NAB reports (Mar-Dec 1933)

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APPROVE NEW ALABAMA STATION The Federal Radio Commission on June 2 granted the application of Kathryn Jones for the erection of a new 100-watt station at Florence,’ Ala., sustaining Examiner E. W. Pratt in his Report No. 47S. The station will operate daytime hours on a frequency of 1420 kilocycles. The Commission in its decision found that there is need for addi¬ tional daytime radio service in the Florence area and the operation of the proposed station would not create interference with any other broadcasting station. The Commission states also that “the applica¬ tion has the suDDort of the community as is evidenced by the fact that representatives of five civic bodies appeared at the hearing urging the granting thereof.” LICENSE DENIED STATION WKAV Application for renewal of the license of Station WKAV, Laconia, N. H., was denied by the Federal Radio Commission June 2, sus¬ taining Chief Examiner Yost in his Report No. 483. The station operates on a frequency of 1310 kilocycles, 100 watts power, specified hours. The renewal was denied as in cases of default. COURT DISMISSES KGDA CASE The Court of ApDeals of the District of Columbia on Friday dis¬ missed the appeal of Station KGDA, Mitchell, S. Dak., against the Radio Commission. The case was dismissed at the request of the appellant. The Radio Commission refused to renew the license of this station and also refused to allow it to move to Aberdeen, S. Dak. In the same decision the Commission granted increased power and a license renewal to Station WNAX, Yankton, S. Dak. CANADIAN REGULATIONS FOLLOW U. S. The Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission, under an act which became effective on May 26, 1932, has just adopted its Rules and Regulations for broadcasting stations, which follow very closely the Rules and Regulations approved by the Federal Radio Commis¬ sion and made effective February 1, 1932. In fact, the Canadian Commission has laid down for the instruc¬ tion and guidance of broadcasters the same engineering principles incorporated in the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Radio Commission. For instance, effective September 30, 1933, all Cana¬ dian broadcasting stations in operation on and after that date shall be equipped so that the station transmitter will maintain its carrier frequency between the limits of fifty cycles above and fifty cycles below the assigned frequency. The Federal Radio Commis¬ sion put that rule into effect June 22, 1931. Effective September 30, 1933, all Canadian broadcasting stations will be required to have in use transmitters capable of delivering satisfactorily the authorized power with a modulation of at least seventy-five per cent. All stations are required to have installed radio frequency monitor systems on or before September 30, 1933, which will indicate visually the stations’ frequency drift. These requirements were made effective by the Federal Radio Commission as to stations in the United States on April 30, 1931. Again the Canadians must maintain a minimum regular operating schedule of two-thirds of the hours that the stations are authorized during the broadcast day. The broadcast day is defined as that period between 6:00 a. m. and 12:00 midnight, local standard time, the same as in the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Radio Commission. Under the Canadian rules the broadcast stations are classified, just as they are bv the Federal Radio Commission, into “high-power channels,” “regional stations,” and “local stations,” according to the same power assignments. The definition of technical terms, their significance and applica¬ tion, follow almost verbatim the language used in the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Radio Commission. Announcements regarding mechanical reproductions follow closely the rule on the subject adopted by the Federal Radio Commission. An interesting deviation is the section devoted to “Control of Programs.” That provides stations must not use more than forty per cent of their time on programs imported from foreign countries, stations in Canada shall not mention or suggest prices in connection with anv advertising programs or announcements transmitted, the licensee must file with the Commission weekly in advance copy of the daily program schedule. Canadian programs are given priority, when requested, to foreign programs. The licensee, upon request of the Commission, must give right of way to programs which in the judgment of the Commission are of national interest. The use of recorded programs and electrical transcriptions must be confined to such hours and subjects as may be defined for each station by the Commission. Electrical transcriptions designed for advertising purposes shall not be broadcast more than once from any one station. Except where special permission has been given by the Commis¬ sion, the amount of advertising matter of all kinds contained in programs broadcast from Canadian stations shall not exceed five per cent of the time of any program period; for example, in a quarter-hour program forty-five seconds only may be given to advertising matter. No station shall broadcast spot announcements to exceed one hundred words and no such announcements shall be made between the hours of 7:30 p. m. and 11:00 p. m. Under the Radio Act of 1927 as amended the Federal Radio Com¬ mission has no right of censorship over programs. FEDERAL RADIO COMMISSION ACTION HEARING CALENDAR Wednesday, June 7, 1933, Oral Argument before Commission en banc KGIX — J. Heaton, Las Vegas, Nev. — Construction permit to move station locally, and renewal of license, 1420 kc., 100 watts, specified hours. WNBO — John Brownlee Spriggs, Silver Haven, Pa. — Modification of construction permit to move station to Monongahela, Pa., and change hours from specified to unlimited, 1200 kc., 100 watts. WCAE — WCAE, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa. — Construction permit to move transmitter outside of Pittsburgh, 1220 kc., 1 KW, unlimited time. WHBC — Edward P. Graham, Canton, Ohio — Construction permit to increase power from 10 to 100 watts and install new equipment, 1200 kc., specified hours. June 7, 1933, before Examiner KSEI — Radio Service Corp., Pocatello, Idaho — Modification of construction permit to change frequency from 900 kc. to 890 kc., 2 SO watts, S00 watts, LS, unlimited time; also modi¬ fication of license to change frequency. KFPY — Symons Broadcasting Co., Spokane, Wash. — Modification of license to change frequency from 1340 kc., to 890 kc., 1 KW, unlimited time. KGIR — KGIR, Inc., Butte, Mont. — Modification of license to change frequency from 1360 kc. to 1340 kc., 500 watts, 1 KW LS. June 9, 1933 WTAG — Worcester Telegram Publishing Co., Worcester, Mass. — Modification of license to increase night power from 250 watts to 500 watts, 580 kc. WOBU — WOBU, Inc., Charleston, W. Va. — Modification of license to increase night power from 250 watts to 500 watts, 580 kc. TENTATIVE HEARING CALENDAR (Dates subject to change) June 12, 1933 The hearing involving the applications of KECA, KFBK, and the Don Lee Broadcasting System for facilities of KTM and KELW, and the applications of KTM and KELW for volun¬ tary assignments of licenses and for renewals of licenses will be heard June 12. June 14, 1933, before Commission en banc Oral argument in re Examiner’s Report No. 470, in which the Examiner recommended that time now assigned to KWKH be assigned to WWL. June 15, 1933 NEW — William L. Slade, Hamilton, Ohio — Construction permit, 1420 kc., 100 watts, unlimited time. WHBD — F. P. Moler, Mt. Orab. Ohio — Renewal of license, 1420 kc., 100 watts, unlimited time. NEW — Philip J. Wiseman, Lewiston, Maine — Construction permit for new station, 640 kc., 500 watts, limited time. Page 61