NAB reports (Mar-Dec 1933)

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APPLICATIONS DISMISSED The following applications were dismissed at request of applicants: WEHS WEHS, Inc., Cicero, Ill. WCLS WCLS, Inc., Joliet, Ill. VVHFC W'HFC, Inc., Cicero, Ill. WKBI WKBI, Inc., Cicero, Ill. NEIV Joel E. Wharton Shreveport, La. Mod. of Lie. 1310 kc., 100 watts, S. H. C. P., 1420 kc., 100 watts, S. H. C. P., 1310 kc., 100 watts, S. H. Mod. Lie. 1310 kc., 100 watts, S. H. C. P., all exp. freqs., 100 watts, unltd. time. MISCELLANEOUS COMMISSION ACTION WJBY KTAB Gadsden Broad¬ casting Co. Gadsden. Ala. Associated Broad¬ casters, Inc., San Francisco, Calif. Denied authority to operate at a different lo¬ cation than that specified in license. Reconsidered action of Feb. 24 in granting C. P. to move station to Oakland, Calif., and on re¬ quest of applicant cancelled application. APPLICATION RETURNED During the current week the Commission returned the following application for the reason it did not comply with Commission regulations: New, Philip J. Wiseman, Lewiston, Me. RENEWAL APPLICATIONS RECEIVED WRC, Washington, D. C. ; WHA, Madison, Wis.; WCAP, Asbury Park, N. J.; WODX, Mobile. Ala.: KALE. Portland, Ore.; WCKY, Covington, Ky.; WCAM, Camden. N. J. ; WSMB, New Orleans. La.: WLAC, Nashville. Tenn.; WRAW. Reading, l’a.: KOH, Reno, Nevada; KFAC, Los Angeles, Calif.: WHEC, Rochester, N. Y. RENEWALS GRANTED The Commission granted renewal of licenses for the regular period, to the following stations: WAAM. Newark. N. J.: WCAL, Northfield, Minn.: WCSH. Portland, Me.: WDEL. Wilmington, Del.; WDOD, Chattanooga, Tenn.; WDSU, New Orleans; WEBC, Superior, Wis., and auxiliary; WFBM and auxiliary. In¬ dianapolis, 1 nd. ; VVFBR. Baltimore, Md.; WHAD, Milwaukee, Wis.; WIBA, Madison, Wis.; W1SN. Milwaukee, Wis.; WLBW, Erie, I’a.; WMBX, Springfield, Yt.; WNBZ, Saranac Lake. N. Y.; WODA, Paterson, N. J.; WRHM, Minneapolis, Minn.: WRR, Dallas, Tex.; WTNJ, Trenton, N. J.; WTOC, Savannah. Ga. ; KFIO, Spokane. Wash.; KFOX, Long Beach, Cal.; KGBZ, York. Nebr. ; KGCA. Decorah, la.: KGCU. Mandan, N. Dak.; KMA, Shenan¬ doah. Ia.; KMBC, Kansas City, Mo., and auxiliary; KOIN, Portland, Ore.; KRGV. Harlingen, Texas; KTRH, Houston, Texas; KVOR, Colorado Springs., Colo.; KWLC, Decorah, Iowa. APPLICATIONS GRANTED WHAM Stromberg-Carlson Tel. Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. WGNY Peter Goelet, Chester Town¬ ship, N. Y. WRNY Marcus Loew Booking Agency. New York. N. Y. WGLC O. T. Griffin & G. F. Bissell, Glens Falls, N. Y. WHN Marcus Loew Booking Agency. New York, N. Y. First Zone Granted authority to determine operating power by direct measurement, and granted license to cover installation of new equipment, moving of transmitter, and power increase to 25 kw. 1150 kc. Granted license covering erection new station 1210 kc.. 50 watts, specified hours, also au¬ thority determine operating power by direct measurement. Granted authority make changes in automatic frequency control. Granted authority to use new transmitter on program tests pending action on formal appli¬ cation for C. 1\. for period of 30 days. Granted special authority to operate 75-watt transmitter for field intensity survey to locate new site. 1010 kc. APPLICATIONS GRANTED KVOO Southwestern Sales Corp., Tulsa, Okla. tVGCM Great Southern Land Co., Gulfport, Miss. WAML Southland Radio Corp., Laurel, Miss. WPTF Durham Life Insurance Com¬ pany, Raleigh, N. C. WGST Georgia School of Technology Atlanta, Ga. Granted modification oi C. P. extending com¬ pletion date to 6-17-33. Granted modification of license to change hours from unlimited to specified. Granted modification of license to change speci¬ fied hours. Granted authority to determine operating power by direct measurement; also consent to volun¬ tary assignment of license to WPTF Radio Company. Granted authority to take depositions in the matter of hearing on application of Coleman & Dobbins Co. APPLICATIONS GRANTED KSTP National Battery Broadcasting Co., St. Paul. Minn. WSUI State University of Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa WTRC The Truth Pub¬ lishing Co.. Elkhart. Ind. KGFK Red River Broadcasting Company, Moorhead. Minn. Fourth Zone Granted license covering increase in power from 10 KW to 25 KW on experimental basis. 1460 kc. Granted special authority to operate from 10 p. m. CST, March 24, to 1 a. m., March 25. Granted license covering equipment changes and increase in day power from 50 to 100 watts; 1310 kc.. 50 watts night. 100 watts LS. Simul¬ taneous day with WLBC and share night with WI.BC. 1310 kc. Granted license covering increase in power from 50 to 100 watts and making changes in equipment. 1500 kc., 100 watts unltd. time. APPLICATIONS GRANTED KIEM H. H. Hanseth. Fifth Zone Granted modification of C. P. to change equip¬ KTAB Eureka, Calif. Associated Broad¬ ment and extend completion date. Granted modification of license to move main KGCX casters. Inc.. San Francisco. Calif. First State Bank studio locally. Granted consent to voluntary assignment of li¬ KPO of Vida. Wolf Point, Mont. National Broad¬ cense to E. E. Krebsbach. Granted 10-day extension of program test pe¬ casting Co., San Francisco, Calif. riod. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED First Zone WGLC O. T. Griffin & Modification C. P. to change equipment. 1370 G. F. Bissell, kc. Hudson, Falls. N. Y. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED Second Zone WHBC Edward P. License to cover C. P. granted for equipment Graham, changes. 1200 kc. Canton. Ohio APPLICATIONS RECEIVED Third Zone NEW Church of Christ. Guy N. Woods. Minister, Post. Texas. WJEM Britt A. Rogers. Jr., Tupelo. Miss. C. P. new station to use 950 kc„ 5 watts, speci¬ fied day hours (12 noon to 5 p. m.). Modification of C. P. for new station to ex¬ tend commencement and completion dates to 49-33 and 7-9-33. 990 kc. Second Zone WGBI Scranton Broad Granted C. P. to make equipment changes, casters. Inc.. Scranton, Pa. APPLICATIONS GRANTED WFBC Greenville News Piedmont Co., Greenville. S. C. KRMD Radio Station KRMD, Inc., Shreveport, La. WAML Southland Radio Corp., Shreveport. La. WHET T rov Broadcast¬ ing Co., Troy, Ala. Third Zone Granted modification of C. P. to change trans¬ mitter and studio location locally. Granted authority make changes in automatic frequency control. Granted 30 day extension of program test period. Granted modification of license to operate from 8 to 9 p. m. Sundays in addition to present hours. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED WCAL St. Olaf College. Northfield, Minn. WRHM Minnesota Broadcasting Corp., Minneapolis, Minn. WKBF Indianapolis Broadcasting Co.. Indianapolis, Ind. Fourth Zone C. P. for equipment changes, increase power from 1 KW to 1 KW night, lx/2 KW to local sunset. 1250 kc. Modification license to increase hours of oper. afion to include hours now assigned to KFMX — facilities of KFMX and WLB-WGMS (as¬ signed 8 to 9:30 p. m. Saturdays during Jan., Feb., and March). 1250 kc. C. P.. erect and use transmitter formerly used by WCMA as auxiliary while main transmitter is being moved. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED Fifth Zone NEW W. L. Gleeson, C. P. for new station amended to change trans Monterey, Calif. mitter and studio location to Monterey, Calif. 1210 kc., 100 watts. Page 1 O