NAB reports (Jan-Dec 1944)

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to cease use of the phrases “amazing new strawberries.” “amazing new vegetables,” “amazing new seeds,” “amazing strawberry plants,” “brand-new type” or other phrases of like connotation as descriptive of any plants or seeds that are not, in fact, new or amazing; representing that Roland Reed has spent “more than twenty years” or any period of time in developing the strawberry plants distributed by them; use of any representation tending to convey the belief that their strawberry plants may be depended upon to produce satisfactory fruit when grown in the home; or representing that the price charged for their products is a special or introductory price. They further agree to cease representing that the plants or seeds purchased from them require no care, cultivation, plan! food or fertilization, or that the seeds or plants offered for sale by them cannot be purchased from stores; and to discontinue use of the statement “Tuberchokes ... 10 for $1.00.” until they actually supply the number of complete tubers indi¬ cated when filling orders for them. (3863) (hrisalty Laboratories, 49 Dickerson St., Newark, N. J., selling and distributing a medicinal preparation designated “IT’s,” represented as having al beneficial therapeutic effect in the treat¬ ment of fatigue and nervousness, and Chambers & Wiswell, Inc., 38 Newbury St., Boston, Mass., an advertising agency dissemi¬ nating advertisements for Chrisalty Laboratories, have stipulated with the Federal Trade Commission to cease representing that the preparation will have a beneficial therapeutic effect in the treat¬ ment of fatigue, nervous irritation, nervousness, nervous fatigue, nervous exhaustion, jittery nerves, lack of pep, loss of appetite or lack of energy; will prevent nervous conditions without con¬ fining such representations to those conditions which would be caused by a deficiency of vitamin Bi ; or representing through the use of the brand name “Bi’s” that the preparation contains that factor of the Vitamin B Complex which has been designated Vitamin Bi and that the preparation contains four of the factors which arc known to make up the Vitamin B Complex. (03227) Feldbaum Fur Corp., 134 West 29th St., New York City, manufacturing and distributing fur garments, has stipulated to cease and desist in its trade publicity, invoices or labeling, from use of the word “Lapin” to designate or refer to products made from rabbit peltries unless compounded with the common English name of the fur. for example, “Lapin — Dyed Rabbit.” (3868) Jandel Furs, 1412 F St., N. W., Washington, D. C., selling and distributing furs and fur garments, have stipulated to cease and desist from the use of the term “Leopard Cat” or other words denoting leopard to describe furs or fur garments made from peltries of South American spotted cats or of any animals or species other than the true leopard (felis pardus) ; from use of the word “Mouton” to describe furs made from lamb peltries, unless com¬ pounded with the common English name of the fur, as for example, “Mouton — Dyed Lamb”; from the use of the word “Lapin” to refer to products made from rabbit peltries unless compounded with the common English name of the fur, as for example, “Lapin — Dyed Rabbit”; and from use of the word “Caracul” either wtih or without the word “Kid” to describe products made from goat peltries or from any peltries other than those authoritatively recognized as caracul. (3866) Lapp Laboratories, Inc., Nevada, Iowa, and H. Earl DeLapp, trading as DeLapp & Company, Waseca, Minn., selling and dis¬ tributing livestock and poultry feed products designated “MoLactas.” “Poultry Blockett” and “Flavex,” have stipulated to cease representing that “Mo-Lactas” is a distiller’s molasses soluble in concentrate form, contains approximately 30 per cent of organic water soluble mineral, or contains any “organic min¬ erals”; that one part of Mo-Lactas is equal to three or four parts of ordinary black strap or sorghum, is used efficaciously to replace either bulk molasses or dried buttermilk, or that pound for pound it can replace bulk molasses as a source of carbohy¬ drates or dried buttermilk as a source of protein; that it aids in preventing mycosis or coccidiosis; that by its use it is possible to increase hatchability or that it has any value for such pur¬ poses; that “Poultry Blockett,” when given to properly fed chickens, is excellent or even effective as a worm prevention, builds up disease resistance or stimulates growth and egg production ; that "Flavex” is an ideal or a competent substitute for dried buttermilk, or that it offers nutritive ingredients in excess of those found in buttermilk, or, where added to a properly balanced diet, stimualtes feather growth or improves hatches. (3864) Marshall-Wells Co.. Duluth, Minn., selling and distributing hardware and building materials, including an asphalt composi¬ tion roofing material bearing the brand or label “Trinidad Mica Coated Smooth Surfaced Roofing,” has entered into a stipulation in which it agrees to cease and desist from use of the word “Trini¬ dad” on brands, labels or designations of such products, the asphaltic content of which is not from the Island of Trindad, British West Indies, or in any other way representing that Trini¬ dad asphalt is included in their composition. (3865) Miller & Weisman, 333 Seventh Ave., New York, manufactur¬ ing and distributing fur garments, have stipulated to cease and desist in, their trade publicity, invoices or labeling, from the use of the term “Leopard Cat,” or other words denoting leopard, to describe furs or fur garments made from peltries of South Amer¬ ican spotted cats or of any animals or species other than the true leopard (felis pardus). (3867) Nathan Breeding Farms, Cuddebackville, N. Y., conducting a poultry breeding farm for production of baby chicks, has stipu¬ lated to cease and desist from use of the term “pullorum clean,” or any similar term or representation tending to convey the belief lhat the flocks producing his chicks have been tested for pullorum disease and certified by an official State agency having responsi¬ bility under the National Poultry Improvement Plan for the accuracy of such testing. (3870) Roselawn Poultry Farm, R.F.D. 10. Dayton, Ohio, selling chicks, eggs for hatching, pullets and cockerels, have stipulated to cease1 representing that their hens were first in official egg-laying production, when the records made by them in official contests were not better than those of all other entries; that their hens were first in official livability, when in official contests they did not have a lower mortality record than all other entries; or that the respondents’ hens attained any record for egg-laying or livability in any class in any contest, when such class was not officially established bv the organization sponsoring the contest. (03226) Staley Milling Co., 1717 Armour Road, Kansas City, Mo., sell¬ ing and distributing a dry dog food designated “Staley Dog Food,” and Potts-Turnbull Co., 912 Baltimore St., Kansas City, Mo., an advertising agency disseminating advertisements for the Staley Milling Co., have stipulated to cease and desist from using the term “meat,” or any other term of similar import, to describe meat meal or any product which is not meat. (03225) July 14, 1944 — 238