any NAB jneiitber wishing to have the full text of any of the FTC releases, printed in part below, should write to the NAB, referring to the number in parentheses at the end of each item. COMPLAINTS The Federal Trade Commission has alleged unfair competition against the following firms. The respondents will be given an opportunity to show cause why cease and desist orders should not be issued against them, Aito Case Co., 15 East 40th St., New York, engaged in the sale and distribution of traveling bags, brief cases, trunks, and other merchandise, is charged in a complaint with misrepresentation, (4831) Fratelli Braiua & Com])aiiy, Inc., 12-14 Desbrosses St,, New York, engaged in the sale and distribution of a medicinal prepara¬ tion designated “Fernet-Branca” is charged in a complaint with false advertising and misrepresentation. The complaint charges that in newspaper and periodical advertising, by radio continuities and other advertising means the respondent has represented that its preparation is a cure or remedy for stomach disorders, indigestion,, insomnia, and other ailments; that it gives the body resistance to the inclemency of the weather; regulates the bodily functions and aids in digestion, and that its use will promote, main¬ tain and improve health generally, (4828) Vocational IMacenient Bureau, et al. — Use of a facsimile signature so prepared as to resemble the signature of Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury, on collection agency cards which are mailed from a Washington address, is charged in a com¬ plaint issued against two Ohio distributors of such cards and their Washington, U. C., intermediary. The respondents named in the complaint are Andrew J, Lytle and Richard Carl Lytle, trading as Vocational Placement Bureau, Debtors Finance Bureau and Bureau of Records of Employment, Everett Building, Akron, Ohio, and William Edgar Spicer, 302 Bond Building, Washington. (4829) Wisconsin Delaixe Doll & Dress C(t., trading as Wisconsin DeLuxe Corporation, 1902 North Third St., Milwaukee, engaged in the sale and distribution of blankets, clocks, electric fixtures and other merchandise, is charged in a complaint with the use of lottery methods. (4830) STIPULATIONS During the past week the Commission has announced the following stipulations: S. C. S. Ciieiuical Co., 2617 South Crawford .Ave., Chicago, engaged in selling medicinal preparations designated “S. C. S. Corn Salve” and “S. C. S, .Athlete’s Foot Salve,” stipulated to cease and desist from representing that the corn salve is a remedy or cure for 546 — September 11, 1942 corns or will enable one to get rid of them or that it is a remedy or cure for callouses or warts; that the foot salve will cure athlete’s foot or ringworm or that it is effective in the treatment of those conditions unless limited to such cases as are not “deep-seated” ; or that the foot salve is effective in the treatment of eczema. (03043) Chesebroiigh Maiuifaetiiring Co., Consolidated, 17 State St., New York, engaged in selling Vaseline Hair Tonic, and McCannErickson, Inc., 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, an advertising agency which disseminated advertisements of the product, have stipulated to discontinue representing that Vaseline Hair Tonic pre¬ vents or tends to prevent the recurrence of dandruff scales or that it affects the cause of drv scalp or goes to the root of dry scalp trouble. (03040) Collins I’iano Co.. Greenville, Tex., maintaining sales offices in other cities, including one at Texarkana, Tex., and engaged in the sale and distribution of new and used pianos, has stipulated to cease representing that it has or is offering for sale at any particular place any used or repossessed piano or other product of which a balance is represented to be due unless such representations are true. (3524) Evergreen Hatehery, Lynden, Wash., engaged in the sale and distribution of chicks, stipulated to cease and desist from represent¬ ing by use of the words “Member . . . Washington State Poultry Improvement .Association,” or in any other manner, that he is a member or that his hatchery is under the supervision of the Wash¬ ington State Poultry Improvement .Association. (3522) F'eather Alills, 1014 Thomas St., Seattle, Wash., engaged in the manufacture and sale of pillows under various brand names, has stipulated to cease and desist from use on labels of the term “Grey Goose Down” as descriptive of pillows not wholly filled with down, and from use of the word “down” either alone or with the word “goose” so as to convey the belief that the pillows are wholly filled with down or that they do not contain any material other than down. He also stipulates that he will cease representing that Ids pillows contain a designated amount of down, when actually the down content is less than that indicated. (3523) Liberty Broadcasting Corp., operating Radio Station WAGA, .Atlanta, Ga., engaged in selling the use of its radio transmittal facilities and power, stipulated to cease representing that W.AG.A has more listeners in .Atlanta than any other radio station or that, when operating as authorized in its construction permit, it can be heard without interference over the entire State of Georgia; or misrepresenting through exaggeration the number of prospective purchasers who listen to the station. (03047) Perfection Foods Co., trading as Standard Kennel Food Co., Battle Creek, Mich., engaged in selling dry dog food preparations designated “Standard Kibbled Biscuit,” “Standard Whole Biscuit,” “Standard Puppy Meal,” “Standard Dog Food” and “Standard Cubes,” and A. F. Dando, trading as Strand .Agency, Battle Creek, Mich., conducting an advertising agency which disseminated adver¬ tisements for the products on behalf of Standard Kennel Food Co., stipulated to cease and desist from using the terms “meat” or “meat cereal” or any other terms of similar import or meaning to designate or describe dehydrated meat meal or any product which is not meat in fact. (03045) Pixacol ('<)., P. O. Box 3583, Cleveland. Ohio, engaged in the .sale of a medicinal preparation designated “Pixacol,” stipulated to cease and desist from representing that the product constitutes a cure for psoriasis and also that he will cease disseminating any advertisements which fail to reveal that the preparation may irritate the skin, particularly if applied with rubbing; that one should avoid getting it into the eyes or on mucous membrances, and that it should in no case be applied to large areas of the body, provided, however, that such advertisements need only contain the statement: “Caution Use only as Directed,” when the directions for use on the labeling contain a caution or w’arning to the same effect. (03041)