NAB reports (Jan-Dec 1942)

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Barrere, NBC; Lew Avery, NAB; Paul White, OWI; Philip 0. Alexander, ASCAP; Milton Blink, Standard Radio; I. T. Cohen, ASCAP; Burt Adams, NBC; Gus Hagenah, SESAC; and, Neville Miller, NAB. NEXT WEEK’S MEETINGS Immediately ahead of the travelling party, which con¬ sists of Neville Miller, Lewis H. Avery, Carl Haverlin and Eugene Carr as the permanent members, and a num¬ ber of others who are attending some of the meetings, lies the 14th District meeting which has been changed from Ogden, Utah, to Denver, Colorado. This 14th Dis¬ trict meeting will be held at the New Albany Hotel on Monday and Tuesday, November 9 and 10. District Di¬ rector Ed Yocum and Sales Managers Chairman W. E. Wagstaff have made a thorough canvass of the District and a goodly attendance is assured. From Denver the party goes to Los Angeles for a twoday meeting on Thursday and Friday, November 12 and 13. There District Director Calvin Smith, KFAC, and Sales Managers Chairman Charles Storke, KTMS, and Lawrence W. McDowell, KFOX, President of the Southern California Broadcasters Association report a lot of en¬ thusiasm. Programs for Victory “Commando Corps of the Court of Honor” is the title of a highly successful war stamps and bonds sales pro¬ gram. Up to October 13, as the result of this program. Jack Gelzer of WKBW-WGR, Buffalo, reports that the good work with the kids has resulted in turning over $192,000 to Uncle Sam — cash, not pledges. Because programs which sell this kind of volume are out of the ordinary, we have asked the station for details which appear below; Commando Corps of the Court of Honor 1. THE COMMANDO CORPS A. An organization of nine to fifteen-year old boys and girls committed to the sale of United States War Bonds and Stamps. 1. Original unit of ten members selected from dramatic staff, scout troops, or similar youth organization. B. MEMBERSHIP 1. Sales of ten dollars is required for membership to prove sincerity of volunteer’s enlistment. 2. Recruit is officially accepted into Corps when he takes Commando Corps Oath. 3. Group expands by volunteers. 4. Total membership is unlimited but growth and expansion of the Corps should not be too rapid. C. INDUCEMENTS TO MEMBERSHIP 1. Official Commando Corps Armband a. Bright red felt. b. Royal blue insignia — chevrons, stars, bars. c. White lettering of “Commando Corps” in quarter arc above insignia. “Court of Honor” on horizontal plane below insignia. Call letters at right and left of insignia. 2. Radio Broadcast (thoroughly covered under (II) Court of Honor). D. RANK AND SALES NECESSARY FOR PROMOTION Rank Total Sales Corporal . $ 25 Sergeant . 75 Staff Sergeant . 175 2nd Lieutenant . 375 1st Lieutenant . 675 Captain . 1,175 Major . 2,000 Lt. Colonel . 2,500 Colonel 3,000 Brigadier General . 4,000 Major General . 5,000 Lt. General . 10,000 General . 20,000 E. PROMOTIONS 1. Promotion of but one rank permitted each week. 2. Sales are accumulative, i.e.. Commando does not lose credit for sales over and above his quota necessary for next rank, but the exces¬ sive amount is credited toward next promo¬ tion. a. Bond Sales are credited at cost price — not maturity value. 3. An accounting of all sales is kept by one staff member to maintain an accurate record of each individual’s sales. 4. Variation in amounts, necessary to attain vari¬ ous ranks, eliminates possibility of all Corps Members progressing through the ranks as a unit. All ranks add to the glamour, incite the spirit of competition and pride. 11. THE “COURT OF HONOR” (Broadcast) A. TIME 1. Early evening preferred 2. 30 Minutes 3. Once weekly B. TALENT 1. Orchestra and Soloist 2. Two or more announcers 3. Army Officer to act as Commanding Officer of Commando Corps. C. LOCALE 1. Auditorium Studio D. COST 1. Variable Court of Honor Routine Effect: Drum Roll (Fade For). Commando : I am a Commando of the Court of Honor. It is my duty to sell War Bonds and Stamps. It is your privilege to buy them. Music ; Introduction to Theme: Announcer ; The Commando Corps presents its Court of Honor ! Music : Theme: March of the Commandos. Announcer : Program Introduction. Music : Fanfare. Commando : Explanation of program. Music : Patriotic number. Commando : Explanation of how to become a member of the Commando Corps. Music : Fanfare. Announcer Orderly : Preparation for Sales Reports. Military Routine. Introduction of Commanding Officer. November 6, 1942 — 635