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The Commission issued the following cease and desist orders last week:
Memorial Oranite Company, Inc., Quincy, Mass., manufac¬ turer and distributor of tombstones and monuments, has been ordered to cease and desist from misrepresentation. (4214)
Sherman Hat Company, 1S9 North Wabash Ave., Chicago, and Ben D. Fogel and Louis Singer, trading as B. & L. Hat Co., 612 West Lake St., Chicago, have been ordered to cease and desist from misrepresentation in the sale of hats. In each case, the Commission finds that the respondents were engaged in the busi¬ ness of manufacturing women’s hats from felt and other materials obtained from old, worn and previously used hats and selling their products to retailers and other dealers without disclosing by markings or labels that the hats were made from old and pre¬ viously used hat bodies, such practice constituting a representa¬ tion that the hats were new hats manufactured entirely from new materials. (4628-4679)
K. L. Watkins Company, 170 Varick St., New York, with its principal factory at Newark, N. J., manufacturer and distributor of various cosmetics and proprietary products, including a denti¬ frice known as “Dr. Lyon’s Tooth Powder,” has been ordered to cease and desist from misrepresentation of its dentifrice product. (3596)
During the past week the Commission has announced the follow¬ ing stipulations:
Alert Safety Products Corp., 879 Broadway, Newark, N. J., engaged in the sale and distribution of a product designated “Sure-Out,” purportedly for use in extinguishing magnesium in¬ cendiary bombs, has stipulated to cease and desist from represent¬ ing that the product has been proven to be effective in extin¬ guishing, or will extinguish magnesium fire bombs in homes or elsewhere when in contact with combustible material; represent¬ ing by the use of any statement such as “Tested By United States Governmental Agencies” or by depictions, or in any other man¬ ner, that the product has been approved, endorsed or recom¬ mended by any department or agency of the United States Gov¬ ernment, or using statements to the effect that no dangerous gases or after odors result from use of the product. (3537)
Armor Insulating Company, 800 Forrest St., Atlanta, Ga., also trading as Defense Blackout Company, engaged in the sale and distribution of blackout material and equipment, has stipulated to cease and desist from use of the trade name “Defense Blackout Company” and from the use of the word “Defense” in any manner, the effect of which causes the belief that the corporation or its selling agency is an agency of the United States Government; and representing by use of statements, such as “Meet all the requirements of the .Army, Navy and Civilian Defense,” or in any other manner, that its products have been approved, en¬ dorsed or recommended by the War Department, the Navy De¬ partment, the Office of Civilian Defense, or any other department or agency of the United States Government. (3539)
H<!\var(l Wig Company, 143 West 125th St., New York, en¬ gaged in the sale and distribution of hair goods, cosmetic prepara¬ tions and related products, has stipulated to cease and desist from representing that healing will be accomplished by use of Nadine Flesh Soap; that Nadinola Bleaching Cream will clear away freckles or muddy sallow skin or is capable of whitening the skin; that High-Brown Cold Cream is a skin food; that Overtons High-Brown Bleach Ointment is an effective treatment
for pimples, blackheads, eczema or other skin diseases; that Aida Hair Pomade encourages the growth of hair or is a competent treatment for dandruff ; that High-Brown Hair Grower will grow hair or is a competent treatment for dandruff ; that Apex Hair Preparation is an effective treatment for dandruff or for thin or falling hair; or that Apex Pomade is an effective treatment for short, thin or falling hair or thin temples, or that it con¬ stitutes an adequate treatment for scalp eruptions generally. (3536)
National Automotive Fibres, Cohoes, N. Y., engaged in the manufacture and sale of milk filter discs used in the dairy industry in the straining of milk to remove particles of foreign matter, has stipulated to cease and desist from use of the word “non-cotton” as descriptive of its discs or in any way so as to imply that the fabric of which the discs are composed contains no cotton. (3538)
B. G. Pratt Co., 50 Church St., New York, selling a medicinal preparation designated “Sulfo-Bath,” has stipulated to cease and desist from representing that the product is effective for the relief of nervousness, colds, insomnia, pimples, eczema, hives or poison ivy ; that it has any effect on rheumatism, neuritis, sciatica, arthritis or lumbago except to the extent that it may relieve the pains of such conditions; that it is “health-giving” or provides or causes radiant health ; that it will give one energy ; that by use of the product sulphur will be absorbed into the system or that it will give one a healthy or beautiful complexion; that the product relieves or aids in relieving the conditions which cause dandruff, itching scalp or falling hair or that it relieves skin troubles; or that it is effective in severe cases of athlete’s foot. (03058)
Standard Sales Company, 2231 First Ave., North, Birming¬ ham, Ala., selling a preparation known as “Speedo Headache Powders,” has stipulated to cease and desist from representing that the preparation will have any effect on colds in excess of such relief as it may afford for the pain and discomfort of head colds; that it will eliminate, remedy or cure head colds, minor muscular aches, simple neuralgia or jittery nerves; that it is a stimulant or stimulates; that it contains special ingredients that dissolve in a hurry, or that the preparation is safe. (03055)
Vegetable Juice & Products Co. and Vegetable Products Co., 480 East Main St., Rochester, N. Y., sellers and distributors of a product designated ‘AdVi-Ta Superior Wheat Germ,” have stipu¬ lated to cease representing that the product will provide users with any significant amount of vitamin A or of the minerals calcium, iron, copper, magnesium or manganese; or that it can be relied upon to prevent colitis, sterility, eye cataracts, or gray hair, or to successfully treat catarrh, arthritis, neuritis, eczema, or anemia, or to stimulate the liver or pancreas, or to strengthen the heart muscles or retard old age, or to normalize calcium metabolism, or improve the condition of the sinus membranes, or the condition of the hair, nails or scalp, or to increase nerve energy, vigor, mental powers, or nerve and muscle tone, or to provide an effective aid during the period of menopause, or to exert a specific nourishing effect upon the nerves or brain; or that it will have any value in cases of constipation, lack of energy, devitalized tissues and glands and ill health except where and to the extent that such conditions may be due to a deficiency of the vitamins found in the product. (03059)
The Federal Trade Commission has closed the case growing out of its complaint against T. F. Hee, trading as The Eastern Herb Company and as T. F. Hee Herb Company, San Diego, Calif. The complaint alleged that the respondent had represented his preparation as competent treatments for several diseases and ailments.
The case is ordered closed without prejudice to the right of the Commission, should future facts so warrant, to reopen it and resume trial in accordance with its regular procedure.
598 — October 9, 1942