NAB reports (Jan-Dec 1942)

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problems of mutual concern to their agencies and broad¬ casters : Those in attendance were; Philip P. Allen, WLVA; Campbell Arnoux, WTAR; L. H. Avery, NAB; Bryce P. Beard, WSTP; Marvin Beers, OCD; William C. Bourne, OWI ; William Bowry, WMBG; Robert E. Bradham, WTMA; Harry G. Bright, WGBR; Walter Brown, WSPA; Ollie L. Carpenter, WPTF; Eugene Carr, Office of Cen¬ sorship; Madeline Chase, OCD; Howard L. Chernoff, WCHS-WPAR-WSAZ-WBLK; Mrs. Gertrude Clinton, U. S. Employment Service; Charles H. Crutchfield, WBT; Roland D. Cuddy, WBTM; Major Richard E. Daley; Clay B. Daniel, WSJS; B. H. Darrow, OCD; John H. Dodge, WRC; Don S. Elias, WWNC; Mrs. Don S. Elias, WWNC; Harold Essex, WSJS; Jack Field, WPTF; Fred Fletcher, WRAL; Elmer D. Free, OCD; R. Sanford Guyer, WBTM; Milton N. Gwaltney, WPID; Ralph S. Hatcher, WTAR; Carl Haverlin, OWI-BMI; Harold Hayes, OWI; Sheldon B. Hickox, Jr., NBC; Charles G. Hicks, WSOC; Francis M. Hipp, WIS; Ruffin Horne, WFNC; Mrs. C. C. Hudson, WBIG; Nancy Hudson, WBIG; B. Walter Huffington, WPID; Henry Hulick, WPTF; E. Z. Jones, WBBB; Ray P. Jordan, WDBJ ; A. E. Joscelyn, WBT. Herbert Kendrick, WJLS; Stanton Kettler, WMMN ; John W. Kirkpatrick, WSPA; Lt. George Kirksey; C. 0. Langlois, Lang-Worth; Capt. Gleason B. Lee, Manpower Branch, Service and Supply; George Ludlam, OCD; Rich¬ ard H. Mason, WPTF; Ezra McIntosh, WWNC; Neville Miller, NAB; M. A. Milman, U. S. Treasury Department; R. E. Mitchell, WMBG; James H. Moore, WSLS; Paul’ Moyle, WFNC; John W. New, WTAR; Charles Parker, OCD; F. F. Patterson, WSTP; Royal E. Penny, WBT; I. E. Pittle, ASCAP; Graham B. Poyner, WPTF; Ray Reeve, WRAL; Edney Ridge, WBIG; J. D. Saumenig, WIS; William A. Schudt, Jr., CBS; G. Richard Shafto, WIS; Mrs. G. Richard Shafto, WIS; Alex Sherwood, Standard Radio; Carleton Smith, WRC; George W. Smith, WWVA; John E. Thayer, WWNC; Harold H. Thoms, WAYS; Jack Treacy, NBC; George W. Walker, WAIR; Roland Weeks, WCSC; Jacob F. Weintz, Tide Magazine; A. D. Willard, WJSV; and T. Doug Youngblood, WFIG. DISTRICT 5 (FLORIDA) The two-day meeting of the Florida section of the Fifth District of NAB was held on Sunday and Monday, October 25-26, 1942, at the George Washington Hotel in Jackson¬ ville, Florida. District Director Frank M. King, WMBR, presided. Forty representatives of the Florida stations and a number of government department representatives attended. The report of the war work of NAB was made by C. E. Arney, Jr., who replaced President Neville Miller, when the latter was called back to Washington for an important conference with government officials. A formal resolution endorsing the Retail Promotion Committee plan was unanimously adopted. A resolution heartly approving the policy and activity of the NAB in their efforts to remove the Petrillo ban on recorded music was likewise unanimously approved. NAB was urged to continue its all-out effort to bring about a proper solution of the recorded music problem. Representatives of many of the principal government war agencies were on the program. Carl Haverlin, Head¬ quarters Consultant for Industry Relations OWI; Eugene Carr, Assistant to the Radio Censor, Office of Censorship; Frank McIntosh, Chief, Radio and Radar Section, WPB ; Marvin Beers of OCD; M. A. Milman, of the Radio and Press Section of the Treasury Department; each outlined problems of mutual concern to their agencies and broad¬ casters. Those in attendance were: J. H. Keachic and Stanley W. Goulden, RCA; W. Walter Tison, WFLA; Arthur H. Beckwith, AMP; Marvin Cox, OWI; Willett Kempton, OWI; Francis Wagner, NAS; Fred H. Ford, WWPG; Alex Campbell, Jr., WKAT; L. S. Mitchell, WDAE; Andrew W. Bennett; Bey Welling, WTOC; Harry E. Cummings, WJAX; Arch Robb, WIOD; J. Leonard Reinsch, WSB-WIOD; William N. Greer, WFTL; Tom Gilchrist, WTMC; Gilbert Freeman, WTAL; John B. Browning, WSPB; W. C. McBride, WDBO; K. S. Skelton, WDAE; Frank Taylor, Jr., WPDQ; Glenn Mar¬ shall, Jr., WMBR-WFOY; Charles Stone, WMBR; Tom Case, WSAV; Mark Johnson, WSAV; Robert R. Feagin, WPDQ; Lewis H. Avery, NAB; Charles S. Davis, WWPG; Morton A. Milman, U. S. Treasury Department; Jack Treacy, NBC Recording; C. E. Arney, Jr., NAB; Thad Holt, WAPI; Carl Haverlin, OWI-BMI; Frank King, WMBR; C. O. Langlois, Lang-Worth; Mrs. Boote, WJAX; John Hopkins, III, WJAX; Mr. Jameson, Manpower Com¬ mission; and William Bennett, OWL DISTRICT 5 (GEORGIA AND ALABAMA) A two-day meeting of the Georgia-Alabama section of the Fifth NAB District opened at Atlanta on Wednesday. District Director Frank M. King, WMBR, presided. Sixtyfive broadcasters, government and industry representatives registered for the sessions. NAB President Neville Miller described the war activi¬ ties of NAB. He was followed by representatives of several government departments and war agencies charged with the various phases of the war effort. These repre¬ sentatives reviewed the relations of their activities with problems of broadcasting. President Miller reported in detail on the policy and activity of the Association with respect to the AFMPetrillo matter. Following this presentation the broad¬ casters voted unanimous approval of the NAB stand. The session is continuing today (Thursday) with the sales managers session, presided over by John M. Outler, Jr., WSB, Fifth District sales managers chairman and also Chairman of the NAB Sales Managers Executive Com¬ mittee. Lewis H. Avery, NAB Director of Broadcast Ad¬ vertising, will present a report of the many activities of his department in behalf of more and better radio advei-tising. He will also outline the Retail Promotion Committee’s plan, mentioned elsewhere in this issue of the REPORTS. Following is the attendance at the Atlanta meeting: Frank M. King, WMBR; James W. Woodruff, Jr., WATL-WRBL-WGPC; Thad Holt, WAPI; Ed Norton, WAPI; Leonard Reinsch, John M. Outler, Jr., Lorin Myers, Mary Caldwell, Alwilda Lindsy, Marcus Bartlett, Beth Barnes, Charles McClure and Add Penfield, WSB; Don loset, T. 0. McCullough, Maurice Coleman, Joe Robkin, Crenshaw Monner and Ford Stoner, WAG A; Zenas Sears, WATL; J. A. Davenport, Dan Hornsby and Bill Jones, WATL; John Fulton and Frank Gaither, WGST; R. 0. Van Duzer, WALB; E. K. Cargill and Wilton Cobb, WMAZ; Charles Pittman. WBML; Alfred Lowe, WBML; John Hogan, WBML; W. R. Ringston, WRDW ; J. B. Fugua, WGAC; Charles Smithgall, Jr., WGGA; W. S. Massie, WRBL; Bill Covingion, and Jack Hughes, WCOV; Henry P. Johnson, WSGN; John Connolly and K. G. Mar¬ shall, WBRC; Harbin Daniel, WSAV; Weldon Herrin, WTOC; Henry East, WGPC; Hugh M. Smith, WAML; H. Wimpy, WPAX; B. M. Adams, NBC; S. W. Goulden and J. H. Keachie, RCA; Neville Miller and Lew Avery, NAB; I. T. Cohen. ASCAP; and Jack Treacy, NBC-Recording. Lorin L. Watson, Spot Sales Inc.; C. 0. Langlois, LangWorth; Gregg Murphy, Headley-Reed Co.; Fred Bell, Katz Agency; Charlie Coleman, Katz Agency; Lt. Harold A. Tyler, Corp. Andrew C. Petty and J. E. Pool, Army Public Relations; Willett Kempton, Regional OWI; Irving Beiman, OWI Alabama; Eugene Carr, Office of Censoiship; Madelinn Chase, Regional Director OCD-Radio; A. H. Beckwith, Associated Music Publishers, Inc. DISTRICTS 6, 12, 13 MEET Immediately ahead of President Miller, Lew Avery and the others who are going along on the District Meeting tour are the 6th District meeting at Nashville, Friday and Saturday, October 30-31, the 12th District meeting at October 30, 1942 — 625