NAB reports (Jan-Dec 1947)

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KOMO-FM — wisher’s Blend Station, Ine., Seattle, Wash. — Moditicatiou of constnictioii permit ( I5.5-PH-454 us modified ( MI'H-147 1 wliicli untliorizes new FM broadcast station) to change commencement and completion dates. WLSC — Lancaster Broadcasting Co., Lancaster, S. C. — Modilication of construction permit (BS-PH-87(i which au¬ thorized new FM broadcast station ) to change KKP to 10.5 KW : make changes in antenna s.vstem and change com¬ mencement and completion dates. WFAH — Review Publishing Co., Alliance, Ohio. — Modifica¬ tion of construction permit ( B2-PH-475 as modified) to <'hange t.vpe of transmitter: effective radiated power to 1 KW. WATO — Beer and Koehl, Ashland, Ohio ( Robert M. Beer and Edgar Koehl )— Modification of construction permit ( B2-PII-223 which authorizes new FM broadcast station) to change completion date. KXOK-FM — Star-Times Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. — Modification of construction permit (B4-Pn-2 which author¬ izes new FM broadcast station I to’ change completion date. KSI)-FM — The Pulitzer Publishing Co., St. Louis, Ma. — Modification of construction permit ( B4-MPH-140 which authorizes new FM broadcast station) to c-hange completion da te. WJLK — .Asbury Park Press. Ine., Asbury Park, N. J. — Modification of construction permit ( Bl-PH-40(> which au¬ thorized a new FM Inoadcast station) to change transmitter site to Bangs Ave.. 0.8 mile west of intersection with Springwood Ave.. Neptune Township. Monmouth County. New .Jer¬ sey; antenna height above average terrain to 250 feet; make changes in antenna system and change commencemeiit and completion dates. WIBW-FM — Topeka Broadeasting Assoeiation, Ine., To¬ peka, Kans. — License to cover construction permit I B4-PH842 as modified), which authorized a new FM broadcast station. The Evening Star Broadcasting Co., W'ashington, 1>. C. — Modification of construction permit ( Bl-PH-108 which an thorized a new IfM broadcast station) to change com)iletion date. 102.7 MC. NEW — slournal Review, Crawfordsville, Ind. ( H. Foster Fudge, (lladys C. Fudge, IV. Addington Vance and Martha F. Vance) — Construction permit for a new FM broadcast station (Class B) to be operated on fretpiency channel 274. 102.7 me., antenna height above average terrain 288.8 feet and ERP of 12..5 KW. 104.1 MC. NEW — William Avera Wynne, Rocky Mount, N. C. — Modi¬ fication of construction permit (B8-l’H-578 which author¬ ized a new FM broadcast station) to change type of station to Class A; specify frequency as Channel 281, 104.1 me., type of transmitter; efl'ective radiated power to I KW, antenmi height above average terrain as 205 feet and antenna system. To Be Assigned by FCC . NEW — Big Bear Lake Broadcasting Co., Big Bear I.ake, Calif. (Lancell S. IMcDonald and Carl V. Tesch:in. a partner¬ ship) (F. (). Big Bear Jjake Blvd. and Eurek;i Drive, Big Bear Lake, t'alif. ) — Construction permit for a new (('lass A ) FM broadcast station to be operated on freipTcncy to be as¬ signed by h'CC and ERF of 405 watts. NEW — Nichols and Warumer, Inc., Long Beach, Calif. ( I’. D. 220 East Anahein St.) — Construction permit for a new (Class A) FM broadcast station to be operated on fre¬ quency to be assigned by FCC, I5RF of 1 KIV. NEW — Radio New Rochelle, Inc., New Rochelle, N. \. — Construction permit for a new F^I broadcast station (Class A) to b(' (operated on frecpiency to be assigned by I''C(', and ERF of 2.0(> KW. Amended to change ERl’ from 2.()() to 1 KW and make changes in antenna system. NEW — Walmington Tri-State Broadcasting Co., Inc., Wil¬ mington, Dela. — Construction permit for a new (Class B,) FM broadcast station to be operated on frequency to be as¬ signed by chief engineer of FCC, effective radiated power of 20 KIV and antenna height above average terrain 500 feet. NEW — Plains Empire Broadcasting Co., Amarillo, Texas ( F. O. 407 Arch Terrace) — Construction permit for a new (Class B) FM broadcast station to be operated on frequenc.v to be assigned by FCC and ERF of 10.1 KW. NEW — Harold O. Bishop, Somerset County, N. J. (!’. O. (iOl-A Maclay St.. Harrisburg, Fennsylvaiiia ) — Constriijc-tion permit for a new FM (Class B) station to be operated on freipiency to be assigned by FCC and ERF of 2.8 KIV. ; NEW — C. H. WTnans Co., Watchung, N. J. (F. O. 125 Broad St., Elizabeth, New .Jersey) — Construction permit for a new PM broadcast .station to he operated on frequency to he assigned in the 88-108 me. band and EIRF of 7-50 watts. The Hollywood Community #S'dio Group, Hollywood, Calif. (Faul Stewart, Cal Ivuhl,®^Bert Gottschaulk, Emmet Jjavery, Dr. Franklin Fearing, Fhilip M. Connelly, George ('ampbell and Alvin IVilder ) (F. O. 1055 N. Cherokee, Holly¬ wood 28. Calif.) — Construction permit for a new FM broad¬ cast station to he operated on frecpiency to he assigned. Amended to change name from Paul Stewart, Cal Ivuhl, Bert Gottschaulk, Emmet Lavery, Dr. Franklin Fearing, Fhilip M. Connelly, George Campbell and Alvin Wilder, d/b as the Hollywood Radio Group to Hollywood Community Radio Group : change t.vpe of transmitter, specifies studio location as "to be determined," Los Angeles, Calif., transmitter loca¬ tion at atop Mt. Wilson near Ia)s Angeles, Calif.,. ERF as 8(J.25 KW, and make changes in antenna system. NEW — Thomas C. Holstoii, Lebanon, Pa. — ConstrutTion permit for a new FM broadcast station to be operatiAl on Ch. #-288. 104.5 me., or Ch. #■288, 105.5 me. Amended to change name from Thomas C. Holston, to Radio Jjehanon, FM and Television. Inc. : frequenc.v from Ch. #288, 104.5 me., or Ch. #288, 105.5 me. to Ch. #278. 108.5 me : "specify ElfF as 44 IvW ; t.vpe of transmitter and m;ike changes in antenna s.vstem. TELEVISION TV— New CP Granted f Southern Radio and Tele. Equipment Co., Miami, FJa.-^ Granted CF for a new station: frequenc.v (50-72 me. (Channel No. 4); visual power 1.57 KIV ; aural .786 KW ; antenna 840 feet. (BFCT-188) ' TV— Miscellaneous Actions . a t WNBT — National Broadcasting Co., Ine., New York, N. Y. ^ — Granted modification of CF which authorized a new visual and aui-al transmitters, for extension of completion date to 5-1.5-47. (KMFCT-48) WJAC-TV — W’JAC, Inc., Johnstown, Pa. — Granted modi¬ fication of ('F ( BFCT-!)8 ) for extension of completion date to l((-2!)-47. (BMFCT-5()) Sherron Metallic Corp., New York City, N. Y. — Granted petition to dismiss without pi’ejudice its application for tele¬ vision (’F. (BFCT-14!): Docket 7258) TV— Applications Accepted for Filing KSI) — TV — The Pulitzer Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. — Modification of construction permit (B4-FCT-()2, which au¬ thorized a new commercial television broadcast station) for extension of comi)letion dates. WHAS-TV — CourierJournal and Louisville Times Co., Louisville, K.v. — Modification of construction permit (B2 ( Continued on next page) MARCH 17, 1947-224