NAB reports (Mar-Dec 1933)

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station a* Redlands, Calif., to operate on 780 kc., 500 watts, un¬ limited time, the facilities in terms of units of stations KTM and KELW. Attorneys for interested parties will be granted 30 minutes each for argument. APPLICATIONS DISMISSED The following applications, heretofore set for hearing, were dismissed at request of applicants: WFBR — Baltimore Radio Show, Inc., Baltimore, Md. — Modifica¬ tion of license to increase power to 1 KW. WNAX — House of Gurney, Inc., Yankton. S. Dak. — Modification of license to use old transmitter as main transmitter at night. WDBO — Orlando Broadcasting Co., Orlando, Fla. — Modification of license to increase power to 1 KW (facilities of WRUF). The following application, heretofore set for hearing, was denied because of applicants’ failure to enter their appearance within the time allowed: WPFB — W. E., F. E., and P. L. Barclift, Hattiesburg Broadcasting Co., Hattiesburg, Miss. — C. P. to move to Tuscaloosa, Ala. CALL LETTERS CHANGED DURING WEEK OF NOVEMBER 6 WAVE — WFIW, Inc.. Hopkinsville, Ky. — Call letters WFIW changed to WAVE. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED First Zone WBAL — Consolidated Gas, Electric Light and Power Co. of Balti¬ more, Baltimore, Md. — Renewal of special experimental au¬ thorization to synchronize with WJZ on 760 kc. when WTIC is operating on 1060 kc. using 2*4 KW. NEW — American-Republican, Inc., Waterburv, Conn. — Special ex¬ perimental authorization to construct a new station to use 1520 kc., 1 KW power, unlimited time. WOL — American Broadcasting Co., Washington, D. C. — License to cover construction permit granted 8-22-33 for changes in equipment. Resubmitted corrections made. Second Zone NEW — Western Pennsylvania Broadcasting Co., Greensburg, Pa. — Construction permit for new station, exact location to be determined, 620 kc., 250 watts, daytime. NEW — Walter B. Stiles, Inc., Muskegon, Mich. — Construction per¬ mit for new station to use 1310 kc., 100 watts, unlimited time. WSAJ — Grove City College, Grove City, Pa. — Modification of license to reduce specified hours of operation to omit 5 to 6 p. m. one day each week. WRAW — Reading Broadcasting Co., Reading, Pa. — Modification of license to change hours from share WGAL to unlimited time (if and when application of WGAL to vacate 1310 kc. frequency is granted). WCAE — WCAE, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa. — Modification of license to increase operating power of auxiliary transmitter from 100 watts to 500 watts. Third Zone WNRA — Kathryn Jones, Muscle Shoals City, Ala. — License to cover construction permit granted 6-2-33 and modification for new station to use 1420 kc., 100 watts, daytime. NEW — William F. Chaplin, Pine Bluff, Ark. — Construction permit for new station, exact location to be determined, to use 1500 kc., 100 watts, daytime. Fourth Zone WCBS — WCBS, Inc., Springfield, Ill. — Construction permit to move transmitter locally. KGBZ — Dr. George R. Miller, York, Nebr. — Special experimental authorization to use 1 KW pow’er between 5 a. m. and 6 a. m. daily, except Sundays, from 11-15-33 to 3-31-34. WKBB — Sanders Brothers Radio Station, East Dubuque, Ill. — License to cover construction permit granted 10-21-32 (move station from Joliet, Ill., change frequency and hours to 1500 kc., specified hours). WNAX — The House of Gurney, Inc., Yankton, S. Dak. — Modifi¬ cation of license for authority to use formerly licensed WE 1 KW transmitter as auxiliary transmitter. Fifth Zone NEW — The Wyoming Broadcasting Co. (R. E. Carroll, Owner), Sheridan, Wyo. — Construction permit for new station to use 1370 kc., 100 watts, specified hours. Amended to change name of applicant to Big Horn Broadcasting Co., change equipment, and to request unlimited hours. KOL— Seattle Broadcasting Co., Seattle, Wash. — Construction per¬ mit to change transmitter site locally, new equipment, and increase power from 1 KW to 1 KW night, 2J4 KW to local sunset. Resubmitted corrections made and requesting facili¬ ties KXA, Seattle, Wash. KFKA — The Mid-Western Radio Corp., Greeley, Colo. — Construc¬ tion permit to move transmitter and studio to Cheyenne, Wyo., change frequency, power, and hours from 880 kc., 500 watts night, 1 KW to local sunset, share KPOF, to 780 kc., 1 KW, unlimited time. APPLICATIONS RETURNED NEW — J. S. Groves, Dallas, Tex. — Construction permit for new station to use 940 kc., 250 w'atts, unlimited time. (Request of applicant.) NEW — James Williams, Brookhaven, Miss. — Construction permit for new station to use 1400 kc., 2j4 watts, limited time and daytime. (Rules 6, 120, hours, transmitter site, and jurat.) NEW — James A. and R. W. Britton, Juneau, Alaska — Construction permit for new station to use 1210 kc., 100 watts, day. (No reply to letters.) KFKA — The Mid-Western Radio Corp. — Greeley, Colo. — Con¬ struction permit to move outside city limits of Greeley. (No reply to letters.) WSMB — WSMB, Inc., New Orleans, La. — License to cover con¬ struction permit granted 10-20-33. (Discrepancies in trans¬ mitter location.) NEW — J. H. Squires, A. E. Cullum, Jr., Dallas, Tex. — Construc¬ tion permit for new station to use 1200 kc., 100 watts, daytime, facilities KGKL, San Angelo, Tex. (Rules 5 and 49.) Page 228 •